
Well, until some of the "shield kids" can start kicking us "unfit" people's arses & keep us out of the team some of us just might have to keep trying out.
If you feel to do the things you think are right for yourself then thats fantastic.
It just may not work for others. We qualify for this event these days over much fewer games than in my time, then have a few little sessions then for one week of the year get together for Rachuig.
These days the competition isn't any harder now than what it was back in the 80's or early 90's.
Colin eating fruit although healthy didn't just win him the barossa cup, he's been around for a long time as well and has had plenty of experience.
I have won perth cup, elizabeth opens , plus others with having such training food as mcDonald for breakfast. Are you going to say that is what did it for me!
I do not knock you idea and I think it great to be fit and so....Tell me one thing if I tried out for the team this year and was lucky enough to make. Remembering I made the team in my own style and comfort zone do think they should change the way I do things risking it might affect the way I bowl and think.
This state has been and hopefully will be a threat in rachuig to other states as far a group of men coming together and acting like a team. Our last win which I lucky to be part of in Melbourne in 1988, we did it without all the crap and yes we have had a lot of 2nds but thats life.
Recovery sessions etc etc.......go on about this all you want....it means jack to some of us. I use to just like to get out there and do the job in hand. Don't think too much about the game, it too can hurt.
Robs original question was how do we get people back to bowl Rachuig?

It would be great if someone in our association could answer a few questions for a start.

Thinking of bowling Rachuig this year but had a few issues that needed answering before I nominated, for nearly 2 weeks now I have asked the questions to a few board members but alas no one seems to be able to answer (not really their fault as some people would know). If board members are unable to give me answers how the hell can they run Rachuig trials.

Good luck to all that have nominated.

I agree there needs to be trainging sessions. But there's a difference between a reasonable amout of training sessions & training every spare weekend available between April & October. Some people work every weekend & you cant expect them to forfiet work to rock up at training 12-15 times before you go away. It costs enough to represent your State already.

I remember 2 years ago a bowler from another State said they were playing S.A.'s C grade team. A few people from S.A. got offended with his comments. WHY, possibly because they felt there was a little bit of truth in his comments with the calibre of bowlers sitting home such as Colin Hunt, Sam Parrella, Bruno Maglieri, Tony Stoppel, Paul Dolman & Paul Longayroux etc. Dont get me wrong the guys that go away give 110%. S.A. finished last that year.

I for 1 dont enjoy spending $2,000-$3,000 of my own money to finish last. I've got a bit more pride in S.A. than that. It's a pity that the people that run the sport in S.A. dont have the pride in it some of the bowlers do.

In my opinion the blame lies with the beaurocrats that sit there & tell the bowlers how much of there money they are going to make them spend & what they are going to make them spend it on. Then sit there after the event & complain about the results.

If I make the team this year it will be my 17th year. Thats $20,000-$30,000 since the days that the State association covered 100% of the costs 10 years ago.

If the people that run bowling in this State cant get the best bowlers trying out because of there "it's our way or the highway attitude" it's time to step down & give the job to people who have a bit of pride in S.A. & the best interests of S.A. at heart. It does'nt cost you a cracker to sit there and play with the bolwlers money. So do your job & give the guys representing S.A. the best possibly chance by having the best bowlers available.

I dont care if the best bowlers in S.A. are 20 years old or 50 years old, if there putting the scores on the board they should be in the team.

If any of the comments offend anybody.


Robert Chinner.
I agree with ya robbie, unfortunately the people who run rachuig dont know or have ever played the game at that level, as far as the text book coaches while the youth might need them, the experience ones don't.
I here many things happening with the association, and its good to see Jo in the role she plays now with the assoc. , but I'm sure even she is probably told to sit in her corner and have little input, funny enough I'll bet you who ever was there before had more input direct or indirect.

I don't care how much time for free people put into helping these events(with exceptions of course), if you cant do it right and professional dont do it at all.

Where's the respect for the one's that have put SA on the map many a times.

Please also I would be interest in what training sessions there will be and what tournament do we have to bowl in. I would like to know before entries close please. Stick it on here, I'm sure its know national secret, it will make me decide whether to have a go or not, which I have been thinking about.

