Well after a successful odds campaign in the JNR forum....
Adults... its time for yours!
Before I start,
I advise those who have a HUMOR problem, that is has no sense of IT, leave this post now!! You may be scared for life!
Welcome to...
THE ODDS 2002 (the war of the STATES)
Well people its almost that time again, the time where the STATES of this wonderful country combine in battle, all there to win the war known as RACHUIG.... the prize.... A MASSIVE F*** OFF shield and the ability to say that your team is better than any other state team in country!
In the war....(no particular order)
1. NSW
2. QLD
3. VIC
4. SA
5. WA
6. TAS
7. NT
8. ACT
Firstly the MEN!
To start as FAV's to win the war!
NONE other than.....
Ill show you a small glimpse at our starting line up!
1. BILLY (no more mullet) GARDNER
2. MICK (little by name, little by nature) LITTLE
3. SAM (the General) ROMEO
4. JASON (the 2 hand man) BELMONTE
BILL...... has been is amazing form, 300's on fiq conditions and always cutting for anything he wants to!
MICK...... has been a lil slow of late but after watching him at the roll offs LOOK OUT
After getting new equipment from his sponsor COLUMBIA.... he’ll be able to shoot any line on any condition!
SAM..... The general of RACHUIG...; has more experience than everyone bowling this year added up, and with the support from wife and kids, been a lefty... he has it made!
BELMO..... seems a lil weird writing about my self.. I mean I don't want to sound up myself... hahaha like I care...
2 FIQ's adult and youth...back to back SUPER 6's 2nd's (lets not mention QLD CUP NOW haha) its safe to say im on FIRE of late and only GOD himself can put me out! hahahaha oh dear
FRAWLS..... The man, will carry everyone over if need be, ive seen this guy do some amazing things, and with the recent win in THAILAND.. Noone will stop this guy from moving to the top!
Need I say more???
And if you think that’s not good enough we have back up of
Andrew (the king of the left hand ditches) LLOYD, Winning everything SHELLHARBOUR to ORANGE CUPS haha!
Behind him ROB Thompson.... has the perfect shot for a drying BANKSTOWN condition!
3 FIQ bowlers....
Should have been 2 YOUTH FIQ... (Mick u spaz)
More experience than any other team!
If you had to place your LEFT NUT on any team this year the NSW guy’s men’s are the team for you!
Really to be for fair we should separate NSW into NORTHERN and CENTRAL cause this team together is unreal!
PUT your life savings, your house, your wife and kids on this bet!
IT’S as safe as saying the BLUES WILL WIN STATE OF ORIGIN haha TRUE THAT!
Leading the way Brenton Davy...extremely talented... so talented that ive seen this guy play with more balls than his bowling bag can hold?? hahahaha
So talented he can play with more balls than he can hold in his hand hahaha
That’s enough of that now I think haha
Lefty he is and lets be honest he can hit 5 boards which is what the left is like in Bankstown.... id watch him to fire for the SA Team.
Behind him 2 crankers of the game... Paul Dolly Dollman and Paul LONGY Longaroux massive shots and great bowlers, watch these go Hand in hand on the score board!
And with experience man Colin "yurac" Hunt... to guide the team in everyway possible..... This team is a solid well-balanced team.. but no match for the NSW team
Hate to say it but they have a good team!
2 FIQ bowlers... TONY FLYNN and PAUL "Trotts" these guys may not say much, they may not say anything at all, they may not even change their expressions, but I can tell you, inside they are a BALLOON ready to burst, a twig ready to snap.... so if I were leave these guys alone, they could be dangerous hahaha
On the serious side the guys are bowling well
trotts winning sa cup and cutting for everything, and flynn is always there, cant loose him, doesnt matter how well ur bowling he seems to at your heals if not in front of you!
Mac Stewart..... unreal form, maybe a lil unlucky not to make FIQ reserves... should put up some sort of fight!
But the money man in the team is the VIC hero, and everyones dreams man
MATTY O.... hope he goes well... but been so young and that this tournie is out side VIC he will be at 60%..... they want him to shoot "schools" sort of scores out there should they win haha!
