What do yous think?



what do people think about 2 handed bowling in general :roll:

(belmo knows what im talking about)

dont you love prank calls!!!

In genral though it looks good and with that many revs and accuracy you end up where belmo is today!

i heard some guy was better than belmo at fiq i think

anyway thats my opinion

The person you are referring to is Osku Palermaa from Finland.

He uses both hands as well, but used his left hand to increase the ball revolutions at release. Ask Belmo what he thinks of Osku's two hand backup release :^)
two handed rocks! no doubt about it!
but maybe its too harsh on the human body? from all the stories of belmos physio that are circulating like everybodies business.. i dunno.. but it still rocks...
oh well i guess i am a cheater i bowl to handed cause i am lazy but i don't do it bowling enough to get good
50km/h is pretty god damn fast
Milkman is just jealous that 2 handed bowlers through more hand and can hit a target more often than he can :)

For those who think i go a any kind of corrective body place....ur wrong.... i used to go to a cario, but that was due to a footy injury.....

2 hands is not cheating, do it if u like it...

But giffords right, Osku from finland is a great bowler and i do know he throws more hand than me and he did score better than me in Thailand........ and his reverse bowl was truly great to see

Any more questions aout the 2 hand style anyone??
I think it is okay, however its not a very successful style of bowling. Sure theres one or two people around who can make it work, but in general it is a poor style
Im a 2handed bowler been doin it 4 about 2months and i think its fine!!!!

The aim of bowling is 2 knock down as many pins as ya can, who cares if u use 2 hands or 1! Use wateva works best!

Belmo will u be @ the orange cup thingie in november???


:D :lol: :wink:

I agree with shippy, i mean who cares. There isnt a rule against it so how can it be cheating!!!!!! Anyway i couldnt care less if people bowl with one or two hands! Just bowl with what is most comfortable. I mean belmo your style has got young kids trying to bowl like you so good on ya!

SEEYAS BigTobes!
Yep I agree with Shippy too! Do what you feel is right.... it worked for u.... 2 298's is pretty damn good considering you haven't been bowling 2 handed for very long! Hopefully it will be a 300 soon hey?? :wink:

if u are bowling between ur legs and still averaging 200 does it really matter???? of course not but it is nice to have an accurate shot which can get you out of trouble sometimes, but hey watevers comfortable and scores...
I think bowling two handed is good, and i dont see no problem with it, if it works for you then stick with it.

I just wanted to ask a question tho, im not sure who told me this but i was led to believe that there was a rule that says only ONE hand must be on/touching the ball at point of release.

Can anyone confirm this or was this person spinning bulls**t to me??

Even if this was a rule i know Belmo is all right cause i seen vids of him and at his release he only has one hand on the ball.
ive seen bout 3 people bowling very well with 2 hands and 2 of them were shippy and belmo and they both looked very good bowling like that i dont have a prob with bowling with 2 hands i think it looks great and as far as i know i dont think u have to have 1 hand on the ball i am gonna look into that though so ill let yas know... the other person actually looked quiet stupid bowling with 2 hands but that was just my opinion on that one...
anyways thats my say ill let ya's know bout the 2 hands or one hand on the ball at release though okies
take care luv shellbs
Shippy said:
2 of them were shippy and belmo

sif u can compare me 2 BeLmO!!!! hes da king n im quite average!!!

hehe thx n e way :D

haha u average??? when u were bowling at northern when we had intercentre i wouldn't call that quiet average!!!!
stop being so modest!!!
well i mean no offence to u shippy at all, but what i saw at sydney cup i must say did look pretty average.. i must admit i didnt watch you too much but thats just from what i saw.. i think you were sliding too much! which isnt how a power player wants to go about his/her business...
anyway i wish you the best of luck with it!
(haha yeh nice comming from me, who came 44th in the end, i know)
None taken and i no i went crap ... very crap !!! :D i bowled a 94 game

woohoo!! lol

power player?? lol look @ me i weigh 55kgs!! :cry: :wink:

n i hardly no n e thing bout 2handed bowlin except u use 2 hands =P

n e way enuf bout me plz!! :? :? :?
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