Lane Riding



We all love riding lanes (well i kno i do)
So wat is acceptable and wat isnt
(yes 2 n 1/2 lanes is a bit much wen bowling sheild :oops: 2002)
So how do personally finish off a lane ride wen all 10 go down?
Do u slap ur hand at da pins?? do u pull da horn like a trucker??
Do u even start yellin at da pins??

the most i've ever riden a lane is three and that was in league, in turnaments i would roughly ride about one but i think it is exceptible to do it only if you have a run of strikes going or you pick up a difficult split. but i would never do it in any major event like presidents shield or nationals it just isn't wright. :D :twisted:
President's Shield? No Riding? That's like having a hot dog without sauce!!!

That's what shield is all about (no, not hot dogs), getting pumped, shouting, riding shots, celebrating in the stupidest possible way that normally you would get queer looks from everyone... But in shield you get queer looks from every other team and praise from your own.

Any new shield bowlers this year, get involved please!!!!
micky_macca said:
President's Shield? No Riding? That's like having a hot dog without sauce!!!

That's what shield is all about (no, not hot dogs), getting pumped, shouting, riding shots, celebrating in the stupidest possible way that normally you would get queer looks from everyone... But in shield you get queer looks from every other team and praise from your own.

Any new shield bowlers this year, get involved please!!!!

Yeah, not riding lanes in president shield is like wiping before you poop. It just don't make sense.
Get involved and have the time of your life.

Later Da Cowman!
da_cowman said:
Yeah, not riding lanes in president shield is like wiping before you poop. It just don't make sense.
Get involved and have the time of your life.

Later Da Cowman!

Or wiping forward???
Tasty guys...very tasty... :?
Although both of your analogies are correct...
Save all of your riding for will want it.

I once got reprimanded for riding one (1) lane in league a couple of years back. Some people think riding is childish, others think the game needs it to create some excitement so we don't look like dead fish on the approach.

Here is the rule direct from the TBA rule book:

Rule 201 - Bowling Etiquette:
201.4 - "Stay on your own approach at all times. "Riding" balls IS permitted as long as the bowler does not move outside of ONE LANE EITHER SIDE OF THE DELIVERY LANE"

In shield from what I have seen it is acceptable to be a bit crazy and over the top. So do it. In terms of league and tournaments (especially tournaments), I think people need to get a bit more excited and bring some entertainment to the sport. Don't be rediculous about it and shout so loud that lane 350 could hear you - but don't be afraid to ride that shot and let out a "come on" in a tournament. Just be selective and make sure it's not a lovely flush 7-10 :eek:

Personally ...lane riding is awesome, it adds the best aspects and character to bowling, what we need in this country is one-on-one knockout matchplay, where only 2 people are bowling at any time, lots of riding, lots of shouting, lots of celebrations,

Dont you think!!!!
Tried riding 24 lanes when I wasnt even bowling in a blackout at Strikezone once but didn't make it the whole way cos i got told off. :? I tried.
riding the lane is a great way of gettin pumped and also having some fun. tonite in league myself and another person from my team were riding the lane and it made us bowl better in the last two game. and yes i agree with timme we need alittle more excitement in tournaments. and with the point shannon made of head two head bowling just two people on a lane would be awsome.

luke green
Me and a friend do it all the time but i remember my first and last yr of shield phillip fagg jumped 2 lanes and i was like what the fuck. but riding lanes is kool but it's differen't when u run into something like lndz did at bendigo when he hit a fire hydrant that what i was told but he didn't get a strike either.
Laterz Chris.

Go Vic's
hey everyone,

i remember last yr at shield very well my 2nd and last yr in shield as i wont be there this yr coz sq roll offs were s*ithouse. however i do love riding lanes as most queensland bowlers can remember me hitting the wall at rocky in 2004 after riding 6 lanes to get a strike against strazz, funniest thing i have ever done. then there was the basketball shot ride i did on lanes 19&20 of day 2 of shield in 04 against nt. next thing i knew i was in the illawarra paper on the friday, i was rapt best thing that ever happened to me.

me personally if u can ride on lane u can ride 2 or 3, just adds to the intensity of competition. its all good mate. to timmee riding and shouting r in the same bin. y not shout all u want, i remember being heard on lane 1&2 when i was bowling on lane 17 so yer if u can do it y not have a go, and even if u ride a flush 7-10, who cares its only u who gets embarrased, and in shield, embarrassment comes part and parcel with bowling itself...

for illawarra bowlers i may be at adult nationals in october representing the south queensland adult state team in rachuig

And from what I have heard you left out your poledancing experience from this year at Rocky...
Phil, what about the swan dive/super man dive u did in rocky last year! Bloodly classic! I have never seen anyone go off (in a good way) like phil or strazz, heaps of fun to bowl with and even better to watch, if only everyone in bowling were like u's two!
thanx hamish for the comments and i dont think that anyone in juniors will get to see me in that state again unless i make the masters final at mt gravatt this yr, otherwise i wont be the riding, skitching of the hands mother that i have been over the past few yrs. and i will have to say thank u everyone for the last few yrs they have been a very enjoyable few yrs and i wish i could come back and do it agan but i dont think the adults will be as easy to entertain as you juniors just going by the ppl complaining about my clapping at the k&k win a spot. you need to get pumped when you bowl 250 or above just to show everybody ur there and mean business, when r these adults going to do the same...

well im off for now

Phillip 'Faggy' Fagg
Personally I don't "Ride" lanes because in the leagues that I bowl i there are too many people who think their "High and Mighty."

I never do show much emotion when I bowl, except when I leave a string of 7 pins, moving for each shot. Or leaving a split in the 10th after constant strikes on that same lane.

In actual fact I don't think I have ever ridden a lane, but than again I don't get as many dodgey strikes as everyone else does around me!

All of my shots are as close to the pocket as you can get or nowhere near it!

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