Country Cup 2007 - Sale

DAve that was'nt changing hand posistion that was changing hands

94,95,96,97,98,99.......Change Hands
yeah alot of passengers and boast success like that ;)
No passengers - two winning but very different teams.
First one - Justice afer what happened two years earlier and only my second CCup 2 members of that team never represented as bowlers again. The worst team that we ever sent away:eggface: Didnt that bite them on the arse
Second one - One of the best team efforts that I have been involved in and all the more rewarding as captain. The opposition served it up and we were equal to the task. Team work, and effort with no passengers was the difference between first and second that year
look where your bowling
look who is in and who is out when it comes to the conditions
who is in
no chances
Overlook Albury ;) Was that just a slip of the finger
3 posts in a row

at last i have broken you :D

took a couple of years, but well worth the wait, is it your new found stardom, your coming to grips with "mr allstar" tag

albury, no chance, ask deano about the 5 bucks i won betting the great one would have to bench himself after back to back 140's, now if the main man, is holding form like that on an easy condition, what chance has he got at sale, i think the great one is just happy to turn up, have a bit of a chin wag with all his friends and not really concern himself too much with the stresses of being part of a mediocre line up.

here you go buddy, you can have your soap box back now, sorry for interrupting you

oh and while your up there, see if you can spot kevvy, cause i have a feeling he is hiding in a dark corner somewhere absolutely loving every second of the entertainment he is avoiding so well. but then again, anyone who has based a career primarily out of position 2 has been avoiding the tough stuff most his life.

and before i hear it, yes i know you bowled at 1 last year, i also know you lost :D
So now we wait to see how many buttons were pushed!!

Give Kev some time to come up with a worthy comeback that won't start another war!! lol

About time too, I was getting bored with conversation. lol
First one - Justice after what happened two years earlier
You mean losing from 6 points clear with two to go in 1997? Not sure if i would agree that it was an "injustice" (mind you, i do have a vested interest in that result seeing as it was Colac that won that year)

Actually it has been interesting to watch the age old "what is better - all stars or team winning debate/discussion"

I also agree with Craig that winning teams can often have passengers, but that is just that nature of the beast. Although i think you are barking up the wrong tree if you suggest that Woza was a passenger in either of his two wins - his best two years were the years Latrobe won - maybe it is a case of no Woza no Latrobe? lol

I would actually throw the question back at Craig. Which would you prefer Craig -- making allstars in Latrobe in 2004 or winning the mens trophy?
making allstars in Latrobe in 2004 or winning the mens trophy?

He was down right dirty on losing that game to me and we have not played head to head since. Craig hasnt bowled CCup and I have not bowled Emerson. He most probably still has me in the little square up book of his;)
I think Lisa Garioch best summed it up when she said that she would trade in all her all star medals for 1 champions medal.
i go for 3 reasons

to win, intimidate and catch up with friends, i might lose the first battle occasionally, i rarely lose the second ;) and always win the third :)

all stars is just a consolation prize, i still don't know why all stars isn't comprised of a point win / average ratio.

i also believe that all stars should be a minimum of 75-80% of games bowled, to be a true all star, i believe that you have been a major factor in the tournament with that amount of games bowled, as it stands people can have i think 6-8 games on the bench, which in my mind is just a player who fluked 2 or 3 good games and been mediocre the rest of the tournament
all stars is just a consolation prize, i still don't know why all stars isn't comprised of a point win / average ratio.
I agree with the first part of that statement (consolation prize) but winning points ratio complicates things. You could bowl your games at 2 or 3 and win most points and someone on top might only win half of the harder matches. This year Deano only won 8/18 yet had 2nd highest average. He obviously struck some pretty big games against him. This is one problem with using points ratio.

PS - The way things are going, bowling at 2 might become the hardest game to win soon .... lol
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