Australian Junior Masters & Presidents Shield All Stars


not trying to start an argument or anything but i think you're wrong about the lefty thing. state wasn't that bad for us leftys, i know that i didn't bowl to my best which is why i was knocked out. just the luck of the draw. and if a lefty wont win, whats Kara? im pretty sure shes a lefty. not 100% though. but yeah. its not that bad. if you try hard enough, any condition can be overcome.

the best thing about bowling? you get given 2 chances to knock them all down :p

luv jess
then plz explain y a urethan ball with a touch of negative weight and 7/8ths finger weight was turning 24 boards?
work with the lanes instead of against them maybe? i dunno.

how one leftys ball is reacting (yours) doesnt mean that saying no lefty will win is correct. especially us girls, cuz most of us dont get the amount of hook that you guys do. maybe if u said its not probable, but you said that we wont.
presidents sheild 2004

hey guys i just wanna say that this year northern nsw has a good chance of winning, we have been training heaps and i bet hardly any of the other teams at state expected for northern to go as good as we did.
losta luv keira :D
i think for the boys masters it would be either matty j or steven cowland... all stars there are too many that can get in there.. im not goin to put names to the gurls because ima gurl myself;)

good luck to everyone :!:
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