The Wrestling Thread

Hey guys,

At present i think wwe is going down hill, with out hhh, hbk and other stars that are injuried the show especially raw is going no where.

all the talk i am seeing is Randy orton is going to get the push at summerslam but so far in the last several weeks he has wreslted has beens, i mean sarget slaughter, the american dream, just wrestlers who have no need to be in ther ring at present, he has not wreslted someone who deserves what he can give

what does everyone esle think
At present i think wwe is going down hill, with out hhh, hbk and other stars that are injuried the show.
all the talk i am seeing is Randy orton is going to get the push at summerslam but so far in the last several weeks he has wreslted has beens, i mean sarget slaughter, the american dream, just wrestlers who have no need to be in ther ring at present, he has not wreslted someone who deserves what he can give
what does everyone esle think
2 months ago, i woulda agreed with ya PoITeR about Raw and WWE goin downhill, but since the Bash everything has been on the rise. Some of the storylines they'v got goin now are pretty interestin, such as Hornswoggle as the Cruiserweight champ (gotta love it!!) and the Orton Cena feud that is just takin off. And what better way to bring back the Legend Killer, the guy who became the youngest World Champion ever, then to put him up against the Legends that he continually takes care of????
However, i WILL agree with the injury comment. Wrestleveiw has reported that both Lashley and Jeff Hardy are both injured, Hardy from his fall last week (back and neck injury) and Lashley from his fight with Kennedy (Shoulder injury...possibly the same one from Backlash).
Lashley is definitely out for a while (personally I don't see it as a huge loss mainly thru not being a Lashley fan - but it is a huge loss for WWE).

IMO they've been building Orton up perfectly. He is the Legend Killer and thats what his original gimmick was all about - "killing" the legends of past and present. What better way to emphasise it than have him take care of two Hall of Famers before defeating the modern day legend/champion of John Cena??

Personally I can't wait til Summerslam to see Orton take on Cena and hopefully be crowned new champ.

And for all the injuries and other harsh blows WWE have had, they're doing pretty well - better than what a lot of people could ever expect
On a side note, how huge was the cheer from the crowd when Umaga came out? That was insane. Looks like WWE have turned him face judging by his interruption then squash of Marella.

Not even "Dancing Khali" comes close to the greatness of Umaga. Not to mention, Umaga ate a freaking belt!! (see below)


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yeah summerslam will be the pay-per view of the summer to watch as iam pretty sure that cena's regin as champ is at its end and then orton becomes champ and HHH return and starts a great fued with orton for the title just as i think u mentioned luke should be a great raw and smackdown show just depends weather there main event will be as good as raws main event
Expect Khali to incorporate a new move in his matches now. We saw him use it repeatedly on Sunday night against Batista and Kane - THE IRON CLAW. Before Sunday I hadn't seen the head claw been used in at least 15 years. It really suits Khali due to his huge hands and stature.
According to sources all over the internet, Jeff Hardy hasn't suffered any injuries...wait for it...he is actually serving a 30 day suspension. What for, isn't known at the moment. Wonder what it's like to be Umaga though, he's had 2 different match up's for Summerslam and both have been called off due to the Jackass boys not wanting anything to do with the WWE and from Hardy's suspension. He must feel like no-one wants to face him...actually, he probably does, lol.
what my theory is with HHH's return is that when he comes back, he will join the Jerry Lawler/King Booker feud. those 2 arnet the only 2 "Kings" with HHH being the King of Kings. Also the past few weeks when the HHH video has come up and Bokker has interrupted it, it only supports my theory. Hopefully a Triple Threat Match at Summerslam would be brilliant to find out who the true king is.
According to sources all over the internet, Jeff Hardy hasn't suffered any injuries...wait for it...he is actually serving a 30 day suspension. What for, isn't known at the moment. Wonder what it's like to be Umaga though, he's had 2 different match up's for Summerslam and both have been called off due to the Jackass boys not wanting anything to do with the WWE and from Hardy's suspension. He must feel like no-one wants to face him...actually, he probably does, lol.