Lindz.... my boy... bring a new pair of undies when you play us ok!
cause after our 5 throw 5 strikes at u....ull be $hitting yourself hahaha!
The only guy in this team whom i think will be expecting a flogging is the Milk Man....
And a quick note CAM... bankstown only has 60 boards of lane...and by the end ull be needing 160 to play ur needs to understand no hand can work.... but in his case some hand at home is OK! HAHA
But when all else will fail... im sure CAM will turn to LOVE and ask for help...and LOVE will be right behind him all the way...her name LIL LEISA... (thanks B BOY for that!)
ACT 20-1
Matty Francis...prob one of the best lefty's in the country...loves Bankstown...will go well.
with heaps of help including
Rob Zickman.... brett smith..... Drew Charlton this team will prob come top 5... they hope any lower and they would cry! hahaaha i know i would!
Walsh and Frillgos head the way
Walsh making youth FIQ this year and after a skate boarding accident (trying to be TONY HAWK mind you) injured his leg, but now at 100% i havent seen him throw a ball this well for years!
George is a lottery ticket, says he is INVINCIBLE but is never quite on line at the majors...But the scary thing is. if he bowls to how he says he has been...... he will AVE 279 for 30 games...and should that come true... we are all in trouble (something tells me G baby, that’s going to be a lil hard) George is top 10 AUSSIE bowlers and again been a lefty will score 10 pin higher than the theory!
Morty douglas....havent seen him for almost a year now....I have heard no word on how he is bowling, but like always come RACHUIG this guy turns up the heat... extra points for the old ARMY STYLE hair cut! love it!
all in all
the team is ok....a few boys who can bowl high Dave Turnage and ali howard...but at the same time these guys can bowl the other end of the scale just as easy!
Mike "the dyke" Muir is really their only big name, has a small arsenal of help.... Clinton Phelps... when HOT good night...but I haven't seen him firing too many times
Scotty "2 hotti" andrews....I will get my revenge on the Bankstown lanes MARK MY WORDS BOY hahaha!
1 Riley just isn't enough boys!
i think 100-1 is a lil nice...i was thinking another two zeros higher...but then I thought u main man Matty Riley would cry!
After having a chat with matty R he told me TAS would win it.... guess he forgot to wake up and smell the reality in the air! NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!
they have a few bowlers.... Matty would be their GUN but with new girl friend michelle halprin there i think he will be thinking with his head... You guess which one
...but with a small backing Mark "B BOY" foster and hayden George.... these guys just arnt enough to carry this team over the line!
I don’t care how many revs that teams has (cause its alot).... I wouldn’t place a 10-cent coin that I found on the street on these guys! You'd be silly too HAHAHAHA!
It's a mystery whose in the side.... and don't count them out... rememerb they steal whoops i mean draft bowlers from every and last year they won... look out for these guys!
Thats the mens... i think its safe to say
"VIC won't win, NSW will, and really i couldn't give 2 hoots where everyone else finishes"
Now... The Ladies!!
3 WORLD CUP winners ( in my eyes Sue is a world cup winner haha )
numerous rachuig experience.... these girls could even beat our guys team (wow that was a little bit over board haha)
Ann-maree, Amanda Bradley, Sue Cassell, Katie K will be the backbone of the team!
and recruits of prenzel, Gardner and rookie NEW rachaig Sharon McKay
this team will win more convincingly then us guys.... if that’s possible!
Other states don't look for the 1st position, just aim to be 2nd... cause that’s as high as u going to get ok ladies
top bowler in the team.... Nat SHELLY..this girl is a great bowler, she loves the dry shot, lets face it she hasn’t more than 5 revs but carry's like she had 6... ahah
Nat is a YOUTH FIQ and will be a stronger part of the VIC side...
her help!
Narrelle Baker and Ilea Hinkley the girls are going to have to shoot 220 ave... each to carry the rest of them in order to win the shield!
Good luck to that girls haha!
