
Hi everyone, just been reading all the post. Haven't seen many of u for a couple of years. So a special hello to Tash, Lorna, Marty and Rob. There are a couple of solutions to your problem but it means that both Management and bowlers need to sit down and have a discussion(or forum) of what bowlers want out of representing their state, what they need and how is the best solution to try and change it. But it has to be team work to come up with solutions not individual gripes. Its a team event so it should be team decisions
Thats exactly what needs to happen Micky, and with a couple of new people at the helm of the State body things will hopefully happen sooner rather than later.
Hopefully the new committee will sit down with the bowlers & try to sort out the problems & show the bowlers the respect the committe has demanded from the bowlers in the past.

In the past individuals have gone through channels with concerns they had over different matters with very little joy.
In the past it has been seen as a sign of weakness by the committee (in there eyes) to bow to requests by the bowlers, or they would be loosing the power they hold over the bowlers off the lanes as they cannot compete with them on the lanes.
Rob, you are right but the committee always take it on themselves to make these decisions then accuse the bowlers on not putting any input. But also they have favourites whom they listen to and change something for them but not others. We all go away as a team and at the end of the day to bring home the top prize it is a team event. So everything should be a team decision. Micky
gonzo69 said:
is there a list of bowlers who are bowling this weekend in the rachuig?

Heard Wednesday night there was 30 Men & 10 Women in the Rachuig.

Dont know who exactly. Could be bitchy & say I could put up a list of who is not bowling. But as Im not going to be bitchy anymore I wont do that.
Hey chin , I also heard 30 men and 10 women , now I was guessing and came up with 27 of 30 names , some i know are definates others were guesses lol I dont think youd be bitchy in saying who is not rolling off , probably be quicker doing that than listing 30 names of who is (LOL) can you tell me who the 10 women are ;o)
Well, all bitching aside, Best of Luck to all those competing for a place in the team this weekend. I hope you enjoy it, even those who don't make the team.
(Yes these are the Rachuig qualifying scores) Sorry Greig got no details, left to get some sleep as soon as we finished but top in the men is about 191-192 ave & the cut was about 170-172 for 16th position. 17th & 18th will probably get a run as i hear Bill J & Jeff E possibly not turning up Sunday.
And if you think the scores were shocking your right.

There was only 1 thing worse than the scores & that was the abomination we had to bowl on.
Doesn't sound very good out there today, What happened ??
This is norwood we are talking about, I know the head tech. wouldn't have set those condidtions up, because he knows what he is doing......unless some clowns ask him to set up a condition what they wanted.
If that's the case got a fair idea who it would have been........shame they never bowled a ball in there life at any level!!!!

And bill and jeff not turning up.....???..........don't blame them.......

Interesting scores for a moment there I thought I was reading the Deveer's results........God help us!


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