The Wrestling Thread

Dont think Tazz is really suited for commentating on anything besides ECW, just didn't do it for me, aside from the fact I dont know if I could see Lawler on ECW tho.
i didnt think that summerslam was that great actually...
good to see triple h and rey make a return though...felt a bit sorry for rey because his comeback didnt seem to have as much attention as triple h's did...
absolutely hated the way they ended the batista and great khali match with the DQ and all...stupid way to end a good match i reckon...
really shocked to see john cena retain the title AGAIN :mad:...i really thought randy orton was going to win it...
i didnt think that summerslam was that great actually...
good to see triple h and rey make a return though...felt a bit sorry for rey because his comeback didnt seem to have as much attention as triple h's did...
absolutely hated the way they ended the batista and great khali match with the DQ and all...stupid way to end a good match i reckon...
really shocked to see john cena retain the title AGAIN :mad:...i really thought randy orton was going to win it...

SOMEONE PLEASE BEAT CENA he is good but his time as champ is well over due for a replacement i guess orton's next shot will happen at unforgiven lets hope that he does get another shot cause otherwise who else could be a contender for the title
Summerslam was great. It'd be in the top 3 events of the year easily.

Firstly, how could you say Batista and Khali was a good match? This was the lowlight of the night (DID YOU HEAR HOW LOUD THAT "BORING" CHANT WAS?)... probably one of the worst matches of the year. I'm glad they did the DQ ending - it meant they were quickly off our screens and someone got the crap beat out of them with a chair. With a really great wrestler, a Khali match could be carried to a semi-entertaining level (eg Cena v Khali - say what you will, far from spectactular but far from trash too), Batista is only as good as the person carrying him... so when he's got to carry someone else equally as untalented as him, its a huge danger. Kill the feud now - otherwise it'll become just like the Batista/Booker feud last year - drawn out too far and toilet breaks all round!

Ok, that rant is out the way. Just finished watching it. Kane/Finlay was a decent opener - would like to see this go on a little longer. Umaga/Kennedy/Carlito was decent. Good quick finish with Umaga breaking up the pin after the Green Bay Plunge and hitting the Samoan Spike. Rey/Chavo - Rey got a decent reaction but wtf is up with the silver paint? Thats just not right. Hope this feud ends at Unforgiven, or No Mercy at the latest with some sort of gimmick match - even if its just a cage.

Divas battle royal - pretty impressive, but hey, anytime you have 13 divas in one ring its a pretty impressive sight! Happy Beth Phoenix won, her and Candice should be a decent match in the future. So Candice is now a raver? Hmmm, she seems like a pixie on acid. Beth is definitely the strongest diva and soon should show that she's one of the most talented too. All WWE need to do (and I'm sure anyone thats watched ROH or SHIMMER will agree) bring in the likes of MzChif, Allison Danger, Lacey but most importantly, Sara Del Ray and they'll have a very entertaining women's division... thats if they want it a wrestling one and not just an advanced strip club.

How chuffed was Matt Hardy while doing his promo with MVP before calling out Austin. Man even i was excited to see Austin.

How good does HHH look that he's back? Apparently has slimmed down heaps too which definitely was noticable. So happy that he's back in the WWE

The ECW match was really disappointing (again). The actual match was prtty good but just way too short... FFS 8 minutes!!! Thats how long it lasted... you could have quite easily taken 5mins off Khali and Bats and added it to this match. Unless they give Punk one more shot with a gimmick match at Unforgiven, WWE have really dropped the ball on this feud... If Punk won it could drag out for another few months.. The feud so far has been a highlight on ECW. I'm not complaining that Morrison is still champ as I think he's an awesome one, but let te roles be reversed even if its a transitional run. If they're going with the angle that "Punk can't pin Morrison when it counts" make it something like a ladder match...... Punk v Morrison ECW Title Ladder Match... It writes itself!

Now to the main event - thats close to Match of the Year. The crowd was super-hot towards both. Orton and Cena were just on fire. Even each takedown from Randy "The Man of 1000 Headlocks" Orton was exciting to watch. The crowd was eating it up in every possible way. I'm a huge Orton fan, and almost woke others up when he hit the RKO on Cena - it was excitement from bell to bell. I hope a rematch is on the cards...
Now to the main event - thats close to Match of the Year. The crowd was super-hot towards both. Orton and Cena were just on fire. Even each takedown from Randy "The Man of 1000 Headlocks" Orton was exciting to watch. The crowd was eating it up in every possible way. I'm a huge Orton fan, and almost woke others up when he hit the RKO on Cena - it was excitement from bell to bell. I hope a rematch is on the cards...
yea iam sure he will get another crack at the gold seeing how i think u mentioned batista on 8 shots in a row i would think that the legend killer will soon be the next wwe champion
Just imagine of Orton had won last night. He would have came out in Cena's hometown and would of had his celebration, probably getting an astounding amount of heat from the crowd in Boston, yet there'd be a new champion so everyone else would have been happy. I know it's in a thread somewhere...but that sounds like a win-win situation to me.
Just when you thought the home crowd was all pro-Cena... wait til halfway thru the main event to hear a lot of them turn - and then the best bit is still yet to come!! :D
doesnt matter who the wwe champ is now..... :p
we all know HHH will have the belt around his waist quite soon :)
Greatest RAW Moment of 2007!!

He's been buried alive, burned in a casket, and seemingly decimated by numerous foes. But no matter what happens to him, Undertaker keeps coming back. Don't miss the return of The Deadman at Unforgiven.
He's been buried alive, burned in a casket, and seemingly decimated by numerous foes. But no matter what happens to him, Undertaker keeps coming back. Don't miss the return of The Deadman at Unforgiven.
DAMM straight the dead will rise again and hopefully the deadman will get another shot at the title
well iam sure he can do what he did at wrestlemaina 23 or 22 can't member which one is correct
cause mark henery can "REST IN PEACE" thanks to a tombstone
well iam sure he can do what he did at wrestlemaina 23 or 22 can't member which one is correct
cause mark henery can "REST IN PEACE" thanks to a tombstone
WM23 was this year when he won the title. Its was WM22 Taker defeated Mark Henry. Mark Henry should get a shot at Khali. That would be something to see, better than boring batista
WM23 was this year when he won the title. Its was WM22 Taker defeated Mark Henry. Mark Henry should get a shot at Khali. That would be something to see, better than boring batista
yea thats right gee i feel like a idiot i should have known that it was W22 as this year was W23
Breaking News: 10 WWE wrestlers have been suspended due to failing the WWE wellness policy. Although they aren't named yet, the E said that they will release the names of the superstars in question in a statement on the 1st of November.
Just heard on the radio that 3 of the wrestlers caught were booker t, randy orton and edge. anyone got anymore names???
OMG Rey Mysterio Vs Khali at unforgiven for the world championship, thats going to be a real battle of David Vs Golaith. I would like Rey to win, but i just dont see how he can tame the big guy.
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