Country Cup 2009

Not many would go to Jason as a ATM because every time you would withdraw you would lose interest.

I'm the teller machine in our family.

Rob plays more GOLF than anything, so as long as he has enough $$$ for a

few beers in his pocket, he's set. :p

P.S. Very happy with our ladies team :D

I'm the teller machine in our family.

Rob plays more GOLF than anything, so as long as he has enough $$$ for a

few beers in his pocket, he's set. :p

P.S. Very happy with our ladies team :D


So it is true that you are the real boss and Rob only pretends to be?
Go strong is that limb??

Sunraysia women are never to be under estimated!!

I think the women from Shepp will be strong contenders too. They have some new blood in the team....but the depth is very strong.

Just my two bobs worth......;)
Not many would go to Jason as a ATM because every time you withdraw you would lose interest.


Withdrawing and then losong interest is something I may have done in the past, but about to be a married man so no more of that!


I'll go out on a limb.

Sunraysia women WILL win.
Men will do well like we always do and maybe win too.

Must be a BIG limb...............I wouldnt want to be standing under it!
Hey who will beat the Sunraysia women? I think they are halfway home already. Its the strongest team since the team that won it in 90.

Hey who will beat the Sunraysia women? I think they are halfway home already. Its the strongest team since the team that won it in 90.

Thought i would check in and see how the Sunraysia Country Cup 2009 thread was going :D

Women came second in 1990 Deano -- 14.5pts behind Geelong Women.

Certainly a strong women's team but they will get strong competition from Shepparton, Latrobe Valley and Bendigo and you should never count out the home team, which this year, is Albury.
Yeah i was only ten then so the memory isnt that flash all i know is that they were a strong team. Anyways women 1st and daylight second. Big call but i have faith.

That is a very strong team travvy and i dont think the shepp women can match that...... the 2 new junior girl are great but a few oldies of the team would have too sit out to give them a real go and i don't see that happenig........... but you never know what could happen
You could always give up your spot in the ladies for one of the young ones hammer.. vacate that position 3 your were hiding in at Emerson :p
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