Bowling Tragic
Bert said:Wayne...
Every time you sit at your keyboard you seem to go into attack mode. Perhaps your efforts would be better spent back on the lanes instead of the comfort of your computer chair....Anyone can sit in the background and bag and abuse those who make efforts to improve the game....but it takes a true ambassador to step forward and make a hands on contribution to the sport....
And i don't count one of your many "PICK ME FOR CHAIRPERSON" comments as being a hands on contribution....
I would be interested to know if you are even a member of your local association... :?: :?:
In my defense I answer.....
Bert..As I said earlier, I NO LONGER BOWL. My last game of bowling was on August 15th 2002..so I dare say that I don't see a reason to join the local association.
As for my "attacks"..are you trying to say that I should just keep quiet when I see someone being treated unfairly?
Yes, I do have a lot to say regarding the "stupid" easy lane conditions that some ill-informed proprietors are laying down for their bowlers.
I truly believe that I would have made a difference if I were given the chance to run for chairperson of the TBA. I know I sure wouldn't have been dishonest in my dealing with the membership.
Why don't you tell me how happy you were with June's performance...
Each and every time that I've applied for a position within the TBA I have been told that i wasn't qualified to do this or do that..If you know anything about me, then you know it's just a bunch of utter BS! ... It was simply yet another instance of who you know, not what you know. I'm afraid, it appears I'll never fit the mold of TBA personnel who haven't got an original idea of their own.
Now for something completely different!
Congratulations to everyone who bowled a 300 game in 2003. It's ALWAYS a great accomplishment, and no one can take it away from you.
Wayne Chester
(grumpy old man)