Postcard from the Nationals


i was one of the unlucky guys. i havent felt that crook since i was born. i spent six hours in emergency on IV fluids. :cry:

i had qualified for the restricted cup, but spent the day trying (too nasty to say) i missed the big finish i had brought all the way from sydney. whilst staring at the casualty ceiling i kept saying to myself, next year, next year, next year...

the cause?? i would like to see the TBA survey the de veer participants to find if anything in common can be traced. i came down with the illness the morning after the night before ( the de veer dinner), yet others were falling from day 1, so it cant have been just one peice of bad fruit, the whole damn orchard was rotten.

i want answers, this john's not happy.
:-& :-& :-&
It's all doom and gloom. I woke up with this thing whatever it is on Thursday morning after the dinner. I am still suffering today (11 Days later) and I am not sure how I will get to work tomorrow.
I have been taking 2000mg antibotics a day and I am not sure when I might get over this. So much for bowling, you can forget that for a while. I really hope it has not affected to many to this extent but by the sounds of it most picked up something.
Anyway enough misery.
Hope everyone had a great time and hope to see you all back next year bigger and better. Hopefully my voice will be back to normal by then.
Also a big thanks to our team (SA) and supporters for such strong support during our time away. Never seen anything like that before. SO LOUD SO STRONG. FANTASTIC!

Pam T.
oops!!!!! This virus is what I woke up with on Thursday after the Dinner. Does that sound better. Thanks for that hehe

Thats how good my mind is at the moment. Did not even compute as to what that really sounded like.

:roll: :roll: :roll:
I too can empathise with Glen and Pam. Yeah, Thursday morning was no joke. Guy at Royal Melbourne said to me that I was the 6th member of my team to be admitted. Informed him I was the 1st from my team at that place, the others were treated elsewhere. My GP treated me for suspected legionnaires/chlamydial pneumonia. Pathology revealed haemophilus (whatever that is - not related to syphilus I hope!!!) which required a different antibiotic. Still sick as buggery like you Pam. I guess we are not alone on this though.

Anyone else with test results?

Cheers Glen, it was great to meet you. All the best.

Hey Feral ..

Nice to see you back ... hope they got that nasty bug.

I told you that Alcohol would kill it.

Hi Spanner. Ooops, I thought you said metho!! :oops: By crikey, I'll have to check with Steve!!

Thanks Tiger. 8) Having had a squizz at you references I don't know whether I'll survive, whether I have swine fever, or whether I was baited (by cockroaches with crocodile tears!! eh, eh). Don't look at them Pam or Glen - your recovery will nose dive like mine just did.


Well I am finally starting to feel some what human again since collapsing on the Tuesday of WDV. When we got back home after the tourny I went straight to my doctor who put me on antibiotics and told me I had sinusitis. I am convinced that this early intervention stopped me from getting pheumonia, which quite a few people seem to be suffering from. Although I went back to my doctor a week later and told him that I was convinced that I was dying !!

I was some what glad to read that I was not the only one suffering otherwise I think I would have killed myself. On the other hand I am just stunned at the extend of this virus. I certainly hope that anybody who is still suffering, is on the mend and you have my sympathy.

A special thanks to all who have been concerned regarding my health. I am now back at work and have attempted to bowl again. However, given the fact that the joints in my right arm were inflamed with this virus, I am still struggling with full movement. Oh well, I should get back on track just in time to see the end of our season........

Tiger, thanks for the link on haemophilus influenzae. I didn't understand most of it but I certainly could relate to the bits I did understand.

Liz Fabian-Czmok
Hi All,

You be please to know that I feel like I am back in the land of the living. :multi: :multi: :multi:

Breathing would be good but. Still having trouble there.
Feeling sooooo much better this week, still not back in the swing of things.

Back to work today for the first time since arriving home.
Not a bad day but home for a rest now. I will attempt to bowl tomorrow night (Tues). First time since De Veer. That will be fun I will make sure of that. \:D/

Hope you are all on the mend and cant wait to see you all again. Too long for me. Wish it was next week.

Pam. :D :D :D
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