Now now......please dont get to excited about my odds..... i havent had the time to prepare as much as i would of liked, so before you get all wet.....(with tears of joy that is) remember this is for fun and most of the things i say are purly for entertainment purposes only.....
here we go.........
Welcome one and all to the 2004 Youth Bookies Agency, also known as Belmo's Bets or BB for short
The law states you must be 18 years and older....but i guess i can make a few exceptions
It is requested by law that you do not steal your mum's credit card to make a bet with my wonderful agency..... thats stealing.
And besides even if you did want a bet do you really think id pay up
The Youth Guy teams for the 2004
NSW Central 2-1
Lead off bowler:
Jarrod "will jez all over you" Lean
We all know what i really think about this guy as a bowler and as a person....and even though we may sound or look homosexually when together, i can assure we only did it twice, with no regrets
Now as for his bowling........ in the whole country adult and youth there is noone id rather have leading a team. With a steady mental game and a shot that is getting more powerful everytime i see him. NSW CENTRAL can count on our main man to hold the team together.
To put things in perspective....JEZ is upset to average 205 at bankstown, imagine what he would be happy with
Now in your head how many guys playing in this competition can say the same thing..... none!
The guts of the team!
Matt "wanna be player" Sofia and Glen "look and talk like my older brother Mark" Loader are both up and coming players....
Once Matt learns that there are boards to stand on further right of the left gutter and balls that dont turn as much and that sometimes less hand is better..... when he learns that he will be a force....thank god bankstown's shot is deep inside....matts fav area.
As for chip, this guy is only getting better and better and stronger and stronger on the lanes...after watching him play at the brunswick Adult cup and make the cut it shows he is a more mature player and in time will no doubt win many titles.
The Anchor:
To come off back to back major wins and recently take out the Orange PAR bowler Grand looking odds on to hit 3 in the tenth when needed....not that any other team will get that close to us anyway
All in all this team has 2 of the greatest youth bowlers the country has seen, 1 mature player to hold the middle and a explosive bowler than can shoot anything!
GOOD LUCK to everyone else and on behalf of NSW central thank you for making up the numbers! OUCH
South Queensland 5-1
A sorry looking bunch i must say.
Brando, the rankings winner for 2003 (even if he did play 4 more events than i did
) OWNS bankstown....winner for the 2002 NSW open held there and almost everything else bowled there since he was a jnr.
Has to pull he weight for this team to have a chance at staying in 2nd position
Middlemiss still lives on the WEST SIDE of the hood with his hommie robbie..... but is getting better with age at this great game of ours. His release seems to be stronger and he is using his fingers more and more....wonder what he has been doing with his hand to gain that extra strength
Rob Muller consistancy his his middle name rarely will bowl sub asset to the team......Living with matty has elevated his game to the next level.....anyone who can live with matt and survive must be strong willed and patient....
Mr Coupland.....winner of the 2003 jnr nationals....BUT this aint jnrs now buddy....ur playing with the big boys and we dont play nice.
SQ should come 2nd but rely heavily on pressure there for brando but the TEAM is counting on you to medal
ACT/Southern 10-1
A personal note to Mr Paul much??? YOUR ON sunshine
Rob and Jamie will have to lead the team...that means no LATE NIGHT GAMBLING ladies guys are sposed to be the role models of the team..... i dont want you to encourage Slats and Rosscoe into the evil ways of gambling...(hang on, arnt i gambling now LOL)
It will come down to who can spare in this team....each player knows that sparing is a main weakness and will a have to fix that if they want a chance to come 2nd
All have shots to score big numbers justa matter of the spares
If the boys bowl anything like Lindsay's haircut.... well lets just say THEY ARE F****ED.....
Mickey will be using a plasitc after 3 frames...... Bankstown hasnt been the greatest for the VIC boys.... and the only reason they will finish in the top 5 is because.....well when i think o f a reason ill let u know.... im guessing they will fall over the line for 4th or 5th.
In saying that Matty o has been bowling well and is 1 of 4 AUSTRALIAN YOUTH FIQ members travelling to Hong Kong coming up.....will be a great lead up comp for him.
