Rachuig S.A.

Well Agro it seems that the queen of bowling in our state seems to think you are I , and I are you......NNNNNaaaaaaa! sorry wrong answer....unfortunatly he or she writes better than I do....and has many comments about the fiq...which I am not familiar with.
Many you agro can convince her your not me....even thou your email to me states it's not important to know your identity. Many people think its me but I asure you it's not.....maybe you Graham. who runs this forum can assure jo we are not the same person..because she is jumping to conclusion......but jo your right..no need for me to say much more and we don't need to say anymore that people already know about.!!!!
I last note , I'm sure everything is up on the up and to prove that I'm sure we will see a big surge in rachuig numbers this year compared to last year...won't we!
Good luck to all....
So far I have refrianed from & read with intrigue some of the comments, but after just catching up on the last dozen posts or so I now feel compelled to put in my 2 bob's worth.

Tony...you have certainly stirred up a hornets nest with this topic, everyone seems to want to bag you, seeing how this is an open forum you ar entitled to your opinion & views as well as others are entitled (to a certain degree) to bag you.
In a way i applaud you for starting this controversial topic......Why?........I hear everyone ask, (if i am wrong someone tell me) to my knowledge there was no talk of an open forum regarding "The Contract" and other items, i believe you have pushed the idea of this Open Forum for everyon to speak their mind face to face, as we now see this forum is about to happen.
On the Contract...... B Boy state very early in the piece, if you do not agree and do not want to adhere to the rules........simply don't bowl. As Heather stated you have a few choices
1. If you disagree....don't bowl
2. You can disagree but accept the conditions.
3. Simply tell them to shove it.
Back to Tony for a moment-
Quote - we have bowlers who live for this game but are unwilling to comment on this subject.
This is very true and you know the reasons why......tags are put on people very quickly whether you are a so called "Elit Bowler" or not, once you have this tag it is never removed.
You now have a few options
1. Comment and wear the tag.
2. Keep your mouth shut and wait for a face to face forum.
3. Take the gutless way out and comment under an alias.
Sorry to offend anyone but if you cannot say what you have to say with your name or face next to it.....keep quiet.
What do i think of the contract?
It's a heap of hogwash.
If a contract is to be put in place it should be done on a national basis, after all when we all gather together for the Nationals & Rachuig it is not just our State on display but our Sport is also on show. If Rachuig is to be a stepping stone to representing Australia then apply the same rules to State level as there is at Australian level which are put down on paper as well as stated to you, with no dispute.
Yes......I have nominated for Rachuig, I am in the category of disagree (with certain aspects) but sign my name and subsequently accept the rules.
I only hope this forum to be held is not a white elephant.......people.......turn up, voice your gripes, voice your ideas, no problems can be solved if they are not brought into the open.
Just a few other points
Al: Granted, Rachuig is no where near what it used to be, but it will remain in place in some way, shape or form, no matter what people say behind closed doors, when they get on the lanes they all want to win and give 100%.

Veronica: Get your facts right regarding the absence of some male bowlers from practice sessions.

Agro: Disregard the contract.......if you want to bowl Rachuig and represent your state go ahead and do it, do not get involved with the politics, let your bowling do the talking for you.

It's a mystery: You'r spot on, cost is the major factor for most bowlers, remember, it will cost you approx. $1000.00 to represent SA.

MS: You gave Tony a good serve, some may say he deserves all he gets, but does everyone that knocks him actually know how much time and effort Tony has put in over the years, I believe he has started the ball rolling on a few occasions in the past and ended up flat on his back - with no back up.
Remember we are all entitled to an opinion and at least he is prepared to put his name to his comments.

Agro: Fundraising, I am unable to comment.
Sponsorship dollars are gained in the form of Government Grants, which the State Board do not decide where the money is to go, they are told by the Dept of Rec., Sport & Racing where it will be put.

You've got to be kidding: Quote "You obviously were not at the State Team Challenge last year to witness our Elite men's Rachuig Team turn up half cut from the night before (great example of Elite Bowlers wouldn't you say.
Do not even start me, with some of the other goings on at prior Rachuigs, we could have a very heated discussion.

Crusin 300: I do not know all the facts.... do you?
Second chance?????????????????
This subject should not be on this forum. What's done is done (from all sides).

In closing i must agree with Greg
Let's all get on with bowling and leave the politics to Canberra.......

