Tornament Bowling in Qld


I hope it just not me, but is Tenpin Bowling in Qld dieing. Where are all the good tornaments these days. I mean you have the Amf Brisbane circuit, which is just 10 games and where you finish is where you finish. What happened to tornaments where you make a cut, than have matchplay?????
I Know ranked tornaments have cuts, but apart from Redcliffe, there are none. Maybe we could look at up North where the cut is top 20 and than 19 games matchplay.
We dont even have a Qld Cup this year
Any Suggestions??????
No suggestions from just yet...ill think of something..

but your right steve it is dying...

like you got stuff like brisbane circuit and twin tours.. but thats small time stuff to keep us going

What we need is a major tournament....or more than one hopefully with a descent format and good prize money

all the good ones are up north..excpet K and K

NQ Open....Burdekin Cup..unless they are the same tournament... and of course the Cairns Open.

What we need is huge numbers in local tournaments like twin tours....western opn...greenslopes classic etc....before people realise how good the following of competitive bowling in brisbane is....therefore the need for a bigger tournament

And the QLD Cup....of course was abolished for lack of numbers...
except for the big guys whos gonna pay 250 to bowl 10 honestly....certainly not me.

So Come On Everyone Get Out And Support Your Locals And Get The Support Back..
I think 19 games matchplay is a thing of the past!! and thankgod i say, i go to the gym 5 days a week and keep pretty fit, but 19 games is wrong :D , the new formats are more exciting for spectators... nothing worse than watching people bowl that many games

Thats my 2 cents worth

Steve, the 10 games straight was introduced to try and get numbers up again, as before that the tournaments were getting fields of 15-20 people max. The extra games also means less money in the kitty, unless you pay extra money, and if you pay extra money you will lost a lot of the fringe bowlers who dont think they have a chance and would rather not waste their money. Bit of a catch 22.

Few years ago we tried a couple of different formats to try and keep it interesting (take Brisbane Cup for example). Since then they seemed to have just decided it was too much like hard work and went with 10 games every single tournament, which is a bit disappointing.
So .. that begs the question ..

1. What format would you like to play in?
2. How much would you be prepared topay to play in a tournament?
3. What would you expect first place to pay?
4. How many people should get a payout?

But, before we get some utopian ideas, do some sums ... come up with something realistic ... thats not easy with no sponsors.
graham said:
Steve, the 10 games straight was introduced to try and get numbers up again, as before that the tournaments were getting fields of 15-20 people max. The extra games also means less money in the kitty, unless you pay extra money, and if you pay extra money you will lost a lot of the fringe bowlers who dont think they have a chance and would rather not waste their money. Bit of a catch 22.
Few years ago we tried a couple of different formats to try and keep it interesting (take Brisbane Cup for example). Since then they seemed to have just decided it was too much like hard work and went with 10 games every single tournament, which is a bit disappointing.

True Graham, i liked the change up like the Brisbane cup, But in my opinion, if Mt Gravat, or greenslopes, or one of the Grand Prix Ciruit venues, have the 1 tornament there every year, why cant the extra games be at no cost, I mean its the one year, they have the tornament there, make it a specticle.
Charge $120 entry, for 10 games qualifying, than maybe top 10, or something.
Just my thoughts
What about qualifing then step ladder? Do it like the Pba and have like the first 5-6 go to step ladder, less games which means the entry doesnt have to go up that much
C'mon Steve ....

These guys run a business ... you want to bowl, you have to pay.

9 games of match play with 10 games of qualifying - 19 games at $4 if we get a good rate ... - At $120 that leaves $44 for the prize pool ... you would need a bit more than that to get the good players in ..
The Spanner said:
C'mon Steve ....
These guys run a business ... you want to bowl, you have to pay.

Peter, I know they have to make money, $4 a game, geez some league rates are Cheaper than that.
Im guessing i miss the good old days, when we used to have dusk to dawns after they shut the doors to the public, the 15 games skins on a friday night, where it didnt matter if you had a few games extra. Is it all about the money, or the sport.
i am in agreeance with hammer on this one, i mean the centres up here in toowoomba have 4 and 4.50 buck games all the time y not lower it a little for a good tourny which they do. if u get 100 ppl to a tourny at $120 an entry, ur looking at 12 grand straight up, throw in a few sponsers and u have 20-30 grand easy at 3.5 a game for 19 games = $6650 to the bowling centre, which is more than most centers make now adays and u still have a 15-25 thousand prize fund. its not all about the money but about keeping the sport that we love going.

phaggy said:
i am in agreeance with hammer on this one, i mean the centres up here in toowoomba have 4 and 4.50 buck games all the time y not lower it a little for a good tourny which they do. if u get 100 ppl to a tourny at $120 an entry, ur looking at 12 grand straight up, throw in a few sponsers and u have 20-30 grand easy at 3.5 a game for 19 games = $6650 to the bowling centre, which is more than most centers make now adays and u still have a 15-25 thousand prize fund. its not all about the money but about keeping the sport that we love going.

