Who am i?????? Take 2


The question did not say "State or Territory" just "State" and made no mention of competing at Rachuig. It could quite easily have been a US state that was represented.

Jase said:
Who am i??????
I was born on....well lets just say i was born....;)
Events i have won are
Brisbane Cup
Queensland Open
NSW Open
and a Melbourne Cup.
Guess away

Andrew Frawley, Terry Wenban and Ian Bradford are the only bowlers who have won the QLD Open, NSW Open and Melbourne Cup. I can't find any info on the Brisbane Cup so I can't give you the answer, except to say it's one of the three bowlers mentioned above.
Gatsby i pretty sure when Jase was giving the info he was not referring to a international bowler more like an Aussie based bowler .So we will just have to wait and see who it actually is .Cheers Ralph.
For Qld open are we talking about the old Qld open in the 80's or the Queensland cup of the very recent past?
Knowing that the WA Open has not been run for years I reckon its my old mate Steve Lovell. As far as I know Frawls never bowled one. At a pinch maybe Warren Stuart or Billy Gardiner. Glad to see you made it over for Perth Cup Jase. Havent seen much about it on here but had great feedback from guys like Trots and Adam Lack so hopefully will be back better than ever next year. Baron
and the answer is............

Ian Bradford

I had a look at a list of Brisbane Cup winners today and Ian won it two years The other two bowlers I listed for winning the Melb Cup, QLD Open, and NSW Open, all failed to win a Brisbane Cup.
No need for any other answers.
Wayne my selection Steve Lovell won Bris cup in 1982 and Tom Kury won it in 1984 so your research is incorrect.Cheers Ralph.
Steve Lovell sound's good to me....Watch out girl's................:D

I'll explain......

Quoting from my earlier post...."Andrew Frawley, Terry Wenban and Ian Bradford are the only bowlers who have won the QLD Open, NSW Open and Melbourne Cup."
Having had a look at the Brisbane Cup records, I found that of the three bowlers listed above, ONLY Ian Bradford added a Brisbane Cup championship to his resume.
Wayne I will explain. ;)


79 Newcastle Open, Olympic Championship
81 Queensland Open
81 & 82 Rachuig team member.
82 Brisbane Cup, Pepsi Cola Invitational FIQ Asian Masters
82 Bronze FIQ doubles.
82 Bronze All events
82 Gold in masters
84 NSW Open, Australian Open
86 Melbourne Cup, Australian Open, VCBA Champion of champions.
87 West Australian Open, Southern Cross 10,000 South Australian Doubles.
89 Hunter Valley Open.
90 Shur Graphics Open.
91 Victoria Open
92 Shur Graphics Open.
93 Canberra Open
95 Orange Open.
97 Sydney Tenpin Cup

89 300 in SPC
800 in Koolfoam Classic

This is just to name a few of the great achievements that this bowler has done while bowling.

To answer everyone’s question the answer is none other than Steve Lovell.
Congrats Ralph you were right.
This guy was good..............!!!!!!..........I hope I will see him in seniors!!!!!



P.S. Yes Lovey you are old enough!
Hey Strop, having to much fun on the lanes with the young guys out there at the moment, gee they can bowl. Just great to compete against them.
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