Bad Trends

The way i see it there is nothing wrong with people getting themselves pumped up. Everyone does this differently its just that some people are more extravagant with their celebrations than others.

As far as what happens when you throw a bad shot i'm firmly of the belief that showing off is completely unnecessary as the only person you have to blame is yourself.
Any form of yelling, squeaking of shoes, kicking the ball return (even motioning to do so without hitting it) is uncalled for and is not something that people should have to put up with.
Everybody throws bad shots now and then and its that way you deal with them that shows whether or not you are a true sportsman.
If your busy showing off left right and center it proves that you have no respect for your fellow bowlers.
My post was directed at people who squeak, yell and clap on purpose after throwing bad shots. I see nothing wrong with getting pumped or riding a lane or 2 (I've been known to do this myself from time to time).

Correct me if I'm wrong, I would rather play someone head to head, each one of us bowl to the best of our ability and see who wins. I don't beleive in squeaking or cracking the sooks because I bowled a bad shot, especially when its in a manner that could put someone off. I believe this is called BAD SPORTSMANSHIP.

Bowling can be a great spectator sport when bowlers bowl well and get pumped, bowlers who crack the sooks and carry on after a bad shot spoil it for the rest. I wonder if we'll see any squeaking at the AO in a few weeks?
As this topic goes on i notice it is very much geared towards junior/youth bowlers. Now i agree squeaking of shoes is a no no as is the hand clapping etc. The question is how do we stamp this practice out? I have a few sugestions.

Instead of yelling at the owner of the bowl, and getting on the internet and bagging these individuals, yes I know you did not name them, why not speak to them personally in a nice freindly manner. Afterall there are inexperienced juniors/youth bowlers. Now don't tell me that most of you out there have never done anything silly when you were a teenager.

most of our young bowlers respect George, BFCC etc and I am sure that a little kind word in a friendly mentoring way would really help these youngsters. Of course if they tell you to get lost at least you gave it a try.

As a mother of a youth bowler I know from first hand it is very frustrating at times trying to cope with moving from juniors to open, work, girlfriends etc and every little bit of help and advice is gladly accepted.
I think you are all talking to someone who doesn't know much about bowling - anyone who doesn't know who Jason Walsh is must be in la la land. He was the highest ranked male bowler for 2004!!
FOCUS is what bowlers need & most bowlers won't even hear the squeaking!!
Potter said:
I think you are all talking to someone who doesn't know much about bowling - anyone who doesn't know who Jason Walsh is must be in la la land. He was the highest ranked male bowler for 2004!!
FOCUS is what bowlers need & most bowlers won't even hear the squeaking!!

Well excuse me for being out of the sport for the last 4 years. :roll:
ladykitchener said
Instead of yelling at the owner of the bowl, and getting on the internet and bagging these individuals, yes I know you did not name them, why not speak to them personally in a nice freindly manner. Afterall there are inexperienced juniors/youth bowlers. Now don't tell me that most of you out there have never done anything silly when you were a teenager.

this guy has been spoken too many times about this habit , he has also been yellow carded in the state junior rolloffs for the same thing, how many times do u talk to someone like this, i think it time for stronger actions.
as for yelling at the manager- yes that was wrong and i phoned brian the next day and sorted it out , but at the time it seemed like a better idea to say something to brian rather then go down and have words to this idiot that could have lead to more!!!!!
Is it true the greater emotional control you have the better your game?
Being a parent of young bowlers I have noticed an increase in "on lane" attitude, from squeaking the shoes, to foul language and equipment abuse. And that is in the junior and youth ranks....a rude awakening when viewing the adult tournaments.
I have peviously been involved with both netball and soccer coaching - great "sideline parent" behaviour and "non-agressive" attitude of young players. The sport of tenpin has the highest level of sportsmanship and credibility, and comraderie between competitors not seen anywhere else. We need to keep it that way. The sport belongs to you, the bowlers. Keep it positive.
I have just read the posts on this thread and I am still trying to work out what shoe squeking is. Is this to do with the act of sliding your foot behind you as you take your shot or is it to do with doing something after the shot has been taken :?: :?:

