Rachuig Nationals

I don't believe that any further posting on this matter is appropriate. The matter has been forwarded to TBA for them to take such action (if any) as they see fit.
I dont think it was the sportsmans award you lost narrowly George. It was the Allstars team you missed by 2 pins.

SCOOPS said:
Well Jas from what i remember it was almost 5 lanes lol but cant recall getting in ur face.............. maybe me ole George Pontoon (Who never throws 7)

Scoops I didn’t mean it in a bad way just used it as an example!

I thought it was a great ride (confident considering the shot before was a 9 pin) :lol:

I really enjoyed playing against the WA boys in my very first rachuig tournament and hope to be fortunate enough to be there again next year!

So tell me why is it that the match between Sth Qld mens team and the SA mens team has got such a mention?

Didn’t NZ means have a scuffle with someone? Or was that just a rumor as well?

Hi Jase,

NZ mens did have a 'scuffle' with WA mens, but it was all sorted out there and then. Nothing more needs to be said here.


Didnt take any offence Jas, so much in here can be read the wrong way, we had a fun match as i try to with all my opponents, hopefully next time i wont bowl like such an ass and put up a bigger fight

Sledging at the appropriate moment is the key, sledging for the sake of it is tireless energy

Yes we did have fun, especially keeping PONTOON quiet (if thats possible)

NZ & WA are all sweet, just saw a few at the airport and wanted to wish them a safe journey home, mind u i think our flight is longer, not that i wood know i'm still here in Melb

From time to time things may happen in the heat of the battle but at the end of the game/day/tourney we all should be able to have a drink and say well done
Oh Oh, Brenton's dobbed on us all............. let's see, crying, dobbing, yelling, sounds like my 2yr old. I truly think if it wasn't for Brenton's antics this wouldn't have happened in the first place. Even some SA's expressed there dissappointment with their fruit loop leader............. If you can't take the heat, stop lighting fires!

Scoops, please don't ever kiss me again in public :D
Brenton_Davy said:
I don't believe that any further posting on this matter is appropriate. The matter has been forwarded to TBA for them to take such action (if any) as they see fit.

And how can TBA possibly take any action without holding a fair hearing where evidence is taken from both sides?
How do they do that? Ask all the protagonists to front up to their office on Monday morning? Organise a phone conference hook-up? That will be fun.
I wonder who will pay the bill for the travel or the phone calls. And what about any possible appeal? Who pays for that?

Come on guys, get real.
So what's your claim to fame george compared with brenton, brenton will do, and has done more than you will ever do in your life time. Good to see your personality shining, I can see why you just missed the sportsman award.
They should have more people like you george in the team, maybe they might even win there first rachuig! ever!

I think the whole incident is getting much larger than is necessary. When bowlers of equal skill and determination front in a team environment - the game in the players area gets an airing - Over the 9 years I have coached Rachuig - I have witnessed many incidents - The game in the players area normally looks after itself with players on both sides knowing at the time of the match that things will be said and that an edge will be played if there is one to be had. After the match hands are shaken and we all move on. There are many funny incidents and the banter between experienced players is very amusing. These bowlers are very comfortable with themselves. If a player enters this atmosphere and takes all items personally it makes the tournament tough for them.

I do not agree with sledging for sledgings sake and always try to monitor situations that require control. The ball in question was reported to me as being illegal - my role was to inquire as to the correct procedure of checking the equipment. I spoke to the Manager of the mens side about the incident and apologised for the timing of the check. It was not intended to disrupt the play of young Travis. Travis is a fine bowler and I know he will have many Rachuigs ahead of him. The SA Team went well and had no problems taking a few points off us the first time we met them.

I was please to see the Tournament Directors role taken seriously and have to hand it to TBA for a well run Rachuig and the Teams that came first second and third and fourth fought hard to improve their places at all times. I believe Rachuig is the Premier Team event in the World. It was great to see the NZ team getting their Rachuig legs - their results will get better each year.

I would like to compliment Tassy on their fight on the last game led by Ashley I believe that was the match I will remember for a long time - I have never seen so many strikes thrown by both sides and a never say die attitude from both sides. I had a tremendous team and every bowler in our side I am immensely proud of.

If you have never bowled a Rachuig - I encourage you not to listen to the banter and chat that goes on by persons who were not there - talk to the veteran Rachuig players discard the politics of home towns and get in there and have a go.

If you have never bowled a Rachuig - I encourage you not to listen to the banter and chat that goes on by persons who were not there - talk to the veteran Rachuig players discard the politics of home towns and get in there and have a go.

Talk to the veteran players...........totally agree with you, many of the senior players will tell you what rachuig is really all about.!!
I have bowled many a Rachuig..........
Have been involved in many a battle c/w banter & tatics to put me or my opponent off but never, never, never has it come to this type of airing!!!!!!!

Has Rachuig truly come down to this type of mud slinging??????
If so, it really dissapoints me & maybe I should stay away for good

strop said:
So what's your claim to fame george compared with brenton, brenton will do, and has done more than you will ever do in your life time. Good to see your personality shining, I can see why you just missed the sportsman award.
They should have more people like you george in the team, maybe they might even win there first rachuig! ever!

Stop right there. Yes Brenton has achieved a bucket load of wins/earnings etc, but George still has many many years in which to catch up. Just because he pissed you off, dont say crap which isnt true.

oh if you want to get rid of the wife Andrew, just tell her you think your in love with her mother
GeorgeF said:
Oh Oh, Brenton's dobbed on us all............. let's see, crying, dobbing, yelling, sounds like my 2yr old. I truly think if it wasn't for Brenton's antics this wouldn't have happened in the first place. Even some SA's expressed there dissappointment with their fruit loop leader............. If you can't take the heat, stop lighting fires!

Scoops, please don't ever kiss me again in public :D

I really doubt taking things that personal helps the situation at hand George.

It's all been said and done. Just let the TBA guys handle it in their own time.

You can't tell me you don't have antics that help you get your mind of your bowling. Everyone has one, Brenton's is not any different. He likes to get involved in his shot.. Is that such a bad thing?

For me going down as a spectator, there's nothing better then watching someone who's ontop of their game, and loving it. I think there should be a lot more Brentons around.

George. Just keep thing's above board. No need for the shitslinging/name calling antics. That really doesn't bring you much higher then the 2yr old you keep refering to.

Benny Shearer.
MurderDoll said:
Stop right there. Yes Brenton has achieved a bucket load of wins/earnings etc, but George still has many many years in which to catch up. Just because he pissed you off, dont say crap which isnt true.

Brenton's still bowling mate :p He's gonna keep that void there!
I know Brenton's still bowling, and I know he is a great bowler. But I'm just trying to get across the point that George is a great bowler in his own right, he might seem like a prick to some people, but everytime I've seen him or heard him speak to people, he sounds pretty sincere.
Right on. Whenever TBAQ needs a high profile bowler to help out with something, who is the first person to stick his hand up? You guessed it. George Frilingos. Furthermore he donates product without even being asked.
And this is the guy people want to rubbish? Some of you need to get a life.
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