2007 all stars team


im just wondering who everyone thinks is going to make nexts years all stars team, its just an inquiry
well first of i think
Thomas McLoughlin
Chirs Watson
Dean Judd
Kevin Mcrae

theres just a few names but it will be interesting who people think are goin to make it
Lol Jen.. Ill say some anyway! Just coz I can!
Hard to choose exactly.. Here are some thoughts..
Chris Wingett
Rowey Chapman
Simon Dickinson
Nick Mills
Tom McLoughlin

Girls could be anyone lol..
Rebecca Whiting
Caroline Chang
Jacinta Gilliland
Michelle Oberman

Will be interesting to see who actully does make all stars next year!
Who cares if the teams have been picked or not, we all know who the stars are.

oh and potter if he gets his hair fixed back to that good old mullet

I agree not all the teams are finished yet n u want all stars. Come on
At least wait till the start of next yr when all the teams r finished.
Ah all the teams are finished... Except NT which there are only like 2 bowlers.. Drafts dont get picked until next year anyway.. So why not start it???
yea tru.
Ok my pics

Bec Whiting
Caz Chang
Chris Glare
Sarah McRae

Kevin McRae
Nick Mills
Stefan Porto
Ben Tait
Chris O'Shea

Malcolm Hunt
Tom McLoughlin
Nick Mills
Simon Dickinson
Kevin McRae


Rochelle Mottlee
Rebecca Whitting
Michelle Oberman
Jessica Jones
Rachael Wingett
Early enough for everyone to stroke the ego's of friends and people they wish were friends!!
Loving some of the names that have appeared already - this thread will provide enough humour to last me a while.

That's very funny and very bold!!!!

Boys (there are so many promising bowlers out there at the moment)
Will have to give that some thought :confused:

Jacinta Gilliland
Rochelle Mottlee
Michelle Oberman
Rebecca Whitting
Jessica Jones
Rachael Wingett
The only person I'm picking to make all stars is my bestest buddie Michelle.
You're gonna kill it down there for your last year and Ill be there to watch!!!
umm for me even though i am to old i have to say that to pick an all star team is to hard to pick it will be the best bowlers at the time. But i have to say goodluck to all that are going and bowl good and i hope the best bowlers are picked for the all stars team
jesus flick u chose enough bloody victorians is that cvause u only know victorians lol
jesus flick 3 out of 4 of them are vics yes vic is a good team but we aint that strong there are a lot fo beta bowlers around i aint having a crack but i agreee with chrissy and anywayz who gives a rats bout who is gonna make allstars last i checked president shield is a team event not individual it ****s me to see all this all star crap and so far u have been very biased in your picks

good luck to all the TEAMS for it and hopefully the best state wins
yea i noe. i beleive we have a really good side.
But i do agree i thought president shield was a team event. But oh well. I guess we will have 2 wait n see who makes it.

Good luck 2 all the ppl bowling.

See u in 2 wks at shield Matt
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