QLD Rachuig Roll dates officially announced!

Hey George - at this rate all the bowlers will be geting phone calls the evening b4 the roll offs at the MYSTERY centres - A little more notice might just be a nice thing - What do you think? Seeing as we all have Walter De veer entries already!!!!!
Entry forms out today, some points of interest

* 2 centres, Cannon Hill and Chermside

* 7 games a day per centre, 5 man teams

* 7 past the post only, NO SELECTION

* Bowlers must live within 50km of Queensland

* $20 nomination, $65 roll off fees

* $200 payable upon selection

* $200 payable by 10.5.02

* Remainder by 14.06.02, Min cost $1000 - Max cost $1400 (not subtracting any money raised or State sponsors)

Makes for an interesting 2 days, feel free to add your personal opinions on what you think of the new format


Its simple 50km is just far enough to allow bowlers from the Gold Coast to Roll Off but they live in NSW. This will stop other people from NSW from bowling no prizes for guessing who.

Just wondering when nominations close & who is going to Roll-Off this year.

Anyhow thats just my 2 bobs worth


I wish people would keep with dates and stick to them
, not pointed at you George.

The 50 km within Brisbane is a bit strange considering it is the QUEENSLAND team. To me that means it should let bowlers from ALL over Queensland try out. And they wonder why the dont get people from up north trying out, this might also explain why numbers are down on previous years.

Should be a very interesting roll off now that it will be held at Cannon Hill and Chermside. I personally think this will separate the bowlers.

Just my opinion.

Kel....Please re-read the post on the 50km rule.........................................bet you're feeling pretty stupid right about now. lol
Well we may as well change the name from queensland to: queensland, northen nsw, and the east of NT.

Not really queensland anymore is it.

It should be if you are Sanctioned in QLD and bowl in a QLD league then you should be eligble to bowl for the Queensland rachuig team, unless you are part of the draft system.

Just my view.

Just a point of clarification if you will. You posted the initial dates as 27th and 28th April....then corrected by saying the week after these dates...hold on let me check i read it properly...brb

YEH I did!!! okay. But if we go to the week after this...is this not KOOLFOAM weekend?

Maybe i misunderstood the post?

Let me know
Sorry guys, just got off the phone to TBAQ and the dates are wrong. The official dates are the week after

April 27 and 28th

I have corrected the top post accordingly

Sorry my misinterpretation(??), I do feel pretty blonde right now.

I think George means that in his original post he had the 21st and 22nd and now it is the weekend after. That is how I read it.

Further to that Kel, the Koolfoam is on the first weekend in May 3,4,5 followed the Arafura Singles in Darwin the week after. To my knowledge, it clashes with nothing
As usual NQ bowlers will have the honour of forking out $$$ just to get to Brissy, for the privelage of trying to make the State team.

Surely there is a fairer way of doing things for people outside of Brisbane, especially us poor souls in Cairns, Townsville, Ayr etc.

I wonder if anyone has stopped to think why almost nobody north of Rockhampton tries out for Rachuig anymore. Is it a lack of quality bowlers ??? DEFINATELY NOT, in fact if there were an NQ Rachuig side I dare say it would go pretty damn well.

The main reasons are distance and money.

Maybe I am taking too simplistic an approach to this, but why can't all bowlers north of Rocky roll off in a central location eg Mackay or Townsville. Thus cutting down on travel and expense. Anyone who has travelled north to bowl the Opens up here, knows that as far as lane conditions go southern bowlers would still have a HUGE advantage but at least a few more northern bowlers might have a crack at the team.

This may be a revelation to some of the people at TBAQ, but Queensland actually goes further north than Rockhampton.

Now I am nobody important, and realistic enough to know that I will be either;
a) Ignored
b) Thought of as an idiot
c) Laughed at
d) All of the above

by the decision makers of our State association, and frankly I don't care.

My main concern is that a lot of talented young bowlers in country Queensland, are walking away from representitive bowling. Not because they don't want to bowl Rachuig, but because of the cost involved in travelling to Brisbane to bowl in tournaments to get yourself known, as well as having to travel to Brisbane to Roll Off.

C'mon TBAQ listen to a pleb for once, make a fairer system for northern bowlers and I guarantee that Rachuig nominations will increase (especially north of Rocky).

