Fairlanes City ~ New Team Member

Australia is not America..but maybe it should try to be

Andrew S. said:
Wayne I used to feel quite neutral regarding any feelings for or against America.
However the sight of the American flag draped over an outline map of Oz really seems to sum up the current attitude of your country towards Australia.
We are not one of your distant States or far flung Colonies despite the attitude of our present government .

Andrew..You're certainly entitled to your opinion and I repect that. However, I am entitled to mine as well. And as long as my avatar is not pornographic, it will remain.

Please read the following and then tell me I'm wrong again.

America has the kindest, gentlest foreign policy of any great power in world history.: Critics of the U.S. are likely to react to this truth with sputtering outrage. They will point to longstanding American support for a Latin or Middle Eastern despot, or the unjust internment of the Japanese during World War II, or America's reluctance to impose sanctions on South Africa's apartheid regime. However one feels about these particular cases, let us concede to the critics the point that America is not always in the right.

What the critics leave out is the other side of the ledger. Twice in the 20th century, the United States saved the world: first from the Nazi threat, then from Soviet totalitarianism. What would have been the world's fate if America had not existed? After destroying Germany and Japan in World War II, the U.S. proceeded to rebuild both countries, and today they are American allies. Now we are doing the same thing in Afghanistan and Iraq. Consider, too, how magnanimous the U.S. has been to the former Soviet Union after its victory in the Cold War. For the most part America is an abstaining superpower: It shows no real interest in conquering and subjugating the rest of the world. (Imagine how the Soviets would have acted if they had won the Cold War.) On occasion the America intervenes to overthrow a tyrannical regime or to halt massive human rights abuses in another country, but it never stays to rule that country. In Grenada, Haiti, and Bosnia, the U.S. got in and then it got out. Moreover, when America does get into a war, as in Iraq, its troops are supremely careful to avoid targeting civilians and to minimize collateral damage. Even as America bombed the Taliban infrastructure and hideouts, U.S. planes dropped rations of food to avert hardship and starvation of Afghan civilians.

What other country does these things?
Mr Chester!

Funny how Len Nicholson works for Kegel now isn't it???????

As far as my name is concerned, seeing i am a manufacturer and represent many American bowling corporations i do not like it to be seen as me advertising my products!
ok i am not here to stir up trouble, and yes i may be a bit young and a bit young to the sport, but for god sake look at yourselves! your all acting like a bunch of little kids, ok i respect everyones opinions and they are entitled to it, but if you are all so concerned about trying to help out bowling how come you guys dont try and do a conference to sit down and work out some solutions?? because all this arguing is doing absolutely nothing but making everything seem alot worse than what it is. yes i do agree that there are some bad points to the game of bowling but i also agree that there are many great things about it. now i am not having a go at any one at all or down playing anyones opinion or experience in this field, all i am trying to say is how about everyone puts aside their differences and try and sort something out to help the game, i may only be 18 yrs old but i am for one trying everything in my power to help bowling, i am not trying to solves the problem of bowling in australia but more as trying to focus on helping bowling in my state, and mayeb thats what everyone should be doing, tackling the littler problems rather than trying to take on one big problem, because when the little ones fall the big ones come crashing too. if any one is interested in trying to organise something or is willing to help out some one who wants to see the best for this great sport of ours, by all means contact me privately. jaysongriggs@hotmail.com.

all i am trying to say with this post is try and put aside your differences and work together with this, i am willing to do so to try and help, maybe we all could try the same.

my many appologies if what i have written has been taken offensively it isnt intended for that.

jason griggs
Dear Big Hit.
Sorry if this is upsetting you but this is the typical chain of events that happens on the forum when someone starts a topic on modern technology or maybe on changes in bowling that are based on current issues. The topic was started with an announcement that "A new Kegel Lane Maintenance Machine will be joing the team at Fairlanes in the near future" and that's great news for the bowlers of that centre. It shows that the centre has spent some money and the bowlers do appreciate these things. Some people, however, are always quick to knock changes, hence the point we have reached here. Its never nice when people are trashed for welcoming new changes but the trashing usually comes from knockers or know-it-all has beens.
You will be an asset to the future of bowling with your eagerness to make things right and I hope you keep this feeling because as all sports, governments, corporations, etc nothing is always perfect but with knowledge, determination and support things can only get better. Jason, always ask questions, be well informed and be happy with who you are. Life is too short. But at the end of the day this is only a game and for the people running the centres this is their business.
:) :) :) :) :) :)

We do organize these events, in fact i believe there is going to be a seminar held by Kegel here in Australia with two guys that do the PBA and other large tournaments at the end of September. The problem is the "Experts" won't come because they know it all.