Throw in a few sponsors? ... They dont just grow on trees. Where r u going to get 8-18 grand for one tournament from sponsors?
I think Phaggy needs to do some real sums - 100 bowlers @ $120 = $12000 and with 12 games qualifying plus cut to 20 bowling 19 matchplay @ $3.50 per game = $5530 leaving a grand sum of $6470 for the prize fund.....throw in about $20000 from the sponsors and you can have a HUGE prize fund....

The only Nationally Ranked Men's tournament in Brisbane is because of the sponsorship of over $7500 from 'Clean up with K & K' - the Queensland Ladies Classic attracts about $3000 in sponsorship and lots of hard work goes into both these events......please find $20000 and I will personally volunteer to help put on a BIG tournament for you guys.....


I have just emailed...
Dexter Shoes
Track Bowling
and Fox Sports

I will keep everyone posted
somebody get together money and give it to mary. this lady would get atleast 300 people to a tournament.

luke green
Ducati 851 said:
I have just emailed...
Dexter Shoes
Track Bowling
and Fox Sports
I will keep everyone posted

Id like to see their response - I think it takes a bit more than a simple email to get these kind of people involved.
NQ Open....Burdekin Cup..unless they are the same tournament... and of course the Cairns Open.

Well actually it is one and the same. You are seriously misled if you think being in NQ is the be all and end all. We have Cairns Open in January, which is usually an extremely good turn out, Mackay Open in August (but do take into account that is an 8hr drive each way from Cairns) Burdekin Open in September(5hrs drive) and Suncity Open in Townsville (four hours drive from cairns) which is November. That is it folks apart from some very minor very small comps which are few and far between. I'm sure if you counted everything available to you within 8 hrs drive you would have as much if not more to chose from. These tournaments get the decent numbers probably because we have nothing else!
graham said:
Id like to see their response - I think it takes a bit more than a simple email to get these kind of people involved.

How true Graham. We are talking about corporate sponsorship here and they (corporate sponsors) look for a certain human age group, appeal quality and potential corporate $ kick backs. Free sponsorship is all about increased EXPOSURE and therefor increased MONEY/SALES to the sponsor. Go to some of our major potential sponsors, eg XXXX, A-Mart Sports, etc - visit their web sites and read their requirements. It's not like wearing some shop/small industry/tradesman name etc logo on your shirt sleeve in exchange for a free shirt. To me that's not sponsorship - it's more like an insult and I prefer to dodge free advertising leagues in this form. Corporate sponsorship is about EXPOSURE of the sponsor and the PUBLIC RECOGNITION of the sportsperson/identity that brings the sponsor some reasonably continuous public exposure via those well known identities that the general public recognise and respect.

There is another forum on Totalbowling that discusses the size etc of sponsor advertising on team shirts. Given the size restrictions imposed by TBA, there is even less chance of our elite teams (Rachuig etc) being sponsored (in my humble opinion). Couple these restrictions with the sports' current public profile; would you be a sponsor?

I applaud young Ducati 851 for his "arse off the seat" approach but Graham is dead set correct, unfortunately.

Just my farthings worth.

Hammer said:
Peter, I know they have to make money, $4 a game, geez some league rates are Cheaper than that.
Im guessing i miss the good old days, when we used to have dusk to dawns after they shut the doors to the public, the 15 games skins on a friday night, where it didnt matter if you had a few games extra. Is it all about the money, or the sport.

I can remember those days too........12 lane house, 30 to 40 bowlers playing for $20 a skin after we closed the doors at midnight..............and those were the days when $20 was worth twice as much as it is now.

I'm not a bowler, never have been, never will be, but I have been working in the industry for 20+ years. To be honest.............the sport of tenpin bowling has been on a downward curve for a great many the last ten years its demise has gathered speed.
You guys and gals who regard it as a competition sport are the minority, IMO the majority of Australians regard tenpin bowlinfg as a social recreation game only.............sad, but true.

Tenpin bowling will never be as popular in Australia as it is in the U.S....................different cultures I guess. It's undeniable, more and more centres are concentrating on the social aspect of bowling which is why tournament bowling is almost dead, league bowling is also dying a painfull death...........some leagues only have 2 teams or 6 players...........what a joke!

I don't have any answers, I don't know what will bring about the resurrection of tenpin bowling? it may never happen in its present format.

Great News everyone....i have one response back so far....from Columbia 300...due to them owning Track Bowling Inc... and they said they are more than willing to sponser another tournament.

and any proposal they are willing to go over..

Im new to this kind of thing...and im just trying to get something done about it

any ideas or proposals....feel free...

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