AMF Moonah - 13
Paul Lucock (4), Ian Bradford (1), Sally Golding (1), Greg Richardson (1), Terry Paull (1), Adam Lucock (1), Gavin Hawkes (1), Matt Cramond (1), Andrew Phillips (1), Simon Gourlay (1)
AMF Launceston - 15
Hayden George (4), Nigel Harrison (2), Scott Summers (2), Mark Foster (2), Nigel Hatton (1), Matt Burtt (1), Matthew Riley (1), Garry Crick (1), Sara Hyland (1)
Burnie Bowl - 11
Ashley Riley (5), Trent Pearce (2), Matthew Riley (1), Alan Anderson (1), Henry De Kaste (1), D.Wood (1)
Devonport Bowl - 8
Ashley Riley (3), Brett Riley (1), Jason Walker (1), Brett Kenley (1), Nathan Arrowsmith (1), C.Smith (1)
Mornington Tenpin - 0
Centre Opened: December 23rd 1984.
Centre Closed: August 31st 1992.
There we go - 46 Sanctioned 300 Games in Tasmania.
Thanks for your help, Bruv & Brett

The Burtt 300 is listed as Launceston in the TBA site, however I have it on video, in 1992 President Shield Opening Ceremony, where Matt is presented his 300 ring from ATBC's Don Atkinson who says "Burtt rolled a perfect game on the 3rd of May, down in Devonport, Tasmania". So maybe he's rolled two (he was certainly good enough too have) - but we'll go with that.