The Wrestling Thread

i never like mysterio, im more of a "heel" fan especially triple H back in the day when him and shawn micheals had there feud they were awesome matches and he was much better as the bad guy then a good guy. When does he come back? Summerslam is it?

Yeah but also AGE i wuld like to see hardy have a title run rather then Khali or Batista. Kane will make a good champion, im just begging Batista doesn't win it
im with ya on that one eagles. out of khali, batista or kane i would rather kane have a run. batista and khali could feud for a very long time and keep it interesting i think and with them 2 out of the championship hunt that could open the door for a new contender.

im a bit of a heel fan as well and hhh was the best at it. no other heel could ever match what hhh done. im hoping hhh comes back as the ultimate heel again and not the dx goody that he become unless of course dx goes heel again.

booker and hhh feud would be good when hhh returns but they both should remain as heels to make it more interesting. cant wait to see what hhh does to orton though.
Just found this on youtube [ame=""]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

Watta powerhouse, just look at the jackhammer he gives big show i think it is im not sure but the guy is huge. Has anyone ever kicked out of the jackhammer? I've never seen anyone kick out of it
Pretty sure they had Lesnar kick out of it during their farce at WM20 - may be wrong as I haven't seen that match in ages, or wanted to see that match again.
The Goldberg v Lesner match was the worst match in the history of Wrestlemania. The Gimmick battle royal at WM17 was way more entertaining to watch
Speaking of Wrestlemania, just wondering which WM people think is the best. I've seen most wrestlemania's and for me WM14 and WM17 would have to be my favorites. WM18 could have been the best if it wasn't for the most disappointing WM main event match ever between HHH and Jericho
WM17 will go down as the best for one match only - Kurt Angle v Chris Benoit. That is the greatest piece of technical wrestling you will EVER see. The other big matches like Rock/Austin II and TLCII just cement its place. Shane v Vince was fantastic as well.

My top 5 (in no particular order)
WM22 (HBK/Vince and MOTN Foley/Edge steal the show. Cena/HHH one of the best main events in a while. The only dent in it was Rey/Orton/Angle and Booker/Boogeyman. Mickie and Trish put on one of the best women's matches you'll see)
WM8 (very underrated in my opinion. Hart/Piper is one of the greatest midcard WM matches of all time. Flair/Savage was epic, Jake Roberts v Taker another standout battle)
WM4 (not because of any really great quality matches, but because it cemented how important of an event Wrestlemania is - a one night, 14 man tournament for the WWF championship - Randy Savage wrestling 4 times in one night to capture the gold was a great story - defeating the likes of Butch Reed, Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, The One Man Gang, and lastly - the greatest man in the WWE never to (legitimately) capture the big one - the "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase. The event also marked Bret Hart's face turn in the opening battle royal by destroying the trophy won by Bad News Brown (RIP) after being double-crossed by the master of the ghetto blaster)
WM3 (Steamboat/Savage stole the show. Hogan/Andre was the main attraction with the slam heard around the world. Biggest crowd in WM history. The often forgotten 6 man match between the British Bulldogs and Tito Santana vs the team of Dangerous Danny Davis and The Hart Foundation didn't disappoint either)

On a side note - some of the greatest single matches in WM history (on a not so great card) that are worth checking out
WM7 - "Retirement Match" between the "Macho King" Randy Savage v The Ultimate douchebag, i mean Warrior. Probably the best match in the history of Warrior's career.
WM13 - "I Quit" match - Bret "The Hitman" Hart v "Stone Cold" Steve Austin - the match where the crowd turned on both men. Austin was no longer a hated heel and Hart was no longer a beloved face. 50mins of an absolute classic. The only disappointment was Shamrock being the special referee.
WM21 - Kurt Angle v Shawn Michaels - stole the show of WM21 in what arguably was the feud of that year. Anytime these two were involved in a match it was automatically an instant classic
WM19 - Shawn Michaels v Chris Jericho - great back and forth match, with Jericho putting the exclamation mark at the end.
WM10 - Bret Hart v Owen Hart, no matter what anyone says, this is the best opening WM match of all time.
Michaels v Angle would definetly be one of, if not the greatest modern day WM match and even though it's now been proved what Benoit did, i still believe the greatest WM moment was when he won the World title at Wm 20 in the garden, with Eddie the 1st person in their to congratulate his closest friend...could nearly be the 1 of the most emotional moment in wrestling as well.
If you are a wrestling purist the Iron Man Match at WM12 HBK v Bret Hart is right up there with the great Main Events. I thought Austin v Rock at WM17 was a great match despite the way they it ended. But my pick is Andre v Hogan WM3
Great american bash resaults