As Scoreggia says, enjoy the game and ask questions you will soon work out who the real experts are, they are the ones that get on with the game without being sore losers.

When is the KEGEL Seminar and will it be in Perth this year as they have the last 2 purchases of your equipment

Lol@chester, yes this thread started on congratulating Fairlanes on their new "staff member" and now some how we got on the American Flag

From a good news topic to , well, not as good. lol :p

We are planning to have one in Victoria and also one in Perth. We are just awaiting confirmation on dates from the US. But at this stage it looks like late September. We will be encouraging as many as possible to attend Australia wide. Some of the subjects that will be discussed are as follows:
Sanction Technology vs Wick Technology
Pin Carry Percentage
High Tech Lane Conditioners
Pattern Theory and Design
How Patterns have changed over the last 10 years
Where are we going in the future

We will notify all centers as soon as we have confirmation

Just thought I would add my 2 cents worth.

The way I see it, Kegel machines, or machines running "Sanction Technology" are the best machines there are for putting out a consistant pattern. From what I have seen, they are the best for cleaning a lane in a "combo" machine. The only problems I see sre not with the machines, but the people that are in charge of running and programing them.

Since these machines are so easy to program, many people take advantage of this. They flood 10-10 or 7-7 and leave camels grazing on the outside. All this is, is a "bumper bowling for adults" condition. Sure everybody likes to shoot high scores (me included), but after a while, it hurts peoples games more than it helps, especially people that travel to other centres to bowl tournaments. They forget how to adjust.

How can we fix this bone-headed mentality? Does TBA (or anyone for that matter) even check lane conditions anymore? What are the requirements for a "legal" condition? Personally I would love harder, flatter oil patterns, especially for league play. After bowling so long on a ditch, I get bored. Sure, most other people can go to another centre down the road, but that's just a little difficult here.

I'm sure quite a few centres with these machines are not putting out huge blocks, or actually have leagues with "challenging" lane conditions, for which I will give credit for. I bet these places have more league and tournament bowlers actually practising too. Who needs to practise when you're given a 10 board area? I reckon even my dead Grandmother could average 220 on that!

So what am I saying?? Don't blame the machines, blame the guys that think putting out blocked conditions is the way to go.

I respect everyones opinion in this forum, but flaming people for having a say is not cool.

Andrew Phillips
Ok I started this topic, so Id like to end it.........

The New Team Member has fitted in extremely well at Fairlanes..... And no she hasnt made anyones job any easier than it was before, if anything they are slightly harder........ If u wish u miss, if you hit your rewarded.........Now is that whats its about??

Again congratulations Fairlanes on the purchase.......

And lets close this topic on the subject that it was meant to be about...... If youd like to keep on with the new subject, please feel free to start a new topic............

Thanks Guys......... :)
Hi guys, just wanted to add my 5 cents worth. We just purchased a Kegel oiling machine a few months ago at Milton Bowl in Brisbane and the scoring has been large to say the least. But after paying out a lot of money we have decided to toughen them up little. The comments that I have recieved since have been very positive. I did have bowlers complaining that they were too easy, even as they collected their $1000.00 cheque, If they would leave the centre for this reason i really dont know.
Even after we changed the condition by appling more oil longer and wider the scores have been good. Instead of having 10 boards to hit you have about 3. Our bowlers are still very happy, i have bowlers wanting to come and join leagues next season and i am not paying as much money. We have saved the other pattern in the machine and will use it for tounaments.
The bottom line is that this machine is bringing me more bowlers and thats great, its up to its owner to decide how easy the lane condition is! I really dont think every man and his dog bowling 300's is very good for our sport. We control the conditions we lay down (tough or easy)
We are currently oiling to 38 feet and buffing to 41 - a total of 22.94 mls per lane. I would be interested in finding out from other Kegel owners how much oil the are putting out?
I applaud the management at Milton Bowl for having the good sense to keep scoring within reasonable parameters. And thanks for including the little anecdote I did have bowlers complaining that they were too easy, even as they collected their $1000.00 cheque.

