Averaged 207 for the season.
Used one ball, an old Violet Gargoyle for the entire season. I only bowl 3 games a week these days.
Hard to say what it all equates to really because the lane conditions we play under in this particular league are commonly known for being particularly harsh and not all that well maintained.
Oiled at 7:30am and has a whole day full of open play, glowzone, disabled leagues, the occasional tournament rolled on it before you even play on them.
Most often has footprints all down the lanes, arse prints all over the heads where kids have been spinning about on the oil, occasional bits food or chewing gum on the approaches, drink on floors now and then.
Lane conditions can either play like a piece of burnt toast or a complete flood (even on the pindecks), sometimes there appears to be more oil on the pindeck than the heads.
Most often it is extremely patchy, you know that's going to be the case so you just get on with it.
Basically, it's pot luck what you get. And that can be a good thing.
On the other side of the coin, I didn't really feel like I threw it all that well for parts of the season, just managed to grind out games when I felt I was struggling to get to that point.
I certainly noticed how much easier it was when I went to bowl in the weeknight leagues when I had a night off work though.
Horses for courses, I just bowl on whatever I'm given nowdays.