Good Luck in Bowling
Colin Hunt.
Well what can I say. Leave you guys for a few days and look what happens. All hell breaks loose and suddenly this State has more Sam Newmans than the footy world. So lets sort some of these facts out.
1) Jo, thank you kindly for your compliment.
Unfortunately I cant take credit for being Tony. His bowling record is streets ahead of
mine and I think no-one has the right to credit me with what Tony has done for this state in past years.
2) You've got to be kidding. Well I dont know
what cloud you live on but time for a reality
check here. The antics of last year have been
well documented and I think you have missed a major point. I have never witnessed a dispute within the mens team over individual
team members. Maybe that is a right reserved
for the "elite" women.
3) Yurac has probably summed up the situation
best. If contracts are required or rules or
whatever they are to be called, then lets
have some parity with the National system.
That way everyone knows the consequences and
if you still dont like it simply stay in bed.

One last comment to Yurac. Maybe using an Alias on here is not the way to do things. As
you yourself have stated using your own name can lead to being tagged. But there is another side to it. The bowling world has ALWAYS been about power. Those in the top positions are beyond reproach. The average bowler is often looked upon as a stirrer and
the "elite" bowlers know better than to jeopardise their careers.
The comments on F.I.Q. selection on this very
forum only enforce what I am reffering to. Those who still hold onto the dream of making
a national team have nothing but praise for
what has been done. Others (like George) have had enough and know they are kissing goodbye their chances via their comments.
Using an alias is a sad reflection on bowling
in general. Wouldnt this sport be in far better shape if EVERYONE could have their say
without fear of reprisals. Slander is not the
answer to the problem. But respecting the views of others (right or wrong) and listening to constructive critism from EVERYONE would be a great start.
Has anyone who has read the five pages on this topic stopped to ask themselves why a bowler the calibre of Tony felt compelled to
even raise this issue. Or is it simply easier
to tag him and attack him. And why has Tony
removed most of his posts. Is this another case where a bowler WHO has involved himself
at the highest levels in this State simply gives up because no-one wants to listen.
The open forum might be the turning point for
this state. I certainly hope all bowlers regardless of their stature get the chance to
be heard.
Who I am is not of any significance. I have
spoken out before and been ignored. Everyone
loves to attack AGRO and at least this way my
family is left in peace. Maybe oneday when bowling picks itself out of the gutter and returns to the lanes we will ALL be proud to
put our real identities on our posts.
Until then Agro is happy living in his own little dream world.

Keep em rolling

I know where you are coming from, but it just intrigues me that you seem to know a lot of what has happened in the past as well as the facts.........suppose we will just have to live with not knowing your true identity. (for now)
Colin Hunt
while we r "still" on the topic of rachuig...

colin said that total cost would b about $1000.00 2 go away, is it up 2 every1 2 do their own fundraising or is there a team night/thingo or something like that? just wondering?? cheers!
Leononski, there are usually several fund raisers that are organised and benefit both teams to help reduce costs. However last year
individuals also carried out their own fund raising events as well. Hope that helps.

Great to see Colin's comments on here. Like
Tony he is speaking from experience and I think constructive criticism is worth reading. Some people appear to want to hide
behind alias identities and whilst I agree with Colin I think Agro has some valid points.

Maybe the open forum will help clear the air
on a few of the burning issues. I too think
it is a pity the forum was not held earlier but better late than never. Will everyone who has an opinion on here voice their same
grievances at the forum. I hope so for the sake of bowling and its future here in OUR

Bowling like many sports has many individuals
who rightly or wrongly add colour and controversy. The thing which stands our sport
apart from many others is the fact that it is
both an individual and a team sport. That in
itself can create problems. Some bowlers are
so mentally prepared for bowling on an individual level that the mere change to a team format can cause problems.

A lot of those pressures are put on the individual by way of National team selection
criteria. I find it bewildering that Rachuig
trials and in fact the whole tournament is based on team performances whilst making the
National team relies on winning an individual
tournament. I know there is limited spots in both National teams available for selection but it would appear those spots are reserved
for performances also outside of Rachuig or worse still on individual performances during

So where does this leave our state and its "elite" bowlers. Perhaps we should be listening more to people like Colin, Brenton and Jo. They are the ones who despite the odds have made our National teams in recent
years. Are the contracts the real issue here
or is it simply a matter of everyone attacking one another out of sheer frustration.

I for one would like to see major changes to
how our Rachuig sides are selected. I doubt
the actual team line ups would change greatly
but to bowl on conditions similar to those
experienced whilst away would be a great start. Perhaps a similar format to that of the National system would also be of benefit. Especially to those bowlers still aspiring to reaching bowlings pinnacle.

Yes, Rachuig is and as Colin put it, always
will be a team event. But sadly, it is becoming a minority as most prestige events
(in adult ranks anyway) are now individual
tournaments. So perhaps instead of having a
go at individuals and their behaviour we should stop and realise the direction this sport has taken. Team comeraderie takes time and effort and this unfortunately is made more difficult by the fact we have limited time in which to gel 7 individuals in each team.

Whilst league bowling helps keep the team aspect alive in bowling there are very few
leagues around these days where bowlers are
forced to bowl under pressure. Instead these
leagues are used to unwind and perhaps enjoy
the lack of pressure. Sure you can win big dollars in league but how many of those are
these days Petersen or doubles leagues.

On a final note I would like to wish all those participating in the trials good luck.
I am sure with a bit of hard work and TEAM effort the past can be forgotten and we can
do this state proud.

Greg Holmes.
Greg , While I admire some of your comments...there is two I would like to comme nt on.....one being you quoted"I for one would like to see major changes to how our Rachuig sides are selected.."
greg There is no other way to select a rachuig team except 7 past the post....those that make it deserve to be there!!!
second quote and only a minor one is.."I doubt the actual team line ups would change greatly but to bowl on conditions similar to those experienced whilst away would be a great start...." not quite sure what your trying to say there...pherhaps having the trials on or at centres with similiar conditions...could work but I know we tried it in 85 holding all the trials at woodville ,only because the nationals were there...but it didn't seem to work and we finished 5th....so they didn't do that again......
Good to see that Yurac, AGRO, Tony and Greg all like the idea of the Open Forum.

Seeing as you have all been willing to post on this forum, and that you have all said you like the idea of the Open Forum, I am assuming it's safe to say you will all be in attendance on the 24th ???

Hope that you guys will all show up and support the concept to get this state back on track and starting MOVING FORWARD.

See all you guys there!

Well jo there are very few words that describe you.......and it's good to see you admit that this state need's to get back on track.... but the open forum is a good idea...and whether I turn up or not shouldn't really matter...but for your sake I will apoligise if I am not there...but I will try even if I am not bowling rachuig . Unfortunatly timing will be the matter in my case plus the fact I feel I don't want to make it a pin cushion forum on me! We need current status adult bowlers there and including juniors to discuss where this state is headed and who decides these stupid rules and why. I have made my remarks quite clear how I feel and I believe the bowlers who are still going to continue in this sport should be there! Like I said before I don't have the answers...but there are alot of smart people out there that can come up with some good idea's....colin for instance.!
My work load is very heavy as some of you know I work seven days a week at the moment to survive......chicken out....I don't give a toss what you may think...but I will be at the anzac day doubles and quite happy to discuss anything with you people!!!!!
bye now
Tony and all other Readers, the Open Forum as I understand it is not to specifically discuss issues, concerns or gripes about RACHUIG but rather have a say on ANY issue, topic or gripe in an OPEN way and not be Badged with a "trouble Makers name".

I think there are some areas that need discussing and therefore will go along and support the idea as well as everyone else who is willing to take time to go and present their ideas and suggestions.

But please remember, although I am sure Rachuig may be a Hot agenda item, it's not the only item or purpose for the night.

Just want to say that it's great to see bowling has changed in the last two years that I haven't picked up a ball. Not! Two of the main reasons why I quit bowling were the politics and back stabbing + bitchiness that exists in this sport. Well low and behold, it still exists. What can I say?! Don't think I will be picking up a bowling ball again.

By the way, hi to everyone

C ya later.
That's funny I just re -read my last post and it doesn't say that rachuig was the main issue....and of course jo said "Tony and all other Readers, the Open Forum as I understand it is not to specifically discuss issues, concerns or gripes about RACHUIG but rather have a say on ANY issue, topic or gripe in an OPEN way and not be Badged with a "trouble Makers name" I'm sure that's the case jo but I wondered if it wasn't for this post getting the way it is whether they would have bothered to hold a forum otherwise!!!!..We as there are many areas that need dicussing...that's why juniors should be there too...as it will be there future!!
It's just unfortuneate that it has taken so long and ever since I started this post to get some sort of action... but yes as you said I'm sure it is going to be on the agenda.
To the people going and I hope there will be many....prove me wrong....because I still hold reservation about how this forum is going to turn out.!!

