country championships

Are you only coming up for the long weekend Kev? -- what about Mr F? Anybody else from Shep / Bendigo?
HEy GAry

Yeh long weekend it is Mr F will be there with the usuals from Bendigo I'm bringing a few juniors but I'm not sure which adults are going from shepp,what are we doing Saturday night ??,YA got any good haunts Chandler will be lookin for sure ,anything playing George Michael stuff should make him happy:romp_69l:
We are talking about Colac remember!!

There is a nightclub in town but i have never been. I think it is mostly 40 yr old single blokes hitting on 18 yr old girls --- hey you should both fit right in!! :p

I normally just go to one of the pubs (not the commercial) for a few quiet ones.

I will probably venture down to the bowl on the long weekend and check out what's going on and should catch up with you then.
Entries for the Country Championships in Colac are still open to all members of the Country Associations. Get your entries in the mail along with your cheque a.s.a.p. there is still some squads available on both weekends

so murray whats the deal???

i am a country resident, bowling in a country centre, i paid my sanction money to my country association which is TBA affiliated.

are my friends and i allowed to bowl???

i can't even believe i am asking this question, but after conversation today, i thought i'd bring it to the table for discussion, seeing we do sanction in a democratic society all under the TBA
Hi Craig,
I have cut from Tournament rules which we are required to abide by,
some may disagree with them but that is what we have. From what I understand just one of your friends is permitted to bowl and he can enter if he wishes.
2. Eligibility: This Tournament is open to all 2007 REGISTERED players of the following Associations
Association/Centre invited to participate by a ¾ majority decision of the above Associations/Centres. As well as being registered with a Victorian Country Association/Centre, participants must also be a resident of a Country Association/Centre for a period of at least six (6 ) months prior to the tournament.

Craig I hope this explains your question
back before associations became centre based, we would never have had this problem, i am finding it hard to fathom, why it is such a problem now.

thanks for the reply murray, i realise you are only operating under the rules you are given

wheres woza (man who runs everything)... are you responsible for all these petty and picky rules we operate under

as i have said once before, it seems as though a lot of these rules are written to stop people from competing, which contradicts the terms of boards roles to foster and promote the sport of tenpins
Hi Craig,

These rules have been in opperation for a lot more years than Centre based Associations

Probable 20 years

I must admit i can see why we have residency rules and the six month rule for country cup, but i cannot fathom why we don't encourange participation in country championships.

Whilst i understand the tournament committee is only following the rules they are given, why do these rules prevent bowlers from other centres such as North Geelong or Horsham or Echuca being allowed to bowl country champs - and why is the "6 month" rule in place for championships.

Is it just an old outdated rule that has never been updated or is it there for a reason. It seems a pity that we have country bowlers that want to bowl country champs, that are unable to (i realize it is too late to change things for this year, but maybe it could get changed for next year)
back before associations became centre based, we would never have had this problem, i am finding it hard to fathom, why it is such a problem now.
thanks for the reply murray, i realise you are only operating under the rules you are given
wheres woza (man who runs everything)... are you responsible for all these petty and picky rules we operate under
as i have said once before, it seems as though a lot of these rules are written to stop people from competing, which contradicts the terms of boards roles to foster and promote the sport of tenpins
So i gather that you fail to qualify under the 6 months residency (I am assuming that your association has been invited to participate) Maybe an email to the VCTBA president asking for exemption of the 6 month residency would be worth a shot. Surley common sense would prevail and allow people to bowl in championships that have been struggling for numbers in the past few years.
rachuig struggled for numbers (didn't matter)

country championships struggle for numbers (didn't matter)

country cup run a bye, thus costing the host bowl $600 (doesn't matter)

maybe i am just highlighting a little problem that seems to be contageous throughout many events.

i just want to bowl !!! and i cant believe its such an issue, to be able to

can you buy that common sense stuff by the tonne woza???
Is it just an old outdated rule that has never been updated or is it there for a reason. It seems a pity that we have country bowlers that want to bowl country champs, that are unable to (i realize it is too late to change things for this year, but maybe it could get changed for next year)
well said gary, how long have we had centre based associations for now???
in this case, the loser is mark (financially) and thats where the problem lies, there's not a god damn thing mark can do to get the most lineage he possibly can, by hosting this tournament.
i can only speak for my hard earned 80-100 i was willing to pay, but how many others don't even bother anymore when it comes to these events for similar reasons.
For those that may be interested - some scores to beat so far after the first weekend (unofficial of course -- these are just the ones that i can remember)

Open Men's All Events - Neil Thompson 1952
Open Men's Singles - Merv Billing 695
Open Men's Doubles - Merv and Daniel Billing 1210
Open Men's Teams - Thomo, Steve H, Bary G and Merv 2441

Masters so far
695 / 659 / 644 / 619 -- there are probably more but these are the only ones that i saw.
I was wondering how it would take for this to be brought up and I guess now I have my answer.

I know when we moved to Sale we were hosting the country championships at the time. I was not allowed to bowl because of the rule. I stated my opinion at the time and even asked the question as to why the country bowlers can bowl the city championships but it doesn't work the other way around? Are the squads that full that the association can turn away revenue for the centres?

I have never bowled the country championships since. I agree with you Craig - there seems to be a lot of rules to exclude bowlers rather than to include. I am not just talking about VCTBA either.

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