All the guys do have great looking shots, but i think Bankstwon will be too dry from the boys from the south.....and to be honest i will be smileing at them all week..... nothing better than seeing VIC struggle...
Northern NSW 20-1
Nathan Jenner..... now theres a name i havent heard in a while...didnt know what he was doing with himself... good to see he is still bowling... this guy had the stuff a chapion was made out of.... but i havent seen him bowl in a while...wonder if he still got it???
Luke Rowland..... a bowler who needs to practice more to be a threat....has all the qualities but needs to work on the simplier parts of his game....
Brian and James both have simple games...very up and down the alne which will suit the Drying condition....what im worried about is the amount of 8-10 these boys will leave.... nothing can bring the confidence down like a 5-10 or a 8-10 out of the whole.
Northern Terriory 40-1
Co Captains Dane and Rob have been bowling for NT longer than any other bowlers in any other state have played for their state.... both joined the team in 1973
and both have made a huge impact into bowling up north....having to use the DRAFT system to fill their team, 1st and 2nd pick Andrew Blisset and The K man MOTT will boost the team in all areas...will be interesting t see how the team goes...
Have u ever seen a 3 legged horse win a race??? i havent and i dont think we will see NT win either.
South Australia 100-1
Tis the season when miracles can happen...but im telling you now it would wanna be one BIG F*** OFF miracle, one im not sure even GOD can perform.
I only know 1 of the bowlers well enough to comment....YOUSEF AKBAR....he is getting better but still a long way to go before he will be one to watch out for..... he is the captain of his crew.... and he is sailing into the biggest tidel waves around....all i can say is heads up boys....leave with your dignity because thats all you'll be taking home.
I might put a quick $5 on them just for Shits and Giggles
North Queensland 150-1
Like all things we have our dark horses...a team or indivual that can win agaisnt all odds...unfortunately i havent seen enough of them to count them out....odds on though says they wont win.... odds on says they will be near the bottom but i cant be 100% sure....they may come out of the blocks and run right over everyone......and pigs will fly right out of my arse
now i dont know who is in the tassie side and the WA side so i cant make any odds...sorry guys i looked everywhere for your team members but to no avale!
Also i really dont know all the girls who bowl in each team... i know about 5 or 6 in total...well enough to poke fun at anyway....girls are a little differnt than guys....most girls take it really personally.
well there u have it...the boys youth for 2004...hope u enjoyed it all
Now the top 5 masters BOYS and GIRLS
This is really tight.....its tough to pick... i mean Bankstown suits the NO HAND bowler...and all are girls are in that catergory....its really going to come down to who spares the best.....
But he are some odds anyway
1. Michelle Halprin....3-1
She is the oinly girl that bowls with speed and a little bit of had. She will carry well at an easy carrying centre (so the 5 pin should be BLOWN away at least 3/10 shots)
She has the talent, lets hope she gets to bed the night of the final day before 4am
2. Jayde Flanagan 4-1
In my eyes the best youth girl we have....and the only reason she isnt fav is because bankstown really doeasnt suit her game..... she will carve the opening 5 games but then will slowly drop in pace.... the good thing for her is i dont think many will beat her!
Plus im so used to hearing the anem Flanagan on the podium its just normal she is up there somewhere
3. Clair Johnson 8-1
Has a great "A" game....not sure what her "B" grade game is..... looks great at the line and seems to of really worked hard to get where she is now.
I think she has the legs to make the distance but im not to sure if she has enough pins up her sleeve to catch the front runners!
4. Sally Kerr 11-1
Has won here before and knows each board by name.....After George Friligos won the NSW OPEN here this year we all know the LEFT is wide open and im positive she will hit it well.
Will she win...... she has a great chance!
5. Leanne Prenzel 25-1
Is Due for a BIG effort..... is always let dwon by 1 or 2 bad games...hopefully after Brunswick she has corrected a few minor problems and i kow she will be ready to shoot some big scores..... Id put a lazy $10 on her....
There are a few other girls who can really come out of their shell...Kerry ann Klop and Kelly Gardner and toni woodcock to name a couple...Good lcuk to aall girls and goodluck to those i mentioned!
Guys Masters
1. Brando 2-1
Without a doubt the fav..... Loves Bankstown...seems to win everything there and everything when the conditions are drier .... dont know how he does it but he seems to still knock over 10 pins with that really slow and soft hit.... i guess he has what i like to call the trick release....noone in teh world but that person witha trick can do it and i think Brando is one of those specail and talented players....
Belmo 3-1
I know i know sounds like im up myself placing myself this high but i really think i can come 2nd
Ive been letting the ball go great and recently drilled a BIG HIT and the dry lanes love that ball i can tell u
Defending champion has to count for something (oh thats right it entry
I think when it comes down to the end i might have what it takes to beat the KING OF THE DRY, the Prince of the Povo oiled lanes (thats enough)
And if i dont. win....... well i can always knee cap him afterwards and steal his trophy
3. Jarrod lean 5-1
Dam Boy your good.... Jez hears that alot from people walking past him.... one of the true ledgens of the game of our time and i truly believe he will turn pro and make a name for him self on tour.
Plus after just coming in 2nd to me at the brunswick youth cup he is out for revenge and no doubt he will come out with drule around his mouth and devilsh red coloured eyes
Ps- love ya mate
4. Jamie Kyriiacou 10-1
Truly a comdiean at heart....never bowled with someone and laughed so hard in my life...always finds the positives in life and in bowling.
If he bowls as well as the Man MUNDINE (his HERO) he will be very hard to beat.... what i think he needs to do to win is one thing.....his mentalk game bites after 6 games of matchplay.... if the man can work on keeping his concentraion for a whole day (like he can sometimes) he has a brill chance to win.
ps- Mate no bubbly drinks ok.... u know the bubbles go to your head
5. Lindsay Kilpatrick 30-1
Basically i feel sorrty for him and his HAIR...the water in Melbourne have blinded his sense of sytle and confused him with stupidity.
I just hope he wins the $1300 to he has enough money for the hairdresser to fix it and look half normal.
Bowling wise...... i think my 14 years old cousin TANYA would beat him
Serioulsy i think this guy has a real future in teh game...has a great game with Sid Allen looking after him im sure he will be a great find in teh country
And thats all i have left
i hope noone took any offence of the silly bits....... i enjoyed writting that....and again IM SORRY FOR THE TASSIE BOYS AND WA BOYS TEAMS and the all the GILRS teams..... hopefully next time i will have moer time to prepare and talk to a few people about each keep that in mind next time like this is coming up....
Cheers guys
have a safe new year
see u all soon
here we go.........
Welcome one and all to the 2004 Youth Bookies Agency, also known as Belmo's Bets or BB for short
The law states you must be 18 years and older....but i guess i can make a few exceptions
It is requested by law that you do not steal your mum's credit card to make a bet with my wonderful agency..... thats stealing.
And besides even if you did want a bet do you really think id pay up
The Youth Guy teams for the 2004
NSW Central 2-1
Lead off bowler:
Jarrod "will jez all over you" Lean
We all know what i really think about this guy as a bowler and as a person....and even though we may sound or look homosexually when together, i can assure we only did it twice, with no regrets
Now as for his bowling........ in the whole country adult and youth there is noone id rather have leading a team. With a steady mental game and a shot that is getting more powerful everytime i see him. NSW CENTRAL can count on our main man to hold the team together.
To put things in perspective....JEZ is upset to average 205 at bankstown, imagine what he would be happy with
The guts of the team!
Matt "wanna be player" Sofia and Glen "look and talk like my older brother Mark" Loader are both up and coming players....
Once Matt learns that there are boards to stand on further right of the left gutter and balls that dont turn as much and that sometimes less hand is better..... when he learns that he will be a force....thank god bankstown's shot is deep inside....matts fav area.
As for chip, this guy is only getting better and better and stronger and stronger on the lanes...after watching him play at the brunswick Adult cup and make the cut it shows he is a more mature player and in time will no doubt win many titles.
The Anchor:
To come off back to back major wins and recently take out the Orange PAR bowler Grand looking odds on to hit 3 in the tenth when needed....not that any other team will get that close to us anyway
All in all this team has 2 of the greatest youth bowlers the country has seen, 1 mature player to hold the middle and a explosive bowler than can shoot anything!