As a team work amazingly... FIQ rep Cathy Elwell will lead the way, but that’s all they got for big scores... beck Simpson will help in the middle of the team and if Lisa Que and Kellie hart bowl well.... BUT I’ve always been taught its not how many stars you have in one team its how well you work as a team... and I should hope some TEAM BONDING BE DONE HERE...and if you need any help with that bonding ill be happy to help
Potential is there...young ones COTTRELL and SMITh will give the team a nice added boost... and if Kimberly Smith smiles just once during the 3 days of Rachuig SA has a chance to win SPORTS PERSON award.... what the hell did I just type?? hahaha
The team is solid with Lorna Johnson up front and Letita Collins wit a wealth of knowledge to help!
It all comes down to KIM SMITH smiling... and I give her odds of 1500-1 to do that!..... sorry team aint look good ahhaha!
A young Captain in beck Salter will lead a young looking team!
The youngest member being 18 (Sara "300" Hyland)
The team is comprised of many last years and the year b4 Presidents shield bowlers, the bad thing about that is..... This isn't JNRS no more... new ball game.... hope you can play well!
Jess Everingham will bowl well at her old house and should the girls combine well 2nd or 3rd is an option hahaha!
ACT 45-1
With Adult FIQ rep Katie Witon leading the way, she will have to bowl 2000 over to win this baby for her state...
she was the only bowler to AVE over 190 in Qualifying and we hope her team mates back her up much better at the NATIONALS then they did at her roll offs!
They may come good on the day!
Only hope in DEBBIE Baldock.... but 1/7 doesn’t make a good team now does it????????
Like the men’s team... who the hell knows who’s in that team!
Drafting possibly 5 or 6 players may give the NT girls a chance for a win!....I did say SMALL very small chance didn’t I!
and who will win te war as a TEAM COMBINED!
NSW 2-1 (and by a country mile mind you)
VIC 10-1
QLD 15-1
SA 20-1
WA 50-1
ACT 75-1
NT ?-1
NOW like i say at the end of all my ODDS posts... this was all in fun!
None of this post was directly at anyone to purposly attack or hurt anyone!
Look and laugh at it.... thats what its there for!
And should you take it personal or to heart... I pity you!
You were warned at the beginning not to go on hahahahahaha
Adults... its time for yours!
Before I start,
I advise those who have a HUMOR problem, that is has no sense of IT, leave this post now!! You may be scared for life!
Welcome to...
THE ODDS 2002 (the war of the STATES)
Well people its almost that time again, the time where the STATES of this wonderful country combine in battle, all there to win the war known as RACHUIG.... the prize.... A MASSIVE F*** OFF shield and the ability to say that your team is better than any other state team in country!
In the war....(no particular order)
1. NSW
2. QLD
3. VIC
4. SA
5. WA
6. TAS
7. NT
8. ACT
Firstly the MEN!
To start as FAV's to win the war!
NONE other than.....
Ill show you a small glimpse at our starting line up!
1. BILLY (no more mullet) GARDNER
2. MICK (little by name, little by nature) LITTLE
3. SAM (the General) ROMEO
4. JASON (the 2 hand man) BELMONTE
BILL...... has been is amazing form, 300's on fiq conditions and always cutting for anything he wants to!
MICK...... has been a lil slow of late but after watching him at the roll offs LOOK OUT
After getting new equipment from his sponsor COLUMBIA.... he’ll be able to shoot any line on any condition!
SAM..... The general of RACHUIG...; has more experience than everyone bowling this year added up, and with the support from wife and kids, been a lefty... he has it made!
BELMO..... seems a lil weird writing about my self.. I mean I don't want to sound up myself... hahaha like I care...
2 FIQ's adult and youth...back to back SUPER 6's 2nd's (lets not mention QLD CUP NOW haha) its safe to say im on FIRE of late and only GOD himself can put me out! hahahaha oh dear
FRAWLS..... The man, will carry everyone over if need be, ive seen this guy do some amazing things, and with the recent win in THAILAND.. Noone will stop this guy from moving to the top!
Need I say more???
And if you think that’s not good enough we have back up of
Andrew (the king of the left hand ditches) LLOYD, Winning everything SHELLHARBOUR to ORANGE CUPS haha!
