Fairlanes City ~ New Team Member

Congratulations Mike. Great game well done. Keep it up.

I didn't post coz obviously i didn't know until now...and I have never bowled at fairlanes, so I can't say that the lanes are easy or hard. But I will say firstly, I haven't encountered an easy lane yet and I have bowled in a lot of centres down the east coast from Bundaberg in QLD to Boronia in VIC (as well as Forrest Hill of course) and a lot in between. Secondly, I would imagine that if the lanes were easy there now, there would be at least one 300 a week. If not that then more than two or how ever many have been bowled.

Just my thoughts on the matter, I have no idea what the lanes are actually like over there, I have never been there. Maybe one day I will go over and see for myself when I can afford it, not for a while though (I am a uni student... :roll: )

Once again well done Mike :D
Easy Fairlanes - No Way

I turned up at Fairlanes last night to see that another 300 was bowled on Monday night, this time by Mike Muir, I must admit I am surprised that there have been 2 x 300 games in a week as I do not think the lanes are any easier now that the Kegel has arrived.

Last night our team bowled on lanes 5 & 6
We watched the bowlers in the earlier league struggle to get their balls up to the pocket, they were shaking their heads after every shot.
We are in for some fun tonight I thought!
What a surprise when our 4 man team shot 932 scratch for the first game and 2480+ for the 3 game series.

What changed?

Did the lanes go from super tough to super easy, no way what has happened at Fairlanes is there is now a consistant lane condition from day to day week to week etc

We all know that consistant lane conditions bring higher scores and eventually bowlers like Jason & Mike come through with 300's

It's not rocket science, some bowlers have adjusted to the oil while others are still scratching their heads
The addition of 'OIL' is a welcome sight to bowling in Australia. Maybe the reason why people probably have been struggling intially at Fairlanes is because we have always been a product of our enviroment.

I can honestly see the difference a Kegle makes, comparing wick technology to wickless technology is like comparing Suzuki to a Rolls Royce. Yes they do the same thing but from an ability and technical sense they can't be any further apart.

I applaud Fairlanes commitment to improving our sport and I honestly beleive a Kegle is an investment. Whats probably happening now at Fairlanes is that bowlers who have the knowledge and ability to bowl on oil are understanding and reading the new pattern well.

Mike Muir could throw a 300 anywhere, just because it's at his home centre shouldn't mean anything special. I'm sure bowlers like Sandor and many other Fairlane locals will adjust accordingly to the pattern and will start firing soon enough. It's good to walk into your local centre and bowl on the same board as you did for the previous 4 weeks and use the same ball and get exactley the same reaction. Bowlers at all levels can't ask for anything more than that.

All bowlers from Fairlanes will be better off with the experience on bowling on oil and it can only mean better development of bowlers. I personally don't care if you bowl 10 x 300's over the next couple of weeks. I know for a fact that your bowling on some serious oil and that you'll all be better bowlers for it.
I'm gonna start bowling at fairlanes again... Could do with the oil. Well done Mike on your 300 game, hope to see many more.

Almost every centre in QLD is easy, if you dont think so well your on drugs. I travel to 1 or 2 centres from time to time and I think I might have the experience to comment on this particular subject. This year at Fairlanes for the WA Open the lane condition was fair and relatively flat. There was oil there for everyone and bowlers who were accurate enough scored accordingly.

The pins fall easy at Fairlanes but thats more to do with the impeccable condition of the pindecks and kickbacks. The difficult part is getting the ball to the pocket!

I'd like to know what you deem to be easy centres Timmee, the better question would be which ones aren't easy?
George, you bowled at AMF Cannington while you were in perth, and by the looks of it, you adjusted quite well, throwing a 289 and all. What do you think of Cannington??
Cannington has oil but their pattern suits the straighter players (hence why I dont mind it). It doent have the contration of oil as Fairlanes because the machine just doesnt have the same capacity of the Kegle.

Dry edges and a nice top hat in the middle, if my team local Wednesday night "Shooters Shooters" team got to bowl there we'd shoot 3300 every night. It's a standard league pattern. There is oil in the middle but hardly a challenge.

Scoreability ranking: 9/10 :D
did fairlanes have the kegel before perth cup? i'm not sure but you're definitely right about the condition being very fair and flat and the opportunity for high scoring was there from start to finish. :D
George said, about Qld centres:
"I'd like to know what you deem to be easy centres Timmee, the better question would be which ones aren't easy? "

Atherton, Rocky, Cairns, Mackay, Mount Warren are ones that immediately spring to mind. And, IIRC, a certain prominent lefty missed the cut at Currajong last year - not such an easy shot, perhaps? :lol:
(I won't mention Kirwan - the nightmares might start again) :)

Useless fact #21: no-one has ever bowled a sanctioned 292 game.

