If you want to chat add me, Im always up for a chat lol
Dont add me though if your gonna ask me about the address itself, Im getting bored of explaining it to people ok.
My name is Melanie Acworth and I come from Kingaroy, Queensland. I am 15 years old and have been bowling for almost 2 years now and is wanting to know what are all the different tournments that juniors can go in? It doesn't matter whether it is state, national or something that is non-important. I'm wanting to know because then I can look forward to the type of tournments and experiences I have ahead of me for in the future.
My email address is me_and_my_bitches@hotmail.com (sorry about the language). That is also my msn address that you can add me on. Also looking for people that I can talk to, share tips and that kind of stuff.