Rachuig 2007

Rachuig, president shield, etc, regardless of age group are sporting teams. A sporting team is a group of individuals who share a common goal. Perhaps if we reinstate this common goal as the prime priority, hopefully we won’t get off track as much.

In any sport the “off season” has as much involvement as a team as the “on season”. In this respect I would see the on season being the time when the roll offs have finished till the time the competition is over, and in turn the off season would be the time when the competition has ended until the time of the trials.

Maybe something can be done in this off season period, used a bit more on an entire state level. Work out a training schedules, etc as a state. If you feel you need to be heard for an opinion on the subject, perhaps meetings or something similar where everyone can work out a plan can be arranged.

By the time the trials come around, everyone can see what is expected and if you don’t agree with it maybe you could have done something about it before it has happened. Maybe each bowling centre in SA can be represented by an individual voted by the members of that centre to represent their views on matters concerning us all.

History has told us diplomacy works far better than dictatorship.
Although we are still talking about an aspect of life, not a country to govern, it still seems that a big group of individuals is the definition of a government.
I don’t fully believe that this is THE answer, but something definitely has to be done.

I could tell you plenty of stories but none will help the situation in this state.
Surely if there is so much "hearsay" year after year some of it has to be true,
Amen to that Colin.

Jason Turai
Whoever you maybe???????

Suggest you take heed of what jase is saying.....if you have nothing constructive to say.......stay away

ok this is what u want no rules no couches no managers every bowlers fend for them selve , it looks like there was only one person complaining anyway, and as in prevous yrs she was not there so what she heard was hearsay , lol gossip . nothing changed in this forum the same ppl complaining the same old stories.
What do you want "zulu61" people - who should tow the line no matter what. People to do as they are told. yes sir no sir three bags full. Geez if people aren't allow to have their say - we me might as be robot's.
People should be allowed to express their opinion without the Threats from Management. Management should have the maturity to sort these problems out after all they are the team leaders. I would hate to be employed by these people - what sort of boss would they make ? Changes should come from the top.
My warm down after bowling Rachuig was, straight to the bar. Gee how things have changed over the years. Remember everyone, you are not playing for a million dollars here. Relax everyone and have a good time.
Hey there Steve,

How's things, not seen you in ages......we seem to give the game away at different times.
I seem to remember the days when you did'nt wait till the end of bowling before hitting the bar........even though I was still a pup in awe of guys like you it was still the good old days.

Hope you are enjoying life away from the bowling circuit

Hi steve, Thanks for for those words on warm down, can no disagree with you there except mine will be a pepsi-max.

To Colin, Paul etc... Fantastic comments good to see the opinions........

Jo, same for you......although I think you can please most people most of the time......it's called compromise! and Flexibility!

Like I said if the ones that do all there training all year for this then so be it. For the ones that hate practice and do limited exercise and they made the team do there own program (McDonald etc.....) then why should they be made to confirm.

Brenton we did ok back in the old days, winning and finishing 2nd plenty of times. These days we cant even crack a 3rd, even on a ditch! And as far as I'm concern the competition back then was even harder. I know times change and it takes time but I'm sorry it doesn't do it for me the way there doing it. they need to be attracting bowlers, not just the ones who would kiss there feet.

I stated this thread to get some major feed back and I'm happy with the response, I am just sick of the way the Local Family, sorry TBA run and dictate what people can and cannot say on this forum. Is the Australian Body doing the same with whats been said on the main forum about getting rid of them! I doubt it, they wouldn't have a room big enough to cope with the crowd when it comes to bringing them before the board.

To the people out there emailing threats to others(and I definitely have a good idea who you are) please stop this childish thing. The thug approach is not the way.

Not that the team would want me but if there was a bit more flexibility in being in the team even I would apply. I still like to think I can make a difference. And what about even Paul, Colin and Sammy to mention a few where to come out. I still think all these people are still very competitive even with there busy life styles and commitments to family could still give many of the ones around today a run for there money.

I see very little if not any input from our local association on here or even the coaches. There is nothing wrong with this open session. I can still mind the kids and write my posts..........

I just off the plane so I need a rest now..............