GOOD LUCK to everyone else and on behalf of NSW central thank you for making up the numbers! OUCH
South Queensland 5-1
A sorry looking bunch i must say.
Brando, the rankings winner for 2003 (even if he did play 4 more events than i did
Has to pull he weight for this team to have a chance at staying in 2nd position
Middlemiss still lives on the WEST SIDE of the hood with his hommie robbie..... but is getting better with age at this great game of ours. His release seems to be stronger and he is using his fingers more and more....wonder what he has been doing with his hand to gain that extra strength
Rob Muller consistancy his his middle name rarely will bowl sub asset to the team......Living with matty has elevated his game to the next level.....anyone who can live with matt and survive must be strong willed and patient....
Mr Coupland.....winner of the 2003 jnr nationals....BUT this aint jnrs now buddy....ur playing with the big boys and we dont play nice.
SQ should come 2nd but rely heavily on pressure there for brando but the TEAM is counting on you to medal
ACT/Southern 10-1
A personal note to Mr Paul much??? YOUR ON sunshine
Rob and Jamie will have to lead the team...that means no LATE NIGHT GAMBLING ladies guys are sposed to be the role models of the team..... i dont want you to encourage Slats and Rosscoe into the evil ways of gambling...(hang on, arnt i gambling now LOL)
It will come down to who can spare in this team....each player knows that sparing is a main weakness and will a have to fix that if they want a chance to come 2nd
All have shots to score big numbers justa matter of the spares
If the boys bowl anything like Lindsay's haircut.... well lets just say THEY ARE F****ED.....
Mickey will be using a plasitc after 3 frames...... Bankstown hasnt been the greatest for the VIC boys.... and the only reason they will finish in the top 5 is because.....well when i think o f a reason ill let u know.... im guessing they will fall over the line for 4th or 5th.
In saying that Matty o has been bowling well and is 1 of 4 AUSTRALIAN YOUTH FIQ members travelling to Hong Kong coming up.....will be a great lead up comp for him.
All the guys do have great looking shots, but i think Bankstwon will be too dry from the boys from the south.....and to be honest i will be smileing at them all week..... nothing better than seeing VIC struggle...
Northern NSW 20-1
Nathan Jenner..... now theres a name i havent heard in a while...didnt know what he was doing with himself... good to see he is still bowling... this guy had the stuff a chapion was made out of.... but i havent seen him bowl in a while...wonder if he still got it???
Luke Rowland..... a bowler who needs to practice more to be a threat....has all the qualities but needs to work on the simplier parts of his game....
Brian and James both have simple games...very up and down the alne which will suit the Drying condition....what im worried about is the amount of 8-10 these boys will leave.... nothing can bring the confidence down like a 5-10 or a 8-10 out of the whole.
Northern Terriory 40-1
Co Captains Dane and Rob have been bowling for NT longer than any other bowlers in any other state have played for their state.... both joined the team in 1973
Have u ever seen a 3 legged horse win a race??? i havent and i dont think we will see NT win either.
South Australia 100-1
Tis the season when miracles can happen...but im telling you now it would wanna be one BIG F*** OFF miracle, one im not sure even GOD can perform.
I only know 1 of the bowlers well enough to comment....YOUSEF AKBAR....he is getting better but still a long way to go before he will be one to watch out for..... he is the captain of his crew.... and he is sailing into the biggest tidel waves around....all i can say is heads up boys....leave with your dignity because thats all you'll be taking home.
I might put a quick $5 on them just for Shits and Giggles
North Queensland 150-1
Like all things we have our dark horses...a team or indivual that can win agaisnt all odds...unfortunately i havent seen enough of them to count them out....odds on though says they wont win.... odds on says they will be near the bottom but i cant be 100% sure....they may come out of the blocks and run right over everyone......and pigs will fly right out of my arse
now i dont know who is in the tassie side and the WA side so i cant make any odds...sorry guys i looked everywhere for your team members but to no avale!
Also i really dont know all the girls who bowl in each team... i know about 5 or 6 in total...well enough to poke fun at anyway....girls are a little differnt than guys....most girls take it really personally.
well there u have it...the boys youth for 2004...hope u enjoyed it all
Now the top 5 masters BOYS and GIRLS
This is really tight.....its tough to pick... i mean Bankstown suits the NO HAND bowler...and all are girls are in that catergory....its really going to come down to who spares the best.....
