I must say I love bowling. I love the social aspect, and the friendliness of it all. I have found it to be the most enjoyable sport I have ever competed in, whether bowling as an individual or part of a team.
I started bowling in 1989 with an old boyfriend. His cousin asked us to join their league at Moorabbin on a Tuesday night and we were hooked. After 17 years the old boyfriend is long gone but his cousin and the group of friends I made then are some of my closest friends today and will be forever. I have seen them get engaged, attended their weddings, helped them celebrate the arrival of their kids and watched them grow. We live at opposite sides of the city now but the connections are too strong to be left by the wayside.
Also, you do not have to be a high average bowler to compete in a league and enjoy a friendly rivalry with your opponents. You can be successful in league competition and still be an'average' bowler.. It is a great equaliser in that respect.
For many years I enjoyed league and travel league without entering any tournaments and seriously competing. I now enjoy competing in a number of state level and national tournaments throughout the year, and even without actually winning prizemoney on a regular basis, I love catching up with friends I have met over the years from interstate and other parts of Victoria.
Tenpin bowling is the only sport (that I can see anyway) where you can meet some of the greats of the game, both past and present, and have a chat to them face to face. They are happy enough to talk to you on most days and are generally quite happy to hear how you are and how you have been bowling. In what other sport could you speak to the likes of Cara, Carol, Jeanette, Maxine, Ian Bradford, Frawls, Belmo and George when you see them in a bowling centre. Just being able to ask them about certain aspects of their careers or their equipment and hearing it 'straight from the horse's mouth' is an advantage I cannot imagine being able to gain in any other sporting field.
I could go on for ages about other things as well, and I agree wholeheartedly with a lot of what has already been posted, but as you can see I have a passion for the sport and I can't imagine not bowling... ever.....
PS: Also wouldn't have met the other half if it hadn't been for bowling... not sure if that is a plus or not though... JK Ralph - love you lots...