Country Cup 2008

Good luck to all who are bowling this weekend. As much as i'd like to be there, I cannot make it. Work, and a little girl's 7th Birthday party preclude my appearance in Ballarat.
So if we combine these two, the headline would read
'Motta slammed by female Andrew Symonds impersonator.
Rowie bringing up rear lends a hand to get Jason back up' ????
If he's gonna jump the ball return, that explains why Ballarat have those perspex guards on the returns - ooooh, that'd hurt. :bounce:
As for Farky counting the revs, thats why he took off his wrist strap, ran out of fingers on his left hand. ;)

Very funny Dave.

Rob - nobody said I couldn't count the backward revs as well.

See you all soon. Ballarat is a long way, I'm just leaving now.
Kev, you had better slow down with the posts, dont want any RSI before the weekend;)

Hope the Bunny is not getting much sleep:p

Rsi is a problem with the extra 2 revs I'm trying to get

The bunny wont be sleeping much he's got pete staying a night or two :p
Yes Farqy very far way ......8 crownies or 120 Kms
Which ever comes first


I've seen Farky drink - 8 Crownies and the only way he'll make 120 km is on a bus!

Maybe you're onto something though. Maybe he's walking the 120 km?
8 crownies would make it seem like 210 km for him :p. He might be there for first practice.
The bunny wont be sleeping much he's got pete staying a night or two :p
At least all the ironing and vacuuming will get done:p

Yes Farqy very far way ......8 crownies or 120 Kms
Which ever comes first

I've seen Farky drink - 8 Crownies and the only way he'll make 120 km is on a bus!

I think you 2 are being a little unfair on Farky, I am unsure but I do believe that he moves onto Whiskey and dry before he floods his hotel room.:5shotss:

Well it aint long now. Cant wait to see you all. Cant wait to take the trophy home. Should be good bowling. Good luck to all. Travel safley. Ill get the first bourbon tomorrow night Motta.

Ok guys this is my last post before I head home then onto Ballarat tomorrow!!

I might chuck a ball tonight, hope I haven't forgotten how!!

Everyone drive safe, catch you all very soon.

ps. Please no streaking, it's not Rowie I'm worried about but Kev P (Rowie's real partner) he'll be in like flin!!
Good Luck all on this weekend!
Especially to Matt Curnow (15yrs) bowling in his 2nd (I believe) Mens team tourny!!!
No luck needed GO SALE .......but can someone post regular scores up on here please
Good luck to all teams over the weekend and safe travel on arriving and for the trip home on Monday/Tuesday
Looking forward to catching up with some old friends and no doubt making some new ones
That is what make this the Number 1 team tournament in Victoria
See you all soon
Bowled league with a few of the Bendigo team members tonight..
I'll say this.....the women look a chance.

ps..there's an injured player on the men's side.
You know all about pulling muscles don't you craig..only it's not your heart, but something that sounds close. ;)
See you all soon Boz here to get me now so i am cracking the first one in 5min. YEEEEEEEEEEE HAAAAAAAAAAA:partytime2:
best of luck to all bowling this weekend...will be great to see the Valley win again:p
wish I was there to see it all happen...

can some one post the scores over the weekend would be most appreciated

stay safe good bowling

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