Tony Stoppel

P.S. I dont think Bruno will want to bowl for us now robbie.
Tony, after talking to someone else who was interested in bowling this year depending on what training was happening was told there was approx 10-12 training sessions before going away & Barossa & Bob Elliott tourny were compulsory & possibly Des Mander tourny also. Around $600-$800 extra again.
it's only money & you have to spend it somewhere - after
all you cant take it with you when your gone.
Tony - hope to see you out there ! - I will help through those
training sessions & sneak you coke if we both made it.
Colin the answer is "7"
:shocked!: :agrue: :rainbowa: :bad-word:
XBalls.......Good to see you trying out....good luck in your pursuit

Answer I got, which is not confirmed but is penciled in at this stage is 10!!!!
plus possibly Bob Elliot & Des Mander tournies

I am actually still waiting for answers for my original questions but I suppose it is now too late as nominations have closed!!!!!!
Very dissapointing

Strop bowling Rachuig again......I'd like to see that LOL

Great to see Alex has decided to try out again....talent in the making in my opinion

Good luck to all trying out this year

True David, you do have to spend it somewhere. I dont see any millionaires trying out for Rachuig. The people who try out & make the team work hard for the $2,000-$3,000 they fork out, which you'll find when you make the team.


I've spent the past 4 weeks trying to talk numerous bowlers into having another go without success.

7 sessions, 10 sessions, if other weekends becomes available down the track there will probably be extra sessions penciled in as well.

And with nominations closed all the questions that have been asked over the last 2-3 weeks will be miraculously answered. All to bloody late.

Oh yeah David, that would be a Diet Coke & dont forget the Big Mac & fries for Tony.

And yes it's great to see Alex has decided to bowl.
An intersting topic.
My 2 cents worth.
1 Politics within the sport
2 Cost to bowl train and compete
3 Equipment costs
4 Time off work using up holidays etc
5 Rapport within the teams this one doesnt like that one etc
and so it goes on, I am sure that you can all add to this list
Ah, a good debate nothing quite like it.
Sorry guys and girls I couldn't go past this one..:)
This is going to be a long post so get a comfy chair if you are going to read on
After perusing over the replies to this initial question I have (for a change) put a great amount of thought into my answer..
*disclaimer* any of the following information is purely my opinions and or thoughts and is not intended to offend or upset any individual group or organisation in anyway.:p
I will try to be as diplomatic as I possibly can:D
Firstly before I go off on a wild Spence tangent im going to answer the question at hand, posted by "young Rob"
"What do we have to do to get our best bowlers interested in Rachuig again?"
"Obviously we need some changes to get some of these guys interested again because over the last 2-3 years without them we haven’t been getting the results in October & November".
Rob poses and interesting question as the passionate answers suggest but how many people have come up with legitimate and feasible answers?
Im going to have a go so hang on