Apology for certain spelling mistakes in my last post....bit tired. But I'm sure you know what they mean...eg confirm meaning conform......and so on

yep as i said nothing changed
and i dont care im not involved and this is my opion and if i had it my way a certain person would now not b bowling for sa ever .
and jason as those private mgs
yep sry i dind see them so i dont blieve it ok

this will b my final post . never anything constructive on here and yes im wasting ur space
Hey Paul how‘s things mate…Tell me back when you did bowl did they make you sign a South Australian TBA code of conduct?
Looks like that’s what happening to the Team down there at the moment and then are threatened if you POST ON TOTALBOWLING about the week away…
I could understand if there were names mentioned but to threaten someone and tell them they are about to be bought in to a meeting with the Executive of Tenpin SA for what they have posted so far is quiet disgusting in my view…Any wonder they don’t get a full quota rolling off the next year…
It’s no secret that I don’t always agree with Strop or Chin for that matter have support SATBA in the past in most threads but in this case I think SATBA really have it wrong…There is nothing wrong with freedom of speech if used correctly…I cannot see how this has been done in this thread…All I see is a few people upset because a few views don’t agree with them regarding how the week went, and others reporting this thread to me because it’s not positive feedback…
All feedback whether it be positive or negative can be used to better the sport…My advice is LISTEN TO WHAT THE BOWLERS WANT…They are the ones PAYING THE MONEY not SATBA…
Happiness helps breed success…

Really, im hurt.
Was going to stay out of this, but what the hell. Im always in the sh!t. Its only the depth that varys.

I'm not going to buy into the argument of what is right v's wrong or what should or shouldn't happen.
All I will say is that through many years experience there is one huge and major hurdle that will always be very difficult to get over and that is - 14 bowlers make up the team. I see all of your individual posts saying "Ask the bowlers etc etc" which I will add I am not "Anti" that, what concerns me though is that those at Tenpin SA will still cop the flack because they may just choose to adopt a suggestion from some that is not liked by others.
What I mean by that is you will most likely get 14 various opinions, needs, wants and desires. Sure some of these opinions may be similar in a lot of ways but the point I'm trying to make is what you do to please some won't please others and therefore no matter what is done to "improve" Rachuig this particular topic will always be a highlight of the forum each year after Rachuig is done, it just might be a different group each year having the debate. And it will be the group who in that particular year didn't like what goes on, or what they "think" goes on.
For those who haven't been a part of Rachuig in recent years I can only suggest that rather than "Slag" it off based upon hearsay why not give it a go and see for yourself, that way any comments you then want to make in the future are at least based upon your own experiences. You may just be surprised at what you see actually happens behind those doors of the Rachuig team. :confused:
I did hear a few things about this trip, yes this is my part to comment on "Hearsay". What I heard though tends to contradict a few of the posts here such as: some team members being dropped off to play Golf, Shopping trips, Casino trips, Beers after Rachuig socialising with other teams etc, I'm sure there were other "fun" things as well. Hearing from more than a few of the team members how they enjoyed the trip, and then reading this forum I am a bit confused and wondering if everyone really was at the same place and on the same trip????
So again I go back to my original point behind the reason I thought I would post this. There is more than one or two people to please and by making decisions it's human nature that you are bound to please some and maybe not others, in a group situation it would be a miracle for 100% of people to be 100% happy 100% of the time.

Yes you heard correct Jo.

Saturday:- Arrived Melbourne
Sunday:- Bowled Singles/Doubles/Teams. National events. Had dinner as a team.
Monday:- Free Day. Some people caught train into city shopping. 4 of us spent 2 hours playing
9 holes at the local golf course. Had dinner as a team.
Tuesday:- Rachuig all day. Had dinner as a team.
Wednesday:- Rachuig all day. Had dinner as a team.
Thursday:- Rachuig all day. Some of us socialised with other teams at motel that night. i.e. TAS/QLD/NZ/NSW/SA bowlers having a few drinks & a barbacue together. God forbid we let off a bit of steam after 3 days of rachuig.
Friday:- Masters attempts for those interested. In evening all team members at the bowl supporting the 3 out of 12 bowlers bowling the masters for 5 hours. Had dinner as a team.
Saturday:- Morning spent at bowl supporting Brenton. After Brenton knocked out after 1st round of the day everybody had a free day until the dinner.
Some stayed at the Masters, some went shopping, 3 of us played 18 holes golf this time.
1 Casino trip after the dinner Sunday morning. 12.30am - 2.00am

Also, as some have already stated. Nobody is against a reasonable amount of practice sessions before going away. In "the old days" as everybody likes calling them, we still had training sessions when Rod Bayliss was manager for years. And as stated in earlier posts we faired a lot better in those days against stronger teams.

And Danielle was right. I was talking to a NSW bowler on Saturday before the dinner and was told they had only bowled State Champs as a team between the trials & Rachuig. No practice. 1 win.

All we used to here "in the old days" was that a team of champions would beat a champion team.
Bit hard to do when a lot of the States Champions (whether they by current or ex-champions) are sitting at home because of the politics in the sport.

People keep talking compromise & flexibity. 2 way street.
People need to get there heads out of there arses on both sides of the fence & sit down and do some serious talking before next years trials.
Unless people are happy finishing 5th-10th every year.
About time some pride was taken in were we finish. Plenty to be ashamed about last 4-5 years.
Sorry, got it arse about.

