I have sat back and watched all the support from the forum members and feel its time I said my opinion on this…
David the answer to your question is NO TotalBowling or myself or anyone associated with TB have any ties with this site…I first heard about it some months ago in a phone call from someone, then it all went quiet so I wasn’t sure what was happening, then this week I had a phone call from Robert Zikman explaining briefly what it was about and how it would work, then received an email and they also said they would put a link to TotalBowling on there site…I was informed that they would like to work closely with TB so I figured well what other choices do I have I either do or don’t…So I am at this stage unless I see it become a threat to TB…
Firstly let me start off by thanking you all for your support for TotalBowling and yes Androooo I think your post has a lot of merit but to be honest its like anything regardless who charges for a service people want something for there money, weather it be a $2.75 charge or a $275.00 charge people want to know what they are getting for the money they are handing over…
Secondly I struggle to see how having another web site will increase participation levels in our sport, tenpin bowling participation levels are down for a number of reasons not just the fact that its not posted up on the internet… if people believe that no one actually knows about TotalBowling then how do we propose to try and get a new website out there other than advertising, promotional products, signage and sponsorships…How are we going to spread the word about new web sites any quicker than old ones, lets face it the quickest way to get it out there was to ask me to launch it here, so TotalBowling must have some pull…If we are having a problem getting the word around about Totalbowling then they will have the same problems trying to let the bowlers know about an events website or any website for that matter….(This is just my opinion)…TB was asked to work closely with this site…I am not exactly sure what that means now other than launching it here, other than that this site seems to look after its self…
TotalBowling offers the complete package as far as I am concerned from tournament entry forms; Squad Lists; results; news and announcements; and live scoring whenever possible and even event photo hosting…I would like to look at trying to get to even more events next year, Youth etc…
TotalBowling would easily be seen as the primary source for information that covers all events TBA affiliated or not, and like anything, if you’re trying to maintain 2 sources of information your bound to make mistakes, as the new site has already shown…There are also a lot of MAJOR tournaments not even shown on that site…I wont say that Tb is perfect but I think if your launching something then I think that you should try and get it as close to perfect as possible…
Steve has some valid points…I agree with him, what will be happening with all our information that we supply them…Yes I have added myself to that site…I wanted to know first hand what was required to register right down to Names, address’s phone numbers and so on… TB only ever has your real names and email address, and sometimes there not 100% correct in both cases…Asking for Address and phone numbers is a little bit much in my opinion…
If anything has come from this I have learnt that TB has had a great system but, Adam is correct in saying we need to layout our tournaments section a little better and we will see some changes over the coming weeks so maybe Adam can start a thread in comments and suggestions about it and people can add some of there suggestions and solutions as we go…Kellie has a great idea in that area also, and we are working on that as we speak…
Terry your comments too are valid, but I can assure you that the new web site WILL NOT give you any more concrete proof of numbers than any other site would…I cannot see how tournament directors would much prefer the new site than TotalBowling I mean to log into your email and add entries or on here and add entries isn’t any extra work is it…TotalBowling will continue to accept names and entries for all events that are listed and will still continue to have all entry forms listed…And Terry if TB sponsorship and support was pulled I would find away to make it viable for us to run it…
Yes Jeff SPC was only posted on this site in July, but you tell me how it is going to get to TotalBowling or on this new site any earlier if the National Tournament Director only had the entry form finished one week ago...Please enlighten me as to how this new site or any other new site could ascertain the entry form any earlier if the National Tournament Director only completes them two months prior to the event…Perhaps this is a problem that needs to be addressed…I mean the National Ranked events all have dates for next year usually by the end of this year, maybe its time we had formats and entry forms finalised and approved by TBA at the same time…This has to help the bowlers with planning ahead and also booking accommodation and flights in advance…
So in the short of things…
- I am not sure if it will help Boost Numbers.
- I am not sure what happens with all our details or why it was necessary to need to fill everything in.
- I don’t like that fact that things are done behind the scenes, meaning you cannot be 100% sure that favoritism isn’t given to friends when posting for squads when they become full or close to it…Here at TB most of the time EVERYONE can see the squad lists and when someone is added in front of you or not…
In closing I am prepared to help them where possible and if as Jeff says complements TB that’s well and good but, if it becomes a head ache I am sure I can take some Panadol…
If they can find a way to get there site out there quicker then tell me the secret…And Jeff sooner that people start changing the minds of those that think that
crapping on as you put it still happens on TotalBowling, the sooner we can all start to move forward in the sport…If the site has it from time to time then don’t read it…Sometimes like this thread it’s a difference of opinion not crapping on…TotalBowling is more than just a forum…