I did honestly mean Brisbane centres, sorry. I have bowled through QLD enough to appreciate that QLD boasts the 2 extremes of scoring, the High and Low (thats an understatment). I have had the pleasure of bowling at Centres such as Rockhamption, Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, Innisfail, Maryborough, Hervey Bay the list goes on. Without naming names some centres are tougher than others :)

Sorry Robbie I should have been more precise, my bad.

PS I wont be missing the cut this year, I maybe the first 2 handed bowler to make the cut in Townsville ever!
I just finished subbing in a league here at Fairlanes. And I reckon these lanes are awesome. shot 266 first game and was pretty pleased considering I havent bowled on these lanes since Fairlanes bought the kegel. I noticed you had to be pretty accurate to keep on striking, but all in all its alot better than it used to!!!!

This topic has certainly made for some interesting reading.....when I get the chance!

Yes another 300 has been bowled here at Fairlanes and I was very happy to see Alan West enjoy the moment. Alan very rarely misses a Tournament here at Fairlanes and is a league bowler who has had success for many years - he is obviously reaping the rewards. Congratulations Alan!!

I'm sure the Gold Cup next weekend will be extremely interesting and we look forward to some great bowling. For all those bowlers and teams who have been putting in many hours training, I trust you too will be rewarded. I am sure the heat will be on as our representative State Teams get to feel the pressure and bond as a team in competition.

Another 300???? Holy cow... Well Done Alan, great to see those 300's coming in thick and fast... Oh does he get the money for the 300?? Just curious.

Also good luck to everyone bowling in the GOLD CUP this weekend, shall be fun to bowl in, and some great competition to bowl against.

Again well done Fairlanes on a great purchase and congrats to Alan on your 300.

Oh yes Alan certainly will get the $1,000, however it's now in recess for a while.

We're not changing anything until after Gold Cup. I don't think it's fair to everyone who's been putting in so many games practice.

You must say hello over the weekend Murder roll so I know who you are.

Hi Sue,

Its great to see everything will be the same during Gold Cup, and can feel there will be at least ONE 300 game over the long weekend.

I shall come say hello too, as to let you know who I am.

To everyone bowling in the Gold Cup, good luck and I will see you all on the weekend

Save Our Sport

This post is too important to be buried now that Fairlanes has had their 6th 300 since purchasing the Kegel machine.

I think the bowlers should be congratulated for their increase in practice that they've put in to attain those new, higher averages.

For those of you who dont recognise the word..look below for the definition from www.dictionary.com...One is real and one is realistic.

1) To do or perform (something) repeatedly in order to acquire or polish a skill.

2) Join a league at a centre that uses a Kegel Machine to condition their lanes.
don't blame the kegel machine !! you can put down any pattern in the world with the new machines but most centres that use them, use the easy pattern to keep the bowlers happy!!!!!!
If you read my earlier posts on this topic, you'll see that I plainly blamed the management and not the machine. i think it's the greatest machine ever developed..It's just a sham/shame that the owners/operators of these high tech pieces of electronic wizardry (Kegel Machine) so often take the easy road and thereby contribute to the ruin of tempin bowling as a sport.

I don't bowl any longer. But I have some experience with high scores at a high level in our sport.....
The word KEGEL in the arena of oiling machines is truely a wonderous thing.

Why we simply got a permanant marker and scribbled the word "KEGEL" on the side of our "Silver Bullet" and **POOOF** 5 x 300's were thrown at Woden in the 2003 season of Cash Triples by 5 different people.... A big improvement from the zero thrown in 2002...so it must be the KEGEL's fault for making the conditions so much easier..... :roll: :roll:

I say good luck to the bowlers at Fairlanes and congrats to those who have thrown the magic number before or after the arrival of the Kegel machine....

I know im looking forward to bowling in the 2004 Perth Cup....



Every time you sit at your keyboard you seem to go into attack mode. Perhaps your efforts would be better spent back on the lanes instead of the comfort of your computer chair....Anyone can sit in the background and bag and abuse those who make efforts to improve the game....but it takes a true ambassador to step forward and make a hands on contribution to the sport....

And i don't count one of your many "PICK ME FOR CHAIRPERSON" comments as being a hands on contribution....

I would be interested to know if you are even a member of your local association... :?: :?:

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