Lane Riding

Lane riding is wonderful...especially when someone twice ur size nearly runs into...isnt that right Rowey?? HAHAHA
~Mrs Storm~ said:
Lane riding is wonderful...especially when someone twice ur size nearly runs into...isnt that right Rowey?? HAHAHA
Yeah, it's mad. He said hi to me, so it was a bonus, and i gotta strike, so it was all good. :lol:
lane riding is all well and good but it has to be done at the right moment

2003 eccc some of the girls in my team had a bad experience which got me extremely angry two boys from NSW rode the lanes that my girls where bowling on.....well and truely after they had bowled their shot...i thought that was a bit riduculous
when i first heard about riding shots i thought it was downright stupid that was until i started :lol:
A thing that makes riding good i think is also your own style of it for instance pulling the pins to you or walking backwards then acting like a peacock or something and yelling as loud as ya can :lol: .
Anyway one of my favourites i was told in a nother convo a person flopping the ol' fella out at the pins :lol: CLASSIC! Another cool one thought is probablly leading your ball to the pins with your hand :p

LATER :twisted:
Lane riding makes it more interesting and when u start doing it, it really gets me motivated i dont do it to often though only when im about to go 5 or 6 in a row 8)
i don't lane ride that much but when i decide to do it i do it with a TEMPER i will well to the top of my lungs and wack my hads together and get in my opponents face. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I dont ride much but when I do, there is normally a nice pressie left standing in the right had corner (yes the damned 10 pin) and sometimes it has a friend, the 7 pin.... :?
I've made a bet, in that if I manage to get 5-in-a-row at Bathurst this Sunday I will "Ride" 4 lanes.

I know I will not accomplish such a string of strikes at Bathurst, but the offer is still there.
Just thought I'd mention that since were talking about lane riding.

*chook :>* said:
I dont ride much but when I do, there is normally a nice pressie left standing in the right had corner (yes the damned 10 pin) and sometimes it has a friend, the 7 pin.... :?

Thats probably because your throwing Columbia... :D

Later Da Cowman!
Lane riding rocks...

its a great way to disguise the fact that im off balance at the line, and if the ball is bowled properly it carries all day.

No prizes for guessing why...

Actually Cow,

I've still got my old stuff at the moment *cough*brunswick*cough*...

Not for much longer tho then you'll have to watch out!! :p

Cheers, Alicia
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