How much would bowling a 300 game mean to you?

How will you feel if/when you bowl your first 300 game?

  • Doesn't mean much. Lanes and balls are so good now anyone can bowl 300.

    Votes: 14 11.8%
  • Who cares what others think. I just shot my first 300!! Time to go to the pub!

    Votes: 105 88.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


There have been lots of arguments both for and against 300's being worth anything these days due to oil patterns, ball technology etc.

I say it doesn't take anything away from the fact that you just bowled your first 300 and that Wayne Chester is completely missing the point in most threads he writes about it.

What does everyone else think?
I think people need to lay off other people for sharing their opinions.

Whats the point of having a forum when people get shot down for sharing their opinions? No point in everyone conforming to one point of view.
Just because some people don't want to accept reality (that being, 300's today are 1000% easier to shoot than 30 years ago) doesn't mean that everyone has to blind fold them selves as well.

but thats just my opinion.
IF i bowl a 300 it will be awesome and definatly something I will be very proud of.

There will always be doubters and people saying it was only cos of the condition etc and in some cases this is true, but if it really was that easy then every bowler at that centre would have one.

Every one should voice their opinion I just think some people go about it the wrong way.
but if it really was that easy then every bowler at that centre would have one.

I hear some centres are going to start saving money by putting up plaques that note people that HAVENT thrown 300 on that particular pair. At least 3 centres in Victoria should start considering this business plan.

There have been only a couple of 300's that I've thrown that have definately not been condition assisted and there has been some that I am completely aware have been very condition assisted. I can tell you which ones mean the most.

Understanding all opinions of the topic is difficult for some to comprehend. Such is life. I DO however, hope that those searching for their first perfect game, that the feeling isn't cheapened like my first one was, and the bowler truely believes they earned what they obtained.

As long as the individual is happy, that is all that matters. If you are satisfied with your 'accomplishment' why the hell do you care what others think?
sure mary flower will back my up on this one...

shot my first 300 almost 2 months ago... only 9 days be4 i shot it... i shot ANOTHER 298... when i finally seen i nailed that 12th shot.. i think i got a lil bit excited.... what made it even better had my bestfriend on the same lane with me... yes lanes were a lil easy... but i dont care... i finally nailed that last shot.. gave my bestfriend the most hugest hug possible...

if the lanes were soooooooo easy as people are saying them... why isnt there a 300 shot everysingle night of league?

i seen people after 15-16 300's to there name... and they still get pumped up..

dont take somebody's proud of shotting one... if the lanes are soo easy... why havent we seen mr wayne bowl one lately(unless he doesnt bowl anymore)
For me it would be good but wouldn't mean as much to me as it would have previously. Todays conditions make it a lot easier to bowl one. It would mean a lot more to me if it was on a properly setup sports pattern or on wooden lanes.
A 300 would be 'finally i got it out of the road' and then a few cold ones afterward. Bowling this country first 3/900 would impress me no end though
if the lanes were soooooooo easy as people are saying them... why isnt there a 300 shot everysingle night of league?

Because not everyone has enough skill to fulfill the 'skillful' part of bowling a 300. The lucky parts come from pin carry & lane conditioning. The skillful part comes from repeating 12 exact same shots, whilst adjusting your line.
Because not everyone has enough skill to fulfill the 'skillful' part of bowling a 300. The lucky parts come from pin carry & lane conditioning. The skillful part comes from repeating 12 exact same shots, whilst adjusting your line.

i know that

i was just mainly getting in somebodys face...
I myself am still waiting for that elusive first 300 and I can tell you, there will be some not so quiet celebrating going on. I have come close a couple of times and been rather disappointed that I didn't carry through. So regardless of condition, centre or technology I can assure you that my first will be the definiing highlight of my bowling journey to date.
Anyone answering "Doesn't mean much. Lanes and balls are so good now anyone can bowl 300." should go play another sport perhaps chess or darts.
I bowled my first league 300 13 years ago, I bowled 2 in practice over that time and my second league 7 years ago, I bowled my 1st tournament one in the Hammer Seniors Classic this year and in between 1st and last I bowled 11 299's and umpteen 279's.
I would say that technology probably hindered me from bowling more as a lot of those 299's / 279's were not bad shots but drove through leaving cold 8's and 9's etc so no matter what 300 you bowl, be excited and proud to do it coz you still have to roll the bloody ball, I have never seen a hack or gimp bowler (with all due respect) bowl a 300, maybe 240 or 250.
No matter who or when it is a 300 should never be belittled or taken for there no higher score? (not including handicap before some idiot jumps on it)
In WA centres here do not block lanes for high scores our warm environment doesn't allow it, the oil moves too quickly.
Anyone answering "Doesn't mean much. Lanes and balls are so good now anyone can bowl 300." should go play another sport perhaps chess or darts.

MAYBE ALOT HAVE FOUND OTHER SPORTS............:eek::eek::eek:

MAYBE ALOT HAVE FOUND OTHER SPORTS............:eek::eek::eek:

I do not think undervaluing a 300 is a major source of the decline. I would expect an association that is perceived to do nothing for average Joe is by far a greater issue and that leaves aside the cost to participate itself.
Anyone answering "Doesn't mean much. Lanes and balls are so good now anyone can bowl 300." should go play another sport perhaps chess or darts.

Anyone who can't accept more than one point of view needs to really think about how they view their own life.

How many votes do we need in this thread to prove to you that people who say a 300 game means nothing now are just out of touch with the average bowler?

Yes, they may be easier, but that takes nothing away from the sense of achievement if you bowl one or the desire to bowl your first.

The "senior" bowlers we have degrading such an achievement need to take a good look at themselves and see if they are in fact acting in the best interests of the sport.

I know that if I ever bowl a 300 and someone there says "who cares, they are easy now and they mean nothing" then I will probably be thrown out of the bowl for doing something I probably shouldn't have.
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