To tell you the truth i have absolutely no idea who will make allstars n I also don't think it really matters. Don't get me wrong, anyone who makes allstars at sheild has done exceptionally well, but it seems to start so much unnecessary crap (my humble opinion).
I have bowled shield for NQ for the past 2 yrs, and next one will be my last. I have to say, I agree with BOTH side of the arguement that has been presented here, to a certain degree.
On my shield teams, we never chose our line up with the interest of an individual in mind. The line up was done with the idea that on those conditions, at that point in time, those 5 bowlers were going to make the greatest contribution to the team. This may seem like an odd idea to those of you down south, as lots of you are exceptional individual bowlers, but in NQ, we feel like outsiders in a way, becuase of distance and lack of regular competition. Therefore, the emphasis is on the
team performance. That is our goal. If it was to come down to the last game of the tournament, there is no way in hell that our coaches would say, "Let's just put Bowler X in the team becuase he/she has a chance to make allstars". I think in a teams event, it should be up to the coaches (and the other players in a team) to consider the other people they are bowling with, because even though you can enter any number of many singles tournamnets, presidents sheild is the biggest teams event in jnr bowling.
That being said, it is stupid not to assume that people don't have their own aspirations. Of course everyone wants to go away and bowl their best and make allstars, but it can only happen for 5 people. I am also agreed on the fact that the success of a team relies on the success of the individuals within that team. I think it only becomes selfish when bowlers try to pressure other bowlers into stepping aside so that they may bowl more games to attempt to reach allstars, or when another bowler may be forced to miss out becuase a coach and/or their teammates want to play favourites. In all honesty, i dont know very many peeple who dont get on with the other memebers of their representative team, but you usually wind up with one person on the team who nobody thought would be there, so the right thing to do is
become a team.
Once again, i realise that to someone people the notion of 'team' is an idealist approach to sport, but to me it is the team environment that has made my presidents shield trips the best fun i have ever had in bowling. I just think you have to respect the format. I know of some bowlers who sit there when they are not bowling hoping that one of their teammates bowls a disgusting games just so they will get back in the team. Everyone has been throwing big names around for potential allstars, and some of them are probably right. Despite what you beleive in, it bears no relevence on who actually makes the the top 5. The whole lot of them may be bowlers who dont give a stuff about anyone else but themselves, or they could be bowlers who are excellent tem members. Irrespective, they are the allstars, like it or lump it. I don't care what kind of people the allstars are, they should simply be congratulated on their achievement.
This forum was started for the purpose of speculating who these people will be, not whether they are selfish or saints. Why come on and start crap? I encourage other people to keep putting forward suggestions...
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