Country Cup 2009

How many matches are there normally? 20?
So now is there only 'playing' 18 games since there's no bye 'match'?

Does anyone have a detail on this? Timing, number of games per day, etc.

I'm not sure what the committee has decided in relation to these variables.

I shall enquire for you and see what details I can confirm as to number of games per day etc.

Guys start first, hopefully it will be at 7am like us women had to at Ballarat!!....:p
There will be no practise if you suck then that's just too damn bad...;)

Okay.....get your minds out of the gutter.....

If you are struggling with your bowling then not having any practise lanes will pose some difficulty for you.

I hope that clears up any misinterpretation......;)

I believe (but stand to be corrected) that it will be 7 games Sat and Sun - squads of 4 and 3 respectively (Men are first this year) and then 4 games on the Monday 2 squads of 2
Total of 18 games

Should finish about 10-11ish on the Sat and Sunday nights with an aprrox finish 3-4ish on the Monday all depending on what time they start

I believe (but stand to be corrected) that it will be 7 games Sat and Sun - squads of 4 and 3 respectively (Men are first this year) and then 4 games on the Monday 2 squads of 2Total of 18 games

Should finish about 10-11ish on the Sat and Sunday nights with an aprrox finish 3-4ish on the Monday all depending on what time they start

This would be better with Men 4 games reoil then 4 games for the Ladies

Team Sunraysia


  • Lisa Garioch
    Catherine Hensgen
    Alicia Garioch
    Michelle Hodge
    Jess Garioch
    Jodie Geyer
    Jacqui Martin


  • Travis Dunn
    Rob Garioch (ATM)
    Ray Martin
    Gary Van Steenis
    Matt Hensgen
    Jason Gowers
    Joe Pileggi

Thats a pretty strong line up Rob. Very confident that success isnt far away. Go Sunraysia.

I beleive that is one of the strongest womens teams we have ever sent away.

Rob are you a portable Automatic Teller Machine or something?? ;)

I thought the same thing - Rob has finally realised how most kids view their parents.
Where do they punch in the PIN? :p

Good ladies team for Sunraysia. No question there. Are they the Garioch family crest colours? :)
Lets see, no Deano but Travvy is still there.
Now remember Trav, you cant go home half way through, you bowl for Sunraysia - remember that.;););)
Yeah im not there. The main reason is that I wont be able to bowl until mid Feb at the earliest. I dont beleive it would of been fair on the team or myself that they put me in and if my knee dosent recover that it stuffs the team around. C/Cup is a team game so the longer the team can practice as a team the better they will gel together. But dont you worry if im fit and ready i will be ready to challenge them at practice and really help them get ready. This is to all of the Sunraysia team if i can be of any help just say so and i will be there. (that is other than bowling it). This is the best tournament goin around.

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