Behind him ROB Thompson.... has the perfect shot for a drying BANKSTOWN condition!
3 FIQ bowlers....
Should have been 2 YOUTH FIQ... (Mick u spaz)
More experience than any other team!
If you had to place your LEFT NUT on any team this year the NSW guy’s men’s are the team for you!
Really to be for fair we should separate NSW into NORTHERN and CENTRAL cause this team together is unreal!
PUT your life savings, your house, your wife and kids on this bet!
IT’S as safe as saying the BLUES WILL WIN STATE OF ORIGIN haha TRUE THAT!
Leading the way Brenton Davy...extremely talented... so talented that ive seen this guy play with more balls than his bowling bag can hold?? hahahaha
So talented he can play with more balls than he can hold in his hand hahaha
That’s enough of that now I think haha

Lefty he is and lets be honest he can hit 5 boards which is what the left is like in Bankstown.... id watch him to fire for the SA Team.
Behind him 2 crankers of the game... Paul Dolly Dollman and Paul LONGY Longaroux massive shots and great bowlers, watch these go Hand in hand on the score board!
And with experience man Colin "yurac" Hunt... to guide the team in everyway possible..... This team is a solid well-balanced team.. but no match for the NSW team
Hate to say it but they have a good team!
2 FIQ bowlers... TONY FLYNN and PAUL "Trotts" these guys may not say much, they may not say anything at all, they may not even change their expressions, but I can tell you, inside they are a BALLOON ready to burst, a twig ready to snap.... so if I were leave these guys alone, they could be dangerous hahaha
On the serious side the guys are bowling well
trotts winning sa cup and cutting for everything, and flynn is always there, cant loose him, doesnt matter how well ur bowling he seems to at your heals if not in front of you!
Mac Stewart..... unreal form, maybe a lil unlucky not to make FIQ reserves... should put up some sort of fight!
But the money man in the team is the VIC hero, and everyones dreams man
MATTY O.... hope he goes well... but been so young and that this tournie is out side VIC he will be at 60%..... they want him to shoot "schools" sort of scores out there should they win haha!
Lindz.... my boy... bring a new pair of undies when you play us ok!
cause after our 5 throw 5 strikes at u....ull be $hitting yourself hahaha!
The only guy in this team whom i think will be expecting a flogging is the Milk Man....
And a quick note CAM... bankstown only has 60 boards of lane...and by the end ull be needing 160 to play ur needs to understand no hand can work.... but in his case some hand at home is OK! HAHA
But when all else will fail... im sure CAM will turn to LOVE and ask for help...and LOVE will be right behind him all the way...her name LIL LEISA... (thanks B BOY for that!)
ACT 20-1
Matty Francis...prob one of the best lefty's in the country...loves Bankstown...will go well.
with heaps of help including
Rob Zickman.... brett smith..... Drew Charlton this team will prob come top 5... they hope any lower and they would cry! hahaaha i know i would!
Walsh and Frillgos head the way
Walsh making youth FIQ this year and after a skate boarding accident (trying to be TONY HAWK mind you) injured his leg, but now at 100% i havent seen him throw a ball this well for years!
George is a lottery ticket, says he is INVINCIBLE but is never quite on line at the majors...But the scary thing is. if he bowls to how he says he has been...... he will AVE 279 for 30 games...and should that come true... we are all in trouble (something tells me G baby, that’s going to be a lil hard) George is top 10 AUSSIE bowlers and again been a lefty will score 10 pin higher than the theory!
Morty douglas....havent seen him for almost a year now....I have heard no word on how he is bowling, but like always come RACHUIG this guy turns up the heat... extra points for the old ARMY STYLE hair cut! love it!
all in all
the team is ok....a few boys who can bowl high Dave Turnage and ali howard...but at the same time these guys can bowl the other end of the scale just as easy!
Mike "the dyke" Muir is really their only big name, has a small arsenal of help.... Clinton Phelps... when HOT good night...but I haven't seen him firing too many times
Scotty "2 hotti" andrews....I will get my revenge on the Bankstown lanes MARK MY WORDS BOY hahaha!