To get our "best" bowlers interested in bowling at this level again I believe a number of things need to be changed. But I believe one thing is the most major and everyone can do their bit to improve the situation.
Bowlers and Associates, Attitudes
Firstly from what has been demonstrated on this site, a lot of attitudes need to change. In the past and even now there have been copious amounts of negativity. Some warranted, some not. Either way this does not achieve anything. There is a lot of you out there that have fantastic ideas of how to improve bowling not just in this state but nationally, yet we sit here thinking and typing about it rather than actually trying to implement it. Its not much good to anyone when it is locked away in your head is it? In the past I have been one of those people. I have had my ups and my downs with bowling and have sat back rather than getting involved. Now I don’t have huge amounts of spare time either but always remember where there's a will there's a way. So this year (hopefully) you will see a different side to the Spence, one that’s more actively involved and trying to do "his bit".
It is fantastic to see Great bowlers such as Brenton, Tony, Rob, Colin, Dave, Lorna, Dion, Martina, Louise and Tash posting about this topic, This means there is still hope for Bowling in this wonderful state of ours.
Tony, you are an excellent bowler, previous state representative and you make some excellent points in your posts. You and many other bowlers (myself included) have proved many times that things can be achieved without going to the lengths of the physical and mental preparation that has recently been introduced to bowling at state level. I think you will be very competitive for many years to come without changing a thing that you do, but, I also think that given time, once the "phase in period" (which is what we have entered with all these new training requirements etc) has passed you wont be able to maintain the pace that a Matt Kanafa, Kerry-Ann Klop, Clair Johnson Dion Alexander, Shane Tunnah or a number of other Junior/Youth bowlers will set in a tournament or league for that matter. Now you might put this down to getting old but I’m not much older than these guys so I wont have that as an excuse. The youth of today are dedicated, continually training, working out in a gym they are getting faster, stronger and have more stamina that the youth of yester-year why? Because its what they have to do to remain competitive. In years to come, If you want to bowl for the state (weather it is funded or not) you will need to be a physically and mentally fit as these young ladies and gentleman will be. The stereotypical bowler, the guy that rocks up orders a pie and a coke (both deep-fried;) ) before league or a tournament is slowly vanishing. This is an image that has been attached to bowling for many years and if bowling is to become and Olympic sport (which so many of us want to see) the "stereotype" will become extinct and a new image will need to be born.
On the flipside to all the new training regimes I believe that too much of a good thing can be bad, we are all creatures of habit and trying to take someone that is used to competing without preparation and making them completely change their diet, levels of physical exercise and do things they don’t want to do can, indeed be detrimental to one’s game or performance levels but can also improve them exponentially. These ideas while great in hindsight, need to be carefully monitored and people need to be eased into the new ways not slapped in the face with them, heads held under water and told to get used to it. I know the management that went away with the Rachuig team isn’t perfect but who is? I trained in the Elite Tenpin Bowling Academy which was run by a number of the Managers/coaches that went away with the Rachuig team and I found them to be mostly accommodating in meeting all bowlers needs. Im sure if you speak to any of the bowlers that went away they will tell you that it was the best Rachuig that they have been involved with for many many years.. and that goes beyond the last two years we have all been talking about. Now that, if nothing else, has got to be a promising sign.
Tony you said in one of your posts.
“We are not professionals, it just a group of 7 individuals coming together for a week out of one year to try and win what was once a premier and enjoyable event.”
I believe you are right, but like Rob has demonstrated it can become quite an expensive exercise. If you were outlaying that sort of money, why wouldn’t you do whatever it takes to come away with the silverware, new this year – some money and your pride intact? I know I will do what ever it takes. The question is who decides the best way to achieve this. Well I believe it should be something that is decided as a team, including managers and coaches under the guidance of some professionals such as a sport psychologist, physical trainer and maybe a handful of others that I cant think of right now. I agree that we aren’t professionals, but why can’t we become professionals? I for one don’t want to be known as a 2 games shoe hire hot dog fries and a coke bowler in a state shirt, does anyone else?
Lorna you are pretty fired up and I don’t blame you either, as I can now say I understand where you are coming from but rather than vent on this site how about you come forward with some ideas to work around your situation perhaps the 2006 Rachuig management will see all the great ideas people will put up on here and negotiate with the bowlers around individual needs. But again it needs to be a team thing if not a state wide members decision, some aren’t going to like outcomes but you cant please everyone, and EVERYONE needs to make sacrifices in everything we do, not just bowling. Also don’t forget, we all have a choice to bowl or not to bowl, the bowlers that have decided not to bowl previous rachuig’s have gone away quietly because they didn’t agree with how things were being run. But you don’t see them bringing this state into disrepute by venting on this site. People that are involved with management of bowling and teams in this state are not setting out to sabotage things but to try and make an improvement, we should not be bagging these people and their decisions but praising them for their efforts and trying to help them wherever we can so they continue to offer their services.
So firstly we need to get past the negativity, bad things happen, things some people don’t like, and mistakes are made, that is part of being human but the thing is not to stay on the negative roller coaster but learn from our mistakes, manage them and don’t make them again. The future of what happens is in the bowlers hands, not TBA they can only do so much, remember without bowlers TBA doesn’t exist.
On another note congratulations must go out to Jo Babic for her appointment as TBA state manager Jo is to be commended for taking this position, the first of hopefully many that has bitten the bullet and stepped up to the plate. As far as I know it is yet to be determined what her role entails but im sure she will make a difference none the less.
I think in closing special mention and thanks needs to be given to the management that has served for so many years, flawed or not, they have managed to keep bowling going in this state regardless what people say, I am sure that has been quite a testing task, But one that has been completed with a great deal of success.
The bowlers have all the answers to Rob’s question but how do we get them into a position to make a difference. ?
So many great bowlers have been tainted by previous “once bitten twice shy encounters” can we get them back by putting up an “under new management sign” and hoping they will try out one more time and find out things are different? Yes I think so, but the people who are still involved need to make sure things do change and for the better.. Learn from our mistakes people. Lets not make them again I think you will see changes for the better in the future. And stay positive. Not negative it wont happen overnight but it will happen.
Interesting post Spence, some good points.

As 1 of a handful of bowlers who have been there regularly over the last 20 years & seen plenty of changes, some good, some bad & some very bad. I agree there needs to be major changes in all areas.

In relation to your comments to Lorna about sittng down with management and thrashing out your differences. The balls in there court, there has been people this year & previous years that wanted to sit down & have some questions answered, and got no satisfaction. This has been tried numreous times in the past with the same response. The rules are there in black & white "If you dont like the rules, dont bowl" simple as that and bugger the consequences & it's our way or the highway attitude over the years that has forced some of our best bowlers to say "Stick Rachuig I dont need the aggrevation".

That's right.

Through the rolloffs last year certain people were asking my opinion about things, but then when it came to the crunch do it my way or not at all.