But he are some odds anyway
1. Michelle Halprin....3-1
She is the oinly girl that bowls with speed and a little bit of had. She will carry well at an easy carrying centre (so the 5 pin should be BLOWN away at least 3/10 shots)
She has the talent, lets hope she gets to bed the night of the final day before 4am
2. Jayde Flanagan 4-1
In my eyes the best youth girl we have....and the only reason she isnt fav is because bankstown really doeasnt suit her game..... she will carve the opening 5 games but then will slowly drop in pace.... the good thing for her is i dont think many will beat her!
Plus im so used to hearing the anem Flanagan on the podium its just normal she is up there somewhere
3. Clair Johnson 8-1
Has a great "A" game....not sure what her "B" grade game is..... looks great at the line and seems to of really worked hard to get where she is now.
I think she has the legs to make the distance but im not to sure if she has enough pins up her sleeve to catch the front runners!
4. Sally Kerr 11-1
Has won here before and knows each board by name.....After George Friligos won the NSW OPEN here this year we all know the LEFT is wide open and im positive she will hit it well.
Will she win...... she has a great chance!
5. Leanne Prenzel 25-1
Is Due for a BIG effort..... is always let dwon by 1 or 2 bad games...hopefully after Brunswick she has corrected a few minor problems and i kow she will be ready to shoot some big scores..... Id put a lazy $10 on her....
There are a few other girls who can really come out of their shell...Kerry ann Klop and Kelly Gardner and toni woodcock to name a couple...Good lcuk to aall girls and goodluck to those i mentioned!
Guys Masters
1. Brando 2-1
Without a doubt the fav..... Loves Bankstown...seems to win everything there and everything when the conditions are drier .... dont know how he does it but he seems to still knock over 10 pins with that really slow and soft hit.... i guess he has what i like to call the trick release....noone in teh world but that person witha trick can do it and i think Brando is one of those specail and talented players....
Belmo 3-1
I know i know sounds like im up myself placing myself this high but i really think i can come 2nd
Ive been letting the ball go great and recently drilled a BIG HIT and the dry lanes love that ball i can tell u
Defending champion has to count for something (oh thats right it entry
I think when it comes down to the end i might have what it takes to beat the KING OF THE DRY, the Prince of the Povo oiled lanes (thats enough)
And if i dont. win....... well i can always knee cap him afterwards and steal his trophy
3. Jarrod lean 5-1
Dam Boy your good.... Jez hears that alot from people walking past him.... one of the true ledgens of the game of our time and i truly believe he will turn pro and make a name for him self on tour.
Plus after just coming in 2nd to me at the brunswick youth cup he is out for revenge and no doubt he will come out with drule around his mouth and devilsh red coloured eyes
Ps- love ya mate
4. Jamie Kyriiacou 10-1
Truly a comdiean at heart....never bowled with someone and laughed so hard in my life...always finds the positives in life and in bowling.
If he bowls as well as the Man MUNDINE (his HERO) he will be very hard to beat.... what i think he needs to do to win is one thing.....his mentalk game bites after 6 games of matchplay.... if the man can work on keeping his concentraion for a whole day (like he can sometimes) he has a brill chance to win.
ps- Mate no bubbly drinks ok.... u know the bubbles go to your head
5. Lindsay Kilpatrick 30-1
Basically i feel sorrty for him and his HAIR...the water in Melbourne have blinded his sense of sytle and confused him with stupidity.
I just hope he wins the $1300 to he has enough money for the hairdresser to fix it and look half normal.
Bowling wise...... i think my 14 years old cousin TANYA would beat him
Serioulsy i think this guy has a real future in teh game...has a great game with Sid Allen looking after him im sure he will be a great find in teh country
And thats all i have left
i hope noone took any offence of the silly bits....... i enjoyed writting that....and again IM SORRY FOR THE TASSIE BOYS AND WA BOYS TEAMS and the all the GILRS teams..... hopefully next time i will have moer time to prepare and talk to a few people about each keep that in mind next time like this is coming up....
Cheers guys
have a safe new year
see u all soon