craig said:
at werribee cup we ran 21.3 ml per lane over over 40" (this is our current house shot) which has been recently boosted from 16.4 ml per lane
The shot at Werribee
has tighted up. Whilst it is still fairly easy, you do require to think about what area of the lane to play in with what ball service.
I beleive that this was not the case before Craig came to Werribee
Previously, no thought was required and bowlers who were not at the elite level could average 220-230+. Whilst the shot is still pretty easy, bowlers are now being challenged to find another line and to think about ball selection.
craig said:
now in the last month, i have been challenge by bowlers with bad techniques and poor practise agenda's to why they can't average 200+ anymore
After playing on the pattern in league last week, I noticed a few individuals complaining.
Chandler, my only tip for you would be to ignore them. I noticed where these bowlers were bowling, and because they lack the brains to move to another section of the lane doesn't mean you should be crucified for putting down a different pattern. The fact they would rather persist with the same target all night without scoring and blame the lane conditions over their own ability to execute shots is their problem.
I will admit that I was unhappy with one lane condition that was laid down at Werribee before then end of last year. The pair we bowled on appeared a lot drier then every other pair in the house. (however this may have been a technique issue)
craig said:
i have been challenged by parents who think that an australian shirt gives you the right to score and make the cut at what ever event you turn up for, and to a point being blamed for this childs possible exclusion to this years FIQ
Well, where do I begin?

Just because your son or daughter has represented their country doesnt mean you have the right to blame mechanics for poor performance.
If anything, parents of Australian reps should encourage tougher patterns to be laid!
After all those good enough to represent Australia should be good enough to score on all patterns!!
Its all a matter of adjusting to the lane conditions that are placed. If your child is not able to do that, you must question whether they deserved their spot in the national team in the first place?
NOTE: I haven't blamed the lane conditions for my poor performance in tournaments at the start of 2005. I beleive I have identified the problem (and changed a section of my game to fix the problem) and have started scoring again in the leagues I bowl in. I encourage other bowlers to do the same before critising lane conditions.
In regards to Werribee Cup, look at the names at the top of the standing sheet!!! All 16 have the
ability and
brains to adjust to certain lane conditions. You can't take credit away from them because they were able to average over 210 in the event!
Congratulations to Chris and Carly for winning your respective events.
Chris looks set for a big 2005 and it is great to see Carly get a breakthrough win!!
Hope you both keep up the effort you have put into your games!!
Craig Ryan