Sorry but there is more to life than bowls and as I said previous, what they do to me will reflect on whether I let my son represent this state or not (if he is good enough), and he and all the other kids of our state players, are a good percentage, the future of this sport.

I understand the frustration in not getting answers.. I too have asked questions and not received answers at all, in the past.

We all know the problems that have been involved with this sport for many years now but the people that have been affected need to stay strong and keep fighting for the fairness that we all crave so much

I have just been informed that Lorna did infact try to negotiate to no avail and i think that its great that she tried. Lorna please dont think i was having a go at you because that wasnt what i was doing at all. All i was trying to do was move away from the negative attitude and try to get the top level bowlers in the state to band together to improve the sport for all involved.

Ok, i get the point about the my way or the highway attitude and that seems to be the main reason for bowlers not returning. SO.. I pose a new question: How do we get people to change their ways and become more flexible at this level? I think Jo wil be a breath of fresh air into the management ranks of TBA so maybe we need to see how she goes and lend a hand to her wherever possible.

One thing i have learnt from many experiences in life so far is that negativity and anger doesnt fix anything.. constructive ideas, suggestions and well thought out plans of action are the way to go.. if there is an agreeance by the general bowling community that what management is doing is not in bowlers best intrests and they cant be negotiated with, then as "a team" maybe you should have all agreed to pull out. sometimes drastic situations call for drastic measures but i think that negotiation is the key to success

before you all go pulling the pin on Rachuig give Jo some time to implemet some changes. We all know she is very approachable but it needs to be done in the right way.

If you kick my door in and start yelling and screaming, i'm probably not going to do what you want either. If you knock first come in and talk im usually open to suggestion.

everyone has a price in negotiations. its just finding their price and the common ground to negotiate on.

So people... How do we negotiate for what we want.. do we perhaps need a union?:cool:
Well spence

As you posted I did try and negotiate and got nowhere. But then it seams maybe what I said did influence those with the power as the youth team went away together, families too.

No spence I don't think we need a union I think we need people to be more understanding that everyone can't be the same (how boring) and some people have special needs.
I understand what you're getting at revs but the question i know put forth to you is:
How do we get the people who make the decisions, to understand the "special needs" of the states top level bowlers?
Spence once again a very good post.

I also think Jo will bring some fresh things to this state , and while the changes wont happen immediately they will change, for the better I also think that as she herself is a bowler and has been around for many years she will understand where we are coming from and I am sure will be open to suggestions too.

I know a that aboard member or manager or someone of that statue have jobs too and while I respect the position they hold whether it be as a Team manger etc etc what they need to realise is that we are giving respect but how about some of that respect come back our way or a little more of it - meaning yes we have families yes we work and yes we get sick too and may not be able to attend a session and yes we the bowlers are also paying out money for the trip so do some giving and taking treat us equally, understand if we have an unexpected matter arise or if we get called to work , we can't avoid work as its how us adults make a living.

I think that this may be half the problem, people hear stories and instead of askin is it true they assume. I will tell you that management is very approachable and they too are like us, but when they get pushed by the board to implement things they are the ones that get the grief in the lead up to the event, they also deal with un happy bowlers who may feel like we are kids as we don't bother being asked would we like this to happen etc etc and I am sure for some the list goes on. Listen to the bowlers we will tell you what we want or would like to see there are comprimises .

Maybe if people hear that we are being asked our thoughts etc and we are being treated like adults should and in fact being involved in some of the decisions maybe just maybe these old faces will come back to rachuig and numbers will rise again, not just in this state but maybe nationally too.
How do we get the best bowlers back into bowling Rachuig? Following on from what Tash has said, let the bowlers have a majority of input into the decisions surrounding the team. The Rachuig team is not a junior or youth team and as such is made up of adults who are used to making their OWN DECISIONS every single day so why completely revoke this right by having other people telling them what to do. How many people out there would actually say they enjoy being told what to do?? I know I don't, but I don't mind being given some degree of direction and here is where I think the problem lies.

Robert Elliott
spence said:
SO.. I pose a new question: How do we get people to change their ways and become more flexible at this level? I think Jo wil be a breath of fresh air into the management ranks of TBA so maybe we need to see how she goes and lend a hand to her wherever possible.


Who are you talking about when you mention people changing their ways and becoming more flexible. Because over the last 10 years the only ones I have seen with any flexibility is the bowlers. If we have'nt agreed with something, Yes, we have been able to have our say, but in the end its the bowler that has had to turn around bend over and take it every time.

And I agree 110% with Jo's appointment. Hopefully everybody will get behind her and make the changes that were sadly needed a decade ago.
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