mvp def matt hardy
umaga def jeff hardy
candice def melina
carlito def sandman
hornswoggle wins a cruiserweight open new champ
john morrison def cm punk
randy orton def dusty rhodes texes bull rope match
the great khali def batista def kane
john cena def bobby lashley
Please dont post results, as this tends to upset alot of ppl especially if they are at work and can not watch it till they get home
well said peter i read the first line and quickly avoided the rest as i will be watching this tonight on pay per view. If you must put up results please wait a few days please, just a courtesy to others is all i am looking for.

Michael Mclaren
tickets for short lol
Taker has bad knees and Hornswaggle will be able to headbutt him in the kneecaps. 10mins later *ding ding ding* "The winner of this bout and NEW World Heavyweight Champion, HORNSWAGGLE!!!" and then afterwards he'll toss Taker a can of Guinness.... he's the perfect choice.
Plus he'll be a more believable heavyweight champ than Rey
Just searchin through some old threads and found this...looks like u sorta got ur wish Luke, he is a champ now, just not the World champ. Man how i would love to see the ultimate David vs goliath match between Hornswoggle and The Great Khali.:D :D :D
would have liked to seen jeff win the IC title but umaga was to strong
and ortons win over dusty rodes what more then to to add another legend to the list of those fallen at the hands of the legend killer
The Bash was one of the best of the year. Every match was entertaining - even Khali/Bats/Kane was decent.

As much as I hate to say it as I love watching both guys, Morrison/Punk was maybe one of the worst matches on the card - hopefully Summerslam provides a longer high intensity rematch.

Hardy/MVP was a great opener. Sandman/Carlito was better than I thought it would be. Umaga/Hardy was sensational - you really thought Hardy was gonna win it until Umaga pulled out the 3 big quick moves to finish him off. Orton/Rhodes was short but did its job - it really cemented Orton as a versatile monster. Candice/Melina was the best match of their series.

And then there was the Cruiserweight Open. WOW!! Would've been happy to see all 5 guys win it. Noble is underated, so is Shannon Moore. Yang is entertaining. Chavo is probably the best CW they've had in a long time. Funaki, well, he's Funaki - no reason necessary!!

Actually I stand corrected, Chavo is now the second best CW they've had in a long time. Hornswaggle will reign supreme. The Tadpole Splash is the best move in the history of all pro wrestling - better than Sweet Chin Music, better than the RKO, even better than the CANADIAN DESTROYER!! They better give him a good year long run with the title - finally some credibility is brought back to the Crusierweight division!!

Lashley/Cena shattered my expectations. I was surprised how good this match was. Both really stepped up. It had a big time feel to the match and did not disappoint. No match has had such a big time feel (in terms of power vs power, unstoppable force meeting unstoppable force) since Hogan v Warrior at WM6. This match was the Hogan/Warrior of the 2000s. Unfreakinbelievable!!
I absolutely agree Luke, the Bash was Freakin AWSOME!!! And now WWE has gained sum more of respect with the match up's formin up now...and that's only from watchin RAW. Orton vs. Cena is gonna be huge, Orton finally is bak in the title pic. I can't wait for Umaga and Hardy to go at it again...and i'm praying that it'll be either a ladder match or a TLC for the IC title. I'm also hopin they'll carry on MVP and Hardy into Summerslam as well...Dam i'm excited bout the stuff that WWe is puttin on now...and it was just as i thought TNA had picked up sum ground with there winner takes all match.
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