P.S. No need to be smart mouthed about us or whether we are attending the forum...(it's really none of your business and wonder why you care so much), it won't get you anywhere except makes you out to be a ........! and try stop being someone when your not!
Well where do I start....it just wouldn't be me not to sit back and say nothing about this glorious sport of ours.....but here goes.
Well the forum was run and won...no that's not right....but it was attended by only a few of us that bothered to turn up and talk about the so called meaningful topics and yes I bought this topic up and I'm sure there might be a few changes to this so called contract (especially the name)......and I believe some good will be achieved out of this forum or others if they hold them...however I think the committee even though they do the job for nicks and to the best of there ability still have a long way to go to achieve any sort of professional status!
no more needs to be said about that.....now I would like to congratulate all of the bowlers who made both of the rachuig teams.
Sorry Bill to see you just miss out...but I'm sure you will be there again....
As for the women.......a very new team for most....Once again nothing surprises me in this area with the withdrawal or disqualification or whatever......to the thre e bowlers who didn't bowl the last 6 games today giving the chance to the rest of the players a berth in the team.
I'm not going to say much except it's pathetic the way it started...the way it was handled by the committee and the way it ended.
goodnight all
Congratulations to all the sa bowlers who made this years team, well bowled and heres to october when we do our state proud!!!!
Hi Guys/girls...just wondering if someone could fill me in on wat happened with the ladies rolloff's......im not sure if its on here already??......did people pull out, prostest or wat??...
b boy

There is much to be resolved here in this state, I do not think anyone really knows what happened other than those directly involved.

The real story may never hit this website but I am sure once the situation is resolved those involved may be willing to speak. I strongly doubt that those "in the know" will respond on this website about this topic.

I have spoken to a couple of the ladies involved and they are not willing to discuss what happened.

Suppose we will need to accept that this has hurt many people and that once it's resolved then maybe they will be willing to speak.


not such AFOOL
Statement from the
Tenpin Bowling Australia (South Australia Division) Board

On Monday the 6th May the Tenpin Bowling Australia (South Australia Division) Board met to consider a number of complaints and appeals lodged with the Tenpin Bowling Australia (South Australia Division) Secretary relating to incidents at the Rachuig trials at the Salisbury Bowling Centre on 28th April 2002.

The Board considers the decisions made by the Tournament Committee in response to the 2 complaints lodged at the tournament were appropriate and followed due process and that the decision in regard to 3 players namely Jo Babic, Allison Dutton-Briant and Martina Smith, and the resultant consequences will stand.

Four complaints were lodged with Tenpin Bowling Australia (South Australia Division) following the tournament. The Board decided that the decisions of the Tournament Committee were proper and the
resultant effect of the decisions on Jo Babic, Allison Dutton-Briant and Martina Smith has made
any further action unnecessary and the complaints were dismissed.

Two appeals were lodged and were dismissed on the grounds referred to in the previous two paragraphs.

The complaint against the Tournament Director, Jan Braunholz, was dismissed. The Board found no evidence of bias on the part of the Director who is a duly appointed official of TBA and who was considered to have been acting appropriately in the role of Tournament Director.

The Board also considered the matter of the breach of the good behaviour conditions imposed on Martina Smith at previous disciplinary proceedings. The Board found that Martina Smith has breached the good behaviour order, but in the light of allegations of provocation and the player's disqualifications from the tournament and the resulting non eligibilty for the draft for Rachuig a sufficient penalty had already had already been imposed and no further action was needed.

The Board has expressed its disappointment that such incidents of unsportsmanlike behaviour are becoming prevalent in the sport and calls for all players to reassess their actions and work together for the betterment of our sport.

issued May 9, 2002


Well what can I say.......you know me give me food and I'll eat it....A statement was issued to the public and pinned up at all centres...so I suppose it's ok to print.
Well a statement printed and exposed with the facts of what happened that day, I think not!!!. It's like printing the answer and you have to guess the question....wow! Jeopardy!
Why bother to put out a statement at all if you not going to tell the whole story.!! It's got nothing to do with us...maybe ...maybe not....it's our state team isn't it...I mean we are all tba members aren't we....don't we have the right to know. Oh well...it's seems still certain people were not happy with the outcome of the trials and to what happened on the day. A certain person that shouldn't have been allowed to bowl right from the beginning because of board blunders and others that just couldn't get on with the job and bowl.....that's one thing I will give it to the guys not matter what indifferences they may have they put up and shut up and put there personal differences aside.!
That what makes a team!
As for the way it was handled....well holding up bowling for over 20 minutes in a tournament is not on...should have delt with it at the end of the day's play.
I wonder if at the national level bowling would have ceased play for a committee meeting. Where's the professionalism!
The board appointed a tournament director as stated in the statement.....so why was there a meeting anyway....if the tournament director can't make a decision there and then ....perhaps find some-one who can!
As far as the profanities that may be heard out on the lanes which is very unsportsmanlike I know.......but I'm sure everyone has done it..and gotten away with it....lets not just pick on the few and make it quite clear right from the beginning that it wont be tolerated and PLEASE!!!! be consistant.

Catch Ya!!!
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