1 Riley just isn't enough boys!
i think 100-1 is a lil nice...i was thinking another two zeros higher...but then I thought u main man Matty Riley would cry!
After having a chat with matty R he told me TAS would win it.... guess he forgot to wake up and smell the reality in the air! NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!
they have a few bowlers.... Matty would be their GUN but with new girl friend michelle halprin there i think he will be thinking with his head... You guess which one

I don’t care how many revs that teams has (cause its alot).... I wouldn’t place a 10-cent coin that I found on the street on these guys! You'd be silly too HAHAHAHA!
It's a mystery whose in the side.... and don't count them out... rememerb they steal whoops i mean draft bowlers from every and last year they won... look out for these guys!
Thats the mens... i think its safe to say
"VIC won't win, NSW will, and really i couldn't give 2 hoots where everyone else finishes"
Now... The Ladies!!
3 WORLD CUP winners ( in my eyes Sue is a world cup winner haha )
numerous rachuig experience.... these girls could even beat our guys team (wow that was a little bit over board haha)
Ann-maree, Amanda Bradley, Sue Cassell, Katie K will be the backbone of the team!
and recruits of prenzel, Gardner and rookie NEW rachaig Sharon McKay
this team will win more convincingly then us guys.... if that’s possible!
Other states don't look for the 1st position, just aim to be 2nd... cause that’s as high as u going to get ok ladies

top bowler in the team.... Nat SHELLY..this girl is a great bowler, she loves the dry shot, lets face it she hasn’t more than 5 revs but carry's like she had 6... ahah
Nat is a YOUTH FIQ and will be a stronger part of the VIC side...
her help!
Narrelle Baker and Ilea Hinkley the girls are going to have to shoot 220 ave... each to carry the rest of them in order to win the shield!
Good luck to that girls haha!
As a team work amazingly... FIQ rep Cathy Elwell will lead the way, but that’s all they got for big scores... beck Simpson will help in the middle of the team and if Lisa Que and Kellie hart bowl well.... BUT I’ve always been taught its not how many stars you have in one team its how well you work as a team... and I should hope some TEAM BONDING BE DONE HERE...and if you need any help with that bonding ill be happy to help

Potential is there...young ones COTTRELL and SMITh will give the team a nice added boost... and if Kimberly Smith smiles just once during the 3 days of Rachuig SA has a chance to win SPORTS PERSON award.... what the hell did I just type?? hahaha
The team is solid with Lorna Johnson up front and Letita Collins wit a wealth of knowledge to help!
It all comes down to KIM SMITH smiling... and I give her odds of 1500-1 to do that!..... sorry team aint look good ahhaha!
A young Captain in beck Salter will lead a young looking team!
The youngest member being 18 (Sara "300" Hyland)
The team is comprised of many last years and the year b4 Presidents shield bowlers, the bad thing about that is..... This isn't JNRS no more... new ball game.... hope you can play well!
Jess Everingham will bowl well at her old house and should the girls combine well 2nd or 3rd is an option hahaha!
ACT 45-1
With Adult FIQ rep Katie Witon leading the way, she will have to bowl 2000 over to win this baby for her state...
she was the only bowler to AVE over 190 in Qualifying and we hope her team mates back her up much better at the NATIONALS then they did at her roll offs!
They may come good on the day!
Only hope in DEBBIE Baldock.... but 1/7 doesn’t make a good team now does it????????
Like the men’s team... who the hell knows who’s in that team!
Drafting possibly 5 or 6 players may give the NT girls a chance for a win!....I did say SMALL very small chance didn’t I!
and who will win te war as a TEAM COMBINED!
NSW 2-1 (and by a country mile mind you)
VIC 10-1
QLD 15-1
SA 20-1
WA 50-1
ACT 75-1
NT ?-1
NOW like i say at the end of all my ODDS posts... this was all in fun!
None of this post was directly at anyone to purposly attack or hurt anyone!
Look and laugh at it.... thats what its there for!
And should you take it personal or to heart... I pity you!
You were warned at the beginning not to go on hahahahahaha