Who's going to melbourne this year


Danish Pastry

well the nationals are not far away and i'm just wondering who's going down with what centre or team?

i'm going down with Redcliffe.........................

and timmee don't say anything.......................not :!: :!:
Well danish, im am going to the nats, with a dodgy team....reddy reddy redcliffe.....do u know who it is??? teehee. wow the horoscopes i been reading lately, i can't wait to get to melb, its gonna be maddness!! talk to ya later.
HeY GoOd LoOkIn... said:
Well danish, im am going to the nats, with a dodgy team....reddy reddy redcliffe.....do u know who it is??? teehee. wow the horoscopes i been reading lately, i can't wait to get to melb, its gonna be maddness!! talk to ya later.

well i think it is handyman!

well go with reddy reddy redcliffe i know they are a dodgy team
im gonna kick ur a** 4 that name calling message danish!!! :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :evil: u be carefull 8)
I'll be there also with Reddy Reddy Red Red Redcliffe. I'll have to protect Danish from HeY GoOd LoOkIn.... :lol: :lol:

I hope everyone has a great time in Melbourne because I know I will :lol: :lol:
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