I bowl for the technical aspect. Bowling is always keeping you thinking about new releases, layouts and patterns. It is something that keeps me interested, especially watching the PBApros and admiring how skilled those guys are.
I bowl for the competition. Competing day in day out against the best in Australia only costs me $200-$400, and each experience you learn just that little bit extra about your own game to help you next time out. How many of us have bowled in a tournament and come back home and shot big scores?
I bowl for the experiences. Travelling interstate, and finding every state has figured their own way out as to how bowling should be. The fun is learning the state, and hope next time you come, you will be good enough to compete on that conditioner pattern.
I bowl for the people. I have met some of the most wonderful people through bowling. From Top bowlers, right through to front counter and cafe staff. From the first year league bowler, who has 1 million and one questions (what are balls made out of, will having my own ball/shoes help my game furthur?) up to the local league bowler who tries your shop for the first time. You learn alot from everyone you meet.
I bowl for the win. This is essential for my enjoyment of the game. If I no longer want to win, I need a rest.
Thanks bowling!