I'd quite happily watch another Umaga/Santino squash match. Umaga is pure greatness and Santino bumps like a champ
Regal for GM FOREVER!!

Having Regal as GM is probably one of the greatest moves WWE can do right now... even better than the decision to put JBL on commentary.

How good was the dating game segment? It had all the makings of a stinker but turned out to be the best skit in a very very long time.

Santino is gold on the mic too. Especially the exchange between him and Hacksaw

SM: "What are you mildly a retarded?"
JD: "Stand up when I'm talking to you"

haha absolutely priceless :D

WWE is really lacking in the main event department with the injuries. HHH is goin to be returning as part of the Mr McMahon bastard son. Cena, Batista and Khali all need to go back to the mid card and get away from the main titles on the brands.

I say give Kane a title run. they give Edge the title so surely Kane deserves it more.
WWE is really lacking in the main event department with the injuries. HHH is goin to be returning as part of the Mr McMahon bastard son. Cena, Batista and Khali all need to go back to the mid card and get away from the main titles on the brands.
I say give Kane a title run. they give Edge the title so surely Kane deserves it more.

We all know that Cena is going to lose the his title at Summerslam to Orton. And I'd like to see khali have a run with the title a little bit longer, not as if he will come down with injury, he is to bloody big for anyone to really injure him. Batista definately should go back to mid card events, he has had his time.
Cena will loose the title but i can see he fueling with orton for a while once hhh and hbk come back then who knows what they will run with.

As for McMahon well i dont think he should be part of the show, a lot of time he was killing it and now they are going to run a long lost child thing, which mean stephaine is going to play more of a role
A little backstage rivalry between Regal as the new GM (really good move) and Coach (who would make a good Gm as well, probably for ECW) fighting over McMahons attention would liven things up during the backstage segments. Also Umaga as a face didn't seem like it'd work on paper, but the way the crowd reacted wen he had the choice between Cena and Carlito (i woulda liked to have seen him take Cena) was awsome.
A few random thoughts:

- I missed Vince not being on our screens. Yes he did used to be a bit of overkill but I'd still rather have him on our screens than not.

- Regal as GM is awesome. Commish Regal back in the day was one of the greatest things ever.

- Umaga as a face is fantastic. A feud between him and Santino could really work especially with Santino as heel.

- Khali should stay champ for a while longer until more viable contender comes along. When was the last time someone got 8 title shots in succession without winning the belt? Batista should stay away from the gold.

- Orton for next champ. Can't wait til he reigns once more.

- Also did anyone else think that big bald guy sounded pretty much like Benoit with an angry tone when in the ring with Masters?

- Punk to take the gold off Morrison, but with Morrison to regain down the track
I'm kind of thinking the Cena/Umaga V Carlito/Orton will be a good match to watch, could make a new tag team, but i dont think it will happen.
I'm kind of thinking the Cena/Umaga V Carlito/Orton will be a good match to watch, could make a new tag team, but i dont think it will happen.

I don't think it will make a new tag team...instead i think if Orton and Carlito win, it will make a match between Umaga and Carlito for the intercontinental title at Summerslam. Would explain why Carlito suddenly got a massive push and Umaga turned face. And anyone got any idea's who McMahons son may be??? I'm tippin Kennedy as he was meant to get some light on him durin the limo explosion...with McMahon back, it would make sence to keep the same charecters, just a different storyline.
I don't think it will make a new tag team...instead i think if Orton and Carlito win, it will make a match between Umaga and Carlito for the intercontinental title at Summerslam. Would explain why Carlito suddenly got a massive push and Umaga turned face. And anyone got any idea's who McMahons son may be??? I'm tippin Kennedy as he was meant to get some light on him durin the limo explosion...with McMahon back, it would make sence to keep the same charecters, just a different storyline.

Kennedy has the most to gain from the story (but doesnt really need it in order to make him a main eventer).

But who says it has to a son? Rumours are it could be a new diva in the works......

I hope not though.
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