TBA Tenpin Topics MAY 2002


Staff member

After completion of TBA Annual General Meeting, I am pleased to advise that the following people comprise the Board of TBA for the next 12 months:

Bowler Representatives: June Voukolos, Andrew Frawley, John Coxon, Ted Simmons
Independent Proprietors: John Spencer
AMF: To be advised
Financial Advisor: Peter Stening

Re-elected Chairperson: June Voukolos

Ted Simmons is a bowler representative who joins the Board with extensive Sports Administration and Media Background.

The Board is focused on extending development programs into all of the supporting registered bowling centres as well as continuing governance, education, promotion and marketing of the sport. This will mean a restructure of staffing positions and budgets to ensure the appropriate processes and continued improvement of services.

My role will continue as Chairperson/Executive Director, the CEO title is inappropriate as all Directors have input into the running of TBA. We are all financially responsible. Consultants Lynne Clay and Gillian Canapini will continue to operate virtually in their current roles.

A new position of Executive Assistant to the Chairperson will be created and advertised to enhance the role of sourcing funds through government grants, community and lotteries grants. This person will also assist states and territories with funding applications and opportunities as well as sourcing sponsorship and working with Major Events within the organisation.

TBA office will have 3 staff – Office Manager (to be advertised shortly), 2 Office Assistants (currently Debbie Wanoa and Nicole Dean). National Awards will continue to be co-ordinated by Frank Kosztan and Office Assistant, Nicole Dean.

I wish to acknowledge the achievements of Board members, staff and volunteers over the last 12 months which have not only seen the organisation become debt free but as per our presentations at the National Forum, a vibrant active organisation.

June Voukolos, Chairperson / Executive Director


Following the State/Regional Managers Conference/Training, there is a need for all proprietors and associations to have an understanding that it is essential that bowler data be returned to the TBA Office.

All bowlers competing in a structured competition (Accredited or House League) can fill in registration forms to become registered to play the sport.
Please also be advised that TBA will provide league chevrons to House Leagues who are accredited by the bowling centre, providing they forward their league and player data to the office.


All Associations, Bowling Centres and Tournament Promoters are advised that a working National Tournament Calendar will be prepared in December each year by the TBA Office. This calendar will be a working document that can be updated monthly and will be released at the end of each month.
All tournaments need to be registered in the office by 30th November.

Please note that only centre or local tournaments will be accredited in order to be held on the same day as a National Rankings Tour Tournament.

State/Territory Associations should note that there would only be a choice of 3 weekends to hold Presidents Shield or Rachuig Rolloffs. Please advise the TBA office of your proposed dates by 30th November 2002.

CODE OF CONDUCT – Tournament Play

The Board has approved the attached (see bottom of post) code of conduct to be used in conjunction with TBA Rules and Regulations during Tournament Play.
Previously a sketchy explanation of the Code of Conduct was always advertised at Tournaments. This Code of Conduct will be added to the Tournament Rules and Regulations. TBA Board would appreciate all Tournament Promoters’ assistance to enforce this Code of Conduct.


A National Youth Team Challenge comprising of teams of 4 boys and 4 girls from each State, Territory and Region who compete in Presidents Shield will be held in January 2002. The competition will be held in the same format as Youth FIQ where bowlers play 6 games of singles, doubles and teams then Masters as a result of the All Events Score. This event will be held in January 2003, the actual dates are yet to be advised.
Directly following this event will be the TBA National Youth Cup, which will be open to all bowlers who are Under 23 years of age as at the 1st January 2003.
The format of this event is yet to be advised but will replace the Australian Youth Masters on the National Rankings Tour.

Running these events back to back will ensure spectators for the challenge and open up the Youth Cup to all youth bowlers nationally.


During the Youth Teams Event there will be a blacktie dinner to honour various recipients of awards from TBA i.e. Coach of the Year, Volunteer of the Year etc. This event is aimed to be a promotion to all stakeholders and would involve Commonwealth Games VIPs, our own heroes and of course the bowlers themselves. Nomination forms for the categories will be forwarded to all bowling centres, associations and athletes during July.
Please get involved in these awards to promote our sport together.


After a “stutter start” with some withdrawals from the team, the following athletes and officials are wished well for their June/July competition.

Ronald Voukolos (Captain)
Anthony Flynn
Billy Gardiner
Jason Belmonte
Paul Trotter
Mac Stewart

Sue Cassell (Captain)
Amanda Bradley
Ann-Maree Putney
Kate Wilton
Debbie Baldock
Cathy Elwell

Mens Coach : Ken Thompson
Womens Coach: Edwina Wade
Technical Advisor: Ron Hoppe
Sports Psychologist: Dr. Michelle Paccagnella
Team Manager: Lorraine McLoughlin


Entry forms have been circulated to all centres and associations, please select squads and forward them back to the office as soon as possible to secure your squad times. State Teams are advised that they should forward payment for lineage and dinner tickets prior to travelling to Sydney.

Bankstown Bowl staff are preparing for the 3-week event and it is hoped that record local entries will be received.

Do not forget the Intercentre Challenge where teams from all registered Bowling Centres in Australia can field teams.

Sydney Metro Manager Greg Sawyer is now sourcing volunteers for the event, and anyone wishing to assist can call him on 0412377422.


Please be advised that the cost of High Game and High Series Award Plaques will increase to $24.00 (incl. GST) for plaques without nameplates and $26.00 (incl. GST) for plaques with nameplates.