Keep up the great work and the bowlers will thank you in the end.

come on chester, wake up

now my 5 cents worht

firstly, i am not saying anything bad against the quality of bowlers at the Milton Bowl, but whos to say that the condition wasn't so so so easy to start with, and the toughening up the condition still made it easy, but the bowlers cant bowl to start with and they think it tought, but any half decent bowler could still average 200590843908790 on it?????Seriously, how many bowlers acctually know what they are talking about???? not many in my book. There might be 2 or 3 techs in australia that know what they are talking about when it comes to this topic.

a lot of bowlers still think that more oil makes easier conditions, and that is wrong. a long pattern with a ton of oil can be hard, a short pattern with a ton of oil can be tough, the same as short or long with not much oil, its how it is placed. there are some centers in the country that you can almost see the block if you look carefully.

what about synthetic lanes, when you guys going to start blaming them as well as the kegel machines. look how consistant they are. Also please be more specifc, kegel also make wick machine too.

have a look at the foundation website, they use kegel machines for the pwba and pba tours, have a look at some of the scores, some tournaments a huge numbers, some a under scratch for the top 24. Dont hear the pro complaing that much do you????

also wayne, why not have a pic of howard and George Dubbayah in an intiment moment, might sums things up a little better. would you like a pic of the USA with a canadian flag on it??? god knows its a better country anyway
congrats fairlanes on buying a kegel. makes 2 kegel machines in wa now doesnt it. kelmscott has one as well. havent heard if kelmscotts scores are going through the roof, dont think so though.
arent kegel machines better than wick machines? clean better oil better and so on.
maybe kelmscott and fairlanes can do a sport tournament or league or something. technology should only make us better or more consistent

just my thoughts
we have had a kegel standard elite for about twelve months now , and we have had one three hundred rolled in the centre.
our league scores have not dramatically increased.
we use an all round pattern that is very consistent on all lanes. we do not get many out of ranges now. the back ends and pin decks are really clean. our league bowlers do not complain about lane conditions very often.
the kegel is way ahead of the old century.
we can duplicate any oiling pattern, with our machine.
representative teams are able to train on lane patterns that they will be bowling on,(providing that we can obtain the pattern) making our teams more competitive and perhaps better prepared.
it is possible to create a high scoring pattern with any lane conditioning machine, but only the kegel machines can put down the same pattern on every lane in the house.
yes it would be a good idea for fairlanes, and kelmscott to hold a series of sport type events.
bowling is a challenging sport, the kegel machine allows us to put down a challenging sport pattern.

allen j
kelmscott bowl
Jason Watts rolls his first 300 last night at Fairlanes

Jason Watts rolls 300 last night at Fairlanes.

The sky is falling, the sky is falling!

It has only taken 5 weeks. The next 300 game should be coming a bit sooner.

Congratulations Jason!

A great achievement on such a tight condition at Fairlanes. As wchester meant, but probably didn't realise, your next 300 should be coming a bit sooner.

Sue, your doing a good job with the Kegel, keep it up!

wchester, I read your bio last year and it earned a lot of respect for you from me. But the more you carry on, without actually bowling at fairlanes and realising just how wrong you are, the more I realise just how little you are as a person. That respect has deffinately vanished.

Once again well done Jason Watts, and keep up the good work Fairlanes!
Congratulations Jason........

If the condition was that easy, Im sure Mike would have bowled at least 5 by now!! One a week for 5 weeks?? Seems feasible on such an easy condition right??

Wayne until you have bowled at Fairlanes, please dont comment on something you know very little about.....

Once again Jason congratulations
Two weeks later and there has been another 300 game at Fairlines. Mike Muir turned the trick this time. ..
hmmm, I wonder why no one has posted it in the forums!

(awaiting the next barrage of " they're not easy" comments.)


PS..Congratulations Mike
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