All we used to here "in the old days" was that a champion team would beat a team of champions.
Hi jase,

Things are good down here, (Outside of Bowling), not sure if i had to sign an agreement in my last year. i know you have to sign one now though.

What Chinner has said in regards to being away is what i missed the most.

Dinner as a TEAM, supporting your bowlers and having a Guinness or two with your mates after bowling and catching up with friends from interstate.

I am not against training sessions (1 every two months would be fine) but is just the way you are told to be at places.

My last year was 2002 (I Think) and us as bowlers organised everything and we had a great time, 2nd to NSW again, No one to tell us to be in bed by 9.30pm or to be at breakfast at 7am. As long as you are on the bus when it is ready to leave, we did what we had too.

We are all old enough to discuss this rationally and get the best out of our bowlers and MAYBE one year actually WIN Rachuig.

I personally would love to have another shot at Rachuig, but in the words of Ben Cousins SUCH IS LIFE.
Keep them comments coming people.. about how it was done back 'in the old' days... apparently i am to meet with TBASA and would love to have some solid support of what it should be like and how it was when people enjoyed it.

Yurac, my bad about the 'old' comment, but aren't you a senior now?? that's border line ancient... only kidding. i guess us 'pups' are all smart arses these days!!

Thanks to everyone that has supported me especially the great bowlers of the game.. its good to know i am fighting for a good cause.

And to anyone reading this thinking they were going to try out for rachuig but is considering not now.. all i can say is try out and give it a go, you never know it may just be different in the future.. the comments i expressed are purely facts which i experienced, but your experiences may be different and that s what im fighting for!!!

yep as i said nothing changed
and i dont care im not involved and this is my opion and if i had it my way a certain person would now not b bowling for sa ever .

And if everyone else had their way a certain person would be banned so that they would now not be able to post non-constructive dribble and wasting space in this thread (and future threads) which is meant to be used to fix the issues facing SA bowling and return us to the top of the tree instead of finishing in the mediocre positions at Rachuig.

Its pathetic how you sit behind your computer and call for heads to roll because we don't come home and pretend everything was hunky dory while we were away when it wasn't. Maybe you are ecstatic with the result from Rachuig but the team that put in the HARD WORK, HARD TIME and HARD CASH, are not and when we feel that there are things to be improved on so that future teams' HARD EFFORTS pay off more than ours did this year than so be it. The last thing SA needs is more female bowlers pulling out of Rachuig. In case you forgot there was a whole 5 that tried out this year. Huge numbers i'm sure we will survive with that.

Thats all for now,
just in case evry1 thought i that i was talking about a certain bowler im not , wat i meant was had i known 12 yrs ago about the politics that and the old ideas that some ppl have and would like to run this sport a certain bowler would now b playing cricket where they r treated as a sportsperson and again only 1 person complained

Wanting to ban someone for not enjoying rachuig and voicing their opinion... someone’s being a bit precious aren’t they?! And are you seeking a JP to witness the multiple complaints, or at some point will you realise it isn't a perfect world and Rachuig this and last year was not as enjoyable as what some members had hoped, not just one member.
Just take a look at roll off's - that should be proof enough - why 5 years ago people were lining up to bowl and devastated when they would miss out, then this year they couldn’t even fill the girls team.
Making Rachuig used to mean so much, it carried weight; “I feel” - (which means it is my opinion and I am entitled to it!) - the honor and prestige of Rachuig has been lost - along with the turn out to roll off’s and to the event itself!
I remember staying in Sydney the extra week after De Veer - just to watch our Rachuig team battle it out, admiring the bowlers and their talent.
Had I wanted to, I would have come at the very least - 6th in the 2007 Rachuig Roll-off’s, as a 170 average bowler, that should not be possible!
Those top spots of our “South Australian Adult State Team” should be filled with this states best, and they are not.... Why?
This is the question that needs to be answered, and the management, captains and anyone else who has any power to make a difference should be fighting to find out why - to make that difference, to make the sport better - to merge what we know now with what we had then and make Rachuig the sought after accolade it once was
Rachuig in South Australia is dying! Isn’t it time we found out why, not punish peeple for speaking up and then searching for a bigger rug to sweep the troubles under?!:p
just in case evry1 thought i that i was talking about a certain bowler im not , wat i meant was had i known 12 yrs ago about the politics that and the old ideas that some ppl have and would like to run this sport a certain bowler would now b playing cricket where they r treated as a sportsperson and again only 1 person complained end

Only 1 person cpmplained. Imagine the sh!t fight if 4 or 5 people had complained.
Isn’t it time we found out why, not punish peeple for speaking up and then searching for a bigger rug to sweep the troubles under

Surely it would be better to just buy a roll of carpet...maybe all this rug buying is why our fees are so high :p

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