The new prices will come into effect as of 1st June 2002 and do not include postage.

We apologise for any inconvenience this increase may cause and trust that everyone will continue to enjoy the high quality of the TBA Award Plaques.


Please remember that TBA has a Coaching and Officiating Manager and all queries regarding Coaching should be directed to Gillian Canapini, 0417848845 or gillianc@senet.com.au .


V1.0 23-5-02


These Rules of Conduct will apply to all TBA Tournaments and are to be read in conjunction with TBA Rules and Regulations.


A penalty system will apply to this tournament. Tournament Officials have the authority to issue official warnings and/or cards for any breach of the Code of Conduct. If, in the opinion of a Tournament Official, an incident is considered to be a very serious breach of the code, then that person may issue a Red Card immediately without having first issued an official warning or Yellow Card.

The actions that a penalty may be issued for include but are not limited to the following:
7. UNFAIR ADVANTAGE BY: a. Deliberate Foul
b. Use of Abrasives
c. Sledging

These rules will be implemented as follows, with the action to be taken at the time of the alleged infraction:

First Infraction: The offender being given an official verbal warning.
Second Infraction: A YELLOW CARD will be shown.
Third Infraction: A RED CARD will be shown.
The penalty for a third infraction is disqualification for the remainder of the Tournament and a possible suspension from future TBA competitions. The Tournament Committee will convene at a convenient time that same day the RED CARD was shown to discuss the need for further action to be taken.
Just one thing id like to comment on and that is to welcome Ted Simmons on board with TBA. Ted was in Melbourne for the Asian Schools championships volunteering for the event and the media exposure he got the event in newspapers and TV nationally was simply amazing.

He is involved heavily with Soccer Australia and also was, before retiring, involved with AAP (Australian Associated Press). I am hoping this involvement with TBA will mean more and more media exposure for this great sport of ours.
Just one question if anyone can answer it for me, how are the states going to pick the Youth teams for this new format? As of 31st of December there will be quite a lot of new bowlers that qualify for Youth because they will be 18 years old.
I can tell you that the NSW Central team has already been selected.

While, in Victoria I intend to make the selection trials part of the Melbourne Youth Cup in September.

Other TBA State/Regional Managers have the role of selecting their teams (much like President Shield).
A National Youth Team Challenge comprising of teams of 4 boys and 4 girls from each State, Territory and Region who compete in Presidents Shield will be held in January 2002.


I dont want to sound dumb or anything but i was wondering if someone could clarify the above statement for me. Firstly i think the year has been misprinted and should be 2003 not 2002 (i could be wrong) and also does the statement mean that you had to compete in shield 2002 to be eligble for the youth team? Sorry if I sound dumb but I am a bit confused by the sentence.

A question to TBA :

Quote :

A National Youth Team Challenge comprising of teams of 4 boys and 4 girls from each
State, Territory and Region who compete in Presidents Shield.

If this National Youth Team Challenge is only open to bowlers who bowled in Presidents Shield then how can it be called National Youth Challenge. These bowlers are Juniors 18 and under. To be true to its title it should be open to all youth bowlers 23 and under.

Secondly, by limiting the event to 4 each male and female Presidents Shield bowlers from each State etc, wouldn't this just be a second glorified Presidents Shield?? Why not open it to all bowlers who rolled off in their respective states to give other bowlers a chance to show their talent.

Nada L
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, ">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nada L:
A National Youth Team Challenge comprising of teams of 4 boys and 4 girls from each
State, Territory and Region who compete in Presidents Shield.

My interpretation of this is that it will be youth bowlers but will consist of the same teams/regions that competein Presidents Shield (ie South QLD, Nth QLD, NSW Central, Nth NSW etc etc) so more Youth bowlers will have a chance of bowling.
Ok got that Graham but, who from each area is going to do the selecting and how is this going to be done? And will they have to be YOUTH bowlers (meaning that they are 18 and over) or anyone up to the age of 23.Will TBAL appoint those that have to do the selecting or will it be those committees that now run President Shield for each zone?
This tournament is open to the same team/regions that compete in President Shield.

The age specification will be that the representative will need to be over 18 years of age as at the 1st Jan 2003 and not have reached the age of 23 as at 1st Jan 2003.

The 2002 event will be bowled in Jan 2003.
Hey Sandi -

Just thought I would do a quick clarification to a couple of your questions. Firstly it is to my understanding that as per president's shield and each state/zone/territory have their chosen team qualification - ie Top 7 past post or 5 with 2 selection, thus again each of the above will be able to clarify their own INDIVIDUAL selection criteria. As of yet I have not heard anything about a South Queensland committee for this event, and just a question to firstly -
PEDRO...how does Central already have a team?
MR SHINNIE...sorry for asking a dumb question, but how is it that you request if Queensland will be able to select its own team without interference. What was the interference that you were talking about?

In comment, I reckon this is going to be an AWESOME competition. The ultimate up and coming step for our youth bowlers. I look forward to our selection.

Take Care - Kimi K
Thanks Kim, our President Shield are having a meeting this weekend and I will ask if they have got any paperwork for this. Obviously the teams have to be chosen before January 2003 so things would have to be done or started fairly soon.

NSW Central have already selected their team.

This was done solely on a selection basis by the TBA Sydney Manager.
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