TBA Tenpin Topics AUGUST 2002


Staff member
Chairperson’s message
Tenpin Bowling Australia has now completed a restructure of staffing and services which will allow us to compliment our Australian Sports Commission Funding and provide additional services and development.

I would like to welcome Anna Paterson as a new Executive Assistant with major events expertise to our team. Anna’s role in the organisation will be to turn all of our existing and new championships into events, which will gain a higher profile for the sport and to source additional income for TBA. Anna will be situated in TBA’s office at Beenleigh. Our new staff member has a busy six months ahead assisting with High Performance Camps, Adult Nationals, Youth Challenge and the inaugural Tenpin Bowling Awards Night.

TBA Website
Bowlers are reminded that the website is operational and offers some information for everyone which may save you a phone call or having misinformation. Peter Coburn, the Manager for Metropolitan Victoria, is our “webmaster” and Lynne Clay co-ordinates all information to be placed on the site. Remember www.tenpin.org.au

We have just transferred from one server to another and anyone who has sent emails on 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th August should resend them in case they were lost in “cyberspace” during the transfer.

League and Player Data
Associations and Centres are reminded that League data needs to be sent at the commencement of a league not after it has finished. Correspondence on this and Player Registration data is attached.

Junior Nationals
Congratulations to all of the successful placegetters at the Junior Nationals.

Junior Prize fund payouts and medallions were sent out from the office on Tuesday 13th August and chevrons will be forwarded at a later date due to a backorder with suppliers of grading tabs.

2003 Junior Nationals will be held in Melbourne at AMF Forest Hill with the alternate centre being AMF Box Hill. The event will be held from June 27th until July 13th with the Presidents Shield Tournament being conducted from the 9th to 11th June 2003.

Accommodation options have been placed on the TBA Website www.tenpin.org.au for your assistance.

Junior Nationals result books will be sent out from the office by 30th August 2002 to those people who have ordered and already paid for books. Anyone wanting to order a 2002 Result book can contact Debbie on 07 38078404 to place an order.

2001 Results books are still also available from the office.

Adult Nationals
Adult Nationals Entry forms are being despatched from the office on Friday 9th August and entries can be sent back to the office immediately to book your preferred squad times. Adult Nationals commence on Friday 11th October with the Opening Ceremony and Welcome Tournament scheduled for 6.30pm on Saturday 12th October. The Welcome Tournament is team event with over $5,000 as prize money and is going to be a popular event.

Remember that first 26 entries received will make up the squad, so get your entries in early to secure one of these positions. This event also carries a “Best Presented Team“ award.

TBA Free Awards outstanding
As promised, TBA will be honouring the outstanding awards that have been applied for as well as League Chevrons that are outstanding. These awards have been slowly despatched as the money has become available from budget savings.

The Board has undertaken to make available further funds to complete the backlog during the next 2 months. We thank you for your patience and understanding.

Award Purchases and Enquiries
Award purchases and enquiries can now be directed by email to national.awards@tenpin.org.au . A separate website is also being currently prepared which will list a number of new inclusions to the TBA Award program.

National Awards information
Please remember that there has been a price change for plaques to $24 for no name and $26 personalised.

National Awards now have a new range of presentation options that require only a digital photo and information to be sent electronically. These new options will allow you to personalise your award. The new award presentations will be on display at the Adult Nationals.

National Junior Development Camp
Junior bowlers selected for this camp have now been contacted – the camp schedule is hectic but allows for lengthy skills and specialist tenpin coaching as well as a combination of sports science assistance and education in the pathways and lifestyle of elite athletes. Talented children selected this year and those who could not attend last year due to school commitments are as follows-

Girls Boys
Carly Allen Stephen Astill

Kirsten McKell Matthew Rogers

Tanya Hewitt Matt Sofia

Tracey Madden Robert Kennedy

Kerry Ann Klop Daniel Grendon

Lauren Mooney David Porto

Lisa Ireland Tim Treloar

Michelle Astill Luke Rowland

Lauren Rochester Stephen Cowland

Hayli Mazzoni Christopher Hall

Kate Murry Matt Kilgren

Tara Tojnar Matt Kanafa

Jessica Starkey Nathan Young

Matthew Sing

Cheryl Munson, Ken Thompson, Brett Riley, Ian Waters, Mike Seymour and Sue Cassell will join Dick Ritger and other consultants to assist each of these talented juniors. The camp will be held from 1st to 8th September in Brisbane.

High Performance Coaching Camp
This inaugural camp will be held from 7th to 12th September in Brisbane. The camp is open to all current National Team Coaches or current Level 2 Coaches who coach High Performance Athletes (National Training Squad/Team Members and Open Division bowlers). This camp is an update of current information but also an introduction to the TBA Sports Science programs and pathways which will be used in the National High Performance Program; this includes advanced technical knowledge and information on how to prepare athletes for National Team Selection.

Costs – National Coaches from 2002 - $300 and Level 2 Coaches - $500.

This fee includes travel, accommodation, meals, resources and specialist consultants for the duration of the camp. Coaches should secure a position by calling Gillian Canapini on 08 82727215.

National Youth Team Challenge and Australian Youth Masters
The inaugural National Youth Team Challenge and Australian Youth Masters will be held in AMF Bankstown from Monday 6th January until Sunday 12th January.

The National Youth Team Challenge will see 10 State/Territory and Regional Teams competing in Singles, Doubles and Teams against each other gaining points for gold, silver and bronze positions. The State/Territory/Region with the most points at the end of the event will be deemed the winner of the National Youth Team Challenge.

The Australian Youth Masters will follow this event and is open to any youth bowler under 23 years of age on January 1st 2003. Bowlers will qualify for the final bowling 8 games per day for 2 days.

This event is a welcome addition to our High Performance Program and bowler pathway so that junior bowlers progress to Youth Division prior to moving into Adult Ranks. This Championship also offers opportunities for coaches and for the sport to be viewed at another level. Rules and Regulations for both events will be distributed to TBA State/Regional mangers and Associations on Friday 9th August. Entry forms and bulletins will follow in the near future.

National Tournament Calendar
Tournament Promoters, Bowling Centres and all Associations should send their 2003 tournament lists to the office no later than 30th November this year so that the National Calendar can be delivered prior to the 1st January. Promoters of National Rankings Tour Tournaments should advise their dates and secure their Rankings listing by that date.

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