I agree that it is a big problem in SOME centres, the standard of behaviour is completely unacceptable in the place I play at.
Unfortunately, the staff can't always do everything at the same time e.g : serve a counter full of customers and whilst thier back is turned some c***-smoker is running down the lanes and carrying on as they don't have six pairs of hands and eyes on the backs of thier heads.
It would be ideal, especially seeing as though alcohol is being served (and quite often abused) that security should be on the doors of centres - but who's going to pay for it?
We've had bouncers on the doors down here at intermittent times during the past 30-years (I remember former army commando, the late Ron Jensen bouncing blokes down the stairs for giving lip when I was a kid at Moonah) :lol:
He was a great bouncer, cared about the centre, an NEVER took shit from anyone EVER - me included
I've seen some things that have gone on in the past of which has left me totally speechless

Bowlers crashing into the pins, bowlers throwing balls at rakes while mechanics are working behind them, drunks wanting to fight staff, kids running all of the lanes (while thier dickhead parents laugh at thier 'ootsy cutesy little darlings' doing this :x makes wanna f******' puke :x
So I've taken to having a crack at them now, I roared at this young bloke one night about walking down the lanes, then I explained to him what happens when shoes get covered in oil and how you slip when this happens and when you slip you might crack your scon open - he stayed behind the line after that every time :lol:
I'm led to believe that many centres on the mainland are slowly but surely outlawing food and drink being consumed in the seating or on the approaches because of previous problems.
One of the approaches here was ruined when Glow Zone first started up and free peanuts were handed out to them, which in turn ended up on the approach and the oil from the peanuts seeped in to it - it's still like it now.
If you take a look through
www.bowltech.com you might find other examples of this sort of behaviour.
I think it might take a centre being sued before the problem is rectified, I saw in Northern England a social bowler walked down a lane (despite signs all over the place saying not to because it was dangerous) and retrieved his ball from the gutter, he then bowled, slipped and did himself a nasty injury, and then *unbelievably* sued the centre - AND WON THE CASE
The presiding judge ruled that even though the signs said not to walk down the lanes, they didn't signify how oil could be transferred onto a pair of rental shoes and would cause one to slip whilst executing a shot :? :roll:
The best example of this stupidity I ever saw was one night at Moonah a couple of months ago, while I was out having a smoke I saw some dumb chick walk outside in house shoes and stand in a massive puddle caused by the pouring rain, I told her to replace them when she went back inside because she would fall over.
Anyway, this dumb-ass did the same thing a further FOUR TIMES :x
And jumped up and down in the puddle when I walked out the door to leave :shock: I told her the spak racks were up the top end for when she comes in next, 'cos she'll need them to put in front of her wheelchair if she falls over next time
Stupidity is one thing - IGNORANCE IS ANOTHER!!
It's the ladies on the counter I feel sorry for, they must be at thier wits end.
PS - Clint, your centre (Fairlanes City) looks great, I had a look at the website the other night, it's certainly an improvement on what it was when I bowled in it 10 years ago - was very a dark dingy old place then - looked a lot like Devonport back then.
Sorry about the Bible length post - just my $14.65 worth :wink: