Peter Coburn
"At each annual general meeting the Chair will advise national voting delegates of the Tenpin Bowling Australia Limited Board decision for the dues to be paid by each ordinary bowler seeking affiliation with the national sporting organization for the next succeeding membership year." This being the 5th By Law of the TBA. (V2.9 13-5-05)
Actually, TBA Bylaw V2.9 is dated the 13.05.06 which happens to be the day after the 2006 AGM. Prior to this TBA Bylaw V2.8 Membership ByLaw 5 gave the rights to set membership fees to the National Voting Delegates viz "At each annual general meeting the National Voting Delegates of TBA shall determine the dues payable by each ordinary bowler seeking affiliation with TBA for the next succeeding membership year."
At the 2006 AGM the National Voting Delegates supported a $15.00 membership fee for 2007, however, this was reduced to $11.00 by the time TBA informed the members and associations later in 2006.
Constitutionally, bylaws can be changed at anytime without consultation with members and this appears to have been the case as the current Membership Bylaw 5 which now reads "At each annual general meeting the Chair will advise national voting delegates of the Tenpin Bowling Australia Limited Board decision for the dues to be paid by each ordinary bowler seeking affiliation with the national sporting organization for the next succeeding membership year".
Accordingly, the elected national voting delegates have no say in the fee structure.
It is also my believe that the TBA Board are acting unconstitutionally at present in that the Board has failed to elect a Deputy Chairman in accordance with Clause 8.2 of the Constitution. The Board need to be taken to task against this failure.
Chairman and Deputy Chairman
8.2 At the first Directors' meeting following the annual general meeting the Directors must elect from amongst themselves a Chairman and Deputy Chairman.