National Youth Teams Challenge 07


Updated today on TBA

The reasoning for the change - Minimum age requirement removed to align with WTBA Youth definition

Rule 6 (i) Must not have reached twenty three (23) years of age on the first of January in the year of

In other words juniors can now bowl national youth teams challenge.
I dont find that fair at all its a Youth Team not a junior team and if they make the team then they get to bowl for 2 teams in one year. Its fair enough when your 18 cos its your transition year but not otherwise.
My opinion is I dont like it at all.
I dont find that fair at all its a Youth Team not a junior team and if they make the team then they get to bowl for 2 teams in one year. Its fair enough when your 18 cos its your transition year but not otherwise.
My opinion is I dont like it at all.
You could say the same thing about youth bowlers bowling adults
More and more juniors may decide to bowl only youth tournaments. I know many do now, but in youth you don’t need to bowl singles, doubles and teams to enter masters. Payout will be enhanced by this and I'm sure many juniors will give the youth bowlers a run for their money.
But I do have concerns - if a junior gets into the youth teams - being 18 and over does allow these young adults to drink etc, and, this will lead to the teams being controlled more strictly than in the past. I’m sure this will lead to debate on the merits and non merits of juniors bowling in youth team’s event.
i think its a good change because someone turning 18 can bowl for adults but they cant bowl in youth till the next yr also for the people who just dont like shield there isnt many of them but im sure they would much rather bowl youth than shield
i think its a good change because someone turning 18 can bowl for adults but they cant bowl in youth till the next yr also for the people who just dont like shield there isnt many of them but im sure they would much rather bowl youth than shield
I personally don't agree with this ruling at all. Youth was set up for the 18-23 year olds as a transition from Juniors to Rachuig.
Sure the state team may gain a better bowler with a junior in the team, but really, leave Shield for the under 18s and Youth for the over 18s.
This ruling makes me glad I age out of youth this year :mad: :mad:
well considering it was the only tournament/team challenge that restricted ages at both ends of its group ( only allowing 18 - 23 year olds ) i believe the change is good. if only it had come around earlier....
stormy said:
More and more juniors may decide to bowl only youth tournaments. I know many do now, but in youth you don’t need to bowl singles, doubles and teams to enter masters. Payout will be enhanced by this and I'm sure many juniors will give the youth bowlers a run for their money.
But I do have concerns - if a junior gets into the youth teams - being 18 and over does allow these young adults to drink etc, and, this will lead to the teams being controlled more strictly than in the past. I’m sure this will lead to debate on the merits and non merits of juniors bowling in youth team’s event.
i love it, someone after my own heart

its not about the bowling its about getting on the drink :D

awesome work
if only youth was based on how old u look and not how old u really are, id have a crack :p
so what your saying is you dont have to be 18 to bowl youth teams challenge anymore?

For example i could try out if i 16?
well if they do that lets make it so youth can bowl presidents shield as well stuff age categories all together in bowling!!!
Well I say if Junior bowlers are able to bowl in the Australian Youth Challenge, I say you open Shield up to the Youth bowlers. I mean as it has already been mentioned, Youth Challenge was created for those bowlers that had just aged out of shield and to give them a transition into the world of Walter De Veer, Rachuig and Adult tournaments.
Juniors could already bowl Youth Tournaments, and now they can bowl in the Youth Nationals? Why? Isn't Jnr Nats or Shield enough for them?

Maybe limit the spots for juniors trying out for Youth. Like maximum one junior per team or something similar. For a while I've been thinking it would be welcome if each shield team was allowed to select one or two youth bowler's in their side. Kinda like what the soccer does in the Olympics (3 players over the age of 23 are allowed).

Other than that, if they are going to take the restriction off youth, then its only fair to take the capping off shield too. :mad: :mad: :mad:
I have to agree with BJ on this one. The purposes of the challenge was to keep the people who have not long aged out of shield in the game and possibly on to future Rachuig representation. Also, Adult Nationals and Rachuig only a few years ago was open to all ages, now you have to be over 18. What's next, upping that age to 23???
Oh come on - do you really want to bowl with kids under the age of 18. they can't even drink. If you want to play by their rules, then you must obey them to the letter (NO DRINKING) You can bowl adults so it does make sense that juniors can bowl youth.
Do you really want to tell every one that you won masters at a junior nationals from a 14 year old.

Or are you more concerned that a junior may beat you at a youth nationals!
Youth can bowl adults because at the age of 18, you are classified as adult. But youth is classified 18 - 23. And junior is classified up to 18. I think it is a stupid idea to bring the juniors into youth because as most people before me have stated, youth is TRANSITION from juniors to adults.

Juniors are able to bowl in youth tournaments, but youth bowlers arent allowed to bowl in junior events such as Sydney Junior Cup and President Shield.

My opinion is, leave juniors to bowl shield and leave the youth bowlers to bowl youth challenge, but, if thats the new rule, then we all have to accept it.

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