As for the hand clapping. Well I don't see a problem with this as it is a way of either pumping a bowler up if they have thrown a great shot and have been rewarded for it or venting frustration and anger because of a bad shot (its better than equipment abuse), everyone is different when it comes to expressing their emotions over how well they threw a shot :!: :!:

In regard to the posts on this thread, I think a lot of bowlers out there are blowing things out of proportion. I agree with Rowdy where by if you get put off by simple little noises around you such as a bowler celebrating a good shot, then learn to deal with it. Practice on the weekend or through the week in the middle of social play if it helps you good luck. I think that the question comes down to what are you concentrating on in your game, your own game or the other bowlers bad habits. A great way to improve you game is forget what the other bowler is doing whether they are bowling well or not and concentrate on what you are doing wrong.

Sure I don't for a minute agree with bowlers showing bad sportsmanship but if there is nothing in the rules then no one can do anything about it but change the rules of the game. I can't see the rules being changed for things such as shoe squeking or hand clapping as there is too much interpritation involed with stating what a shoe squek or hand clap is. You can't condone someone for squeking there shoe when they are delivering the ball. That is possibly how they have been taught. Secondly, some bowlers out there that do such acts to put other bowlers off there game will eventually go away if ignored.

On another note though, I just want to ask you graham, is the person you told BFCC to take legal action against a member of totalbowling. You might want to be careful when giving this advice, doesn't your policy state that a member of totalbowling can't threaten to take legal action against someone from totalbowling. You might have to close down your own acount as a result (Ha Ha). :lol: :lol:
SNEEZY said:
On another note though, I just want to ask you graham, is the person you told BFCC to take legal action against a member of totalbowling. You might want to be careful when giving this advice, doesn't your policy state that a member of totalbowling can't threaten to take legal action against someone from totalbowling. You might have to close down your own acount as a result (Ha Ha). :lol: :lol:

Maybe I should have noted my sarcasm in brackets :)
I have been bowling league for about 10 years and i have never heard anyones shoes squeaking on purpose or otherwise.
I actually know what people are talking about now. I noticed a junior squeaking his shoes on the approaches this morning at Chermside. Every bad shot he threw he'd kick the approach with his heal causing them to squeak. Quite frankly it didn't bother me, but it does seem an immature act.
i think getting pumped up yellingclapin wot ever is a good thing....because it is celebrating a good thing. stike in most cases.
i think it is funny and looks f**king stupid when ppl clap when the miss a spare or wot ever.
lol and if they stamp their foot. they look like a little on the 'carl baron' dvd when he say when u we little did u ever hav a different word 4 no. and i sqeal and stamp ur foot.
I couldn't understand what all the fuss was about, as I've never come across a shoe squeaker before. Yesterday I did, on the vinyl in the player's area prior to bowling for no reason at all but the persons' amusement. It was very loud and bloody annoying. I block out an awful lot of things when I bowl, social bowlers, kids' noise etc etc but I seriously doubt my game would have been unaffected by this if I had been bowling at the time. So, stop it all you darn shoe squeakers! You are being silly and inconsiderate!
Riding lanes is fun and it's allowable in the TBA rules (it's actually stated as being allowable for one lane either side). It also states that bowlers must give way to any bowler still on the approach, which means that if they run into you when they ride a shot one lane, it's your fault because you should have given way until they have left the approach.

This subject seems to put bowlers in two categories, the young ones and the old ones, but of course this is a generalisation. Most young people ride lanes and in my opinion it's good for the sport! I, in particular, like to see people of all ages having fun when they bowl. It adds to the spectacle when two good bowlers are in fierce competition.

To accuse anyone of abusing this legal action is uncalled for. Many of us witnessed such a nasty incident today that should never have happened. It is my hope that young bowlers are given the same courtesies and respect as many of the adults seem to expect from the juniors and youth.

Just my opinion.

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