Who am i?????? Take 2

Getting the who am i correct is a great achievement.But proving one Wayne Chester wrong is PRICELESS.:-({|= Heh do i get a prize for both of the above LOL. Cheers Ralph. \\:D/ :multi: :eek:nfire:
According to records listed on the TBA site Steve Lovell never won the Queensland Cup ....I didn't realise that there had been a Queensland Open as well.

It wouldn't be the first time I was wrong, nor will it be the last time....
Wayne he definately won the Brisbane cup in 82, I was there and ran 20th(at least I made the final, Batson and Bridges did'nt). 7 Lefthanders in the Final, you should have been there Wayne.

Strop he is already a Senior.:D

Wayne should have been here thru the whole 80's, he would have got a fat wallet!!!!! lacquer, torched up right sides, the NSW Grand Prix series...would have been a good little earner.
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