Do u all now realise it was free in the other countries to phone or text
Oh my. Sorry all, But i believe Channel 10 deserves a big congrats for scamming so much money out of us!
Anyways, Da Star is right, its all HYPE! can any one remember... whats it called... man, i do know it... yeah thats it... PopStars! Another show I'm glad i didnt watch, and may i say the talent that came out of that sure did well... for 1 month anyway. Lets recall... there was Bar... bar... the one with Sophie Monk, you know the blonde hottie... Bardoe! thats it. and... and... Scandalus? They did well! Funny how the bands out there that really succeed, and have succeeded, had to fight there way to the top. I always thought that Silver Side Up was Nickelbacks first album... it wasnt. They released one, people liked it, there producers allowed them to make a video clip for How You Remind Me... household name. But they deserve to be there. Anyone voted to the top has generally faded away.
Anyways best of like to Guy 'Seabass' Seabastian at World Idol, i hope its free for the aussies to vote this time!
Later Da Cowman!
P.S. I read somewhere that only 11% of Aussies' population actually voted in Australian Idol, and 72% of them were female First of all 11% doesn't make the winner Australia's Idol, and the name of the show should be renamed 'Some of Australia's Idol'.
P.P.S. Please Take this post in good humour, no intentions of offending anyone, I am simply putting my view forward with, hopefully you found some, humour.