Steve Hunt
Stephen your points are well taken, however the decision makers at TBAQ are the members of those Associations who attend the State AGM.
The Adult committee works within a given structure which is basically dictated by the membership.
I realise it costs a great deal of money to attend an AGM which may be held hundreds of ks away from your area, however only 2 years ago the AGM was held in Mackay and from memory I don't recall too many NQ bowlers turning up. (In fact there was no quorum that year so all the SQ representatives shelled out the return air fare for nothing.)
That aside, the board of TBAQ is always willing to listen to suggestions and to pass them on to the adult committee, however its a two way street. If you want change you may have to make sacrifices somewhere along the way.
Attending a meeting once a year is surely not too much to ask, especially when it can achieve something you strongly believe in.
Regards, Andrew Shinnie.
I apologise for the confusion with Rachuig roll off dates regrettably a first draft nomination form made its way to the TBAQ office – the final draft obviously has the correct date.

Please do not hang the TBAQ office for all decisions made – the format – the structure – these decisions are made by the people who care enough to come to the Adult Sub – Committee AGM. These volunteers are prepared to do the work associated with the operations of roll offs and work hard ALL year fund raising etc. All bowlers with a strong opinion are invited to put ideas and solutions forward at the Adult Sub Committee AGM. You can record your ideas now on this forum for the greater good of all. This Bowling Forum is ideal.

TBAQ support the bowlers in NQ –Jason Logan and I travel extensively in NQ and SQ – I know we have great bowlers in NQ. TBAQ take sport services to NQ at least 3 times a year. This year the team is the first seven past the post – make the team! I have seen some great talent from NQ – The Nuciforas, Barry Park, Geoff Ott, George Frilingos to name a few of the adults and the juniors….. WOW I am very impressed and proud of our NQ President Shield teams. All of these bowlers did what they set out to do and represented admirably at State Level! The logistics of having 32 roll off candidates travel north for a roll off to a base of 8 or 9 persons doesn’t make sense. All bowlers contesting a place in a team should bowl on the same conditions at the same time! – Possibly next year we could have a roll off up North and one down South – The top 20 North Men and Ladies and top 20 South Men and Ladies then go to the final week-end where the team is announced after a further 14 games over two days in a 5 man team format? I would like to see some sort of assistance for NQ bowlers to help them get down here as the distance from Townsville to Brisbane is the same as Brisbane to Melbourne (No other state has these problems in this proportion) – Does anyone have any ideas?

Can we please everyone?
Best Regards
Gail Torrens
What will the anti-discrimination board think, that someone has been penalised because they hold a Gold Coast Sanction Card and bowl in a sanctioned league on the coast and live past the 50km zone (of the QLD border). Can some people Please engage brain before puting mouth into gear.
ok I just got an email from Gail and the dates for Rachuig are :


This is direct from TBAQ so ....
Gail and Andrew,

Thanks for your replies, which contained some very valid points.

In relation to attending State AGM and other meetings to have input, I would be more than willing to attend. However most of the time bowlers (especially up north) are usually kept in the dark about times dates and places.

Now I know this is the fault of the local associations and not the TBAQ, but it just gets so frustrating trying to be heard by the decision makers of our game.

Speaking of which, if President Shield is allowed to have an NQ and SQ team, why can't the same thing happen for Rachuig ???

If this was the case I think we would see a lot of northern bowlers coming out of the woodwork to try out, especially the likes of the Nucifora's, Geoff Ott, John & Ros Dunn, Jeff Newman and others who have previously been members of the Rachuig side.

Would certainly generate a hell of a lot of interest within Qld as to which team finished higher.


Steve Hunt

Another valid point Steve. I think most of us would love to see 2 Queensland teams at Rachuig level. Unfortunately the National body doesn't see it that way. Last year they even made noises about combining the Junior teams and this was very strenuously opposed by both NSW and Qld State bodies. They appear to have since retreated from that policy, perhaps they didn't expect such strong resistance.
Gail has identified one very strong area - this forum. It seems any Rachuig topic gains a lot of attention, obviously bowlers have strong emotions about their State teams and we do need more input(we can't keep relying on George)its a pity more bowlers don't throw in constructive ideas. If enough people demand something it has to eventually happen.
On a different note Jimmy Gorlick asked us to send all of you in Townsville his regards. He says some of you are constantly in his thoughts.
I think thats what he said..
Andrew S.
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