Millsy on Channel V chat....

Hahaha this is funny... Who ever wins will be forgotten about in a few months, they will become a hasbeen just like Bardot, Scandal'Us and Scott Cain... Brr i hate scott cain.

Oh i'm thankful millsy got kicked, didnt like him newayz, and i'm not jealous of him either, i have my own way of gettin on tv... thank god for the tv show COPS!!!!

JEALOUS JEALOUS JEALOUS !!!!! I can tell :shock:

How can you not like him? he's everything but a little old lol!!!

Ohhh Did I mention?? I TALKED TO MILLSY!?!?!?!?!?!

Love Kara ;)
Macca your a d***head! HAHAHAHAHA I get it cos its true!!
Just playing y'all! Personally, i agree with Adrian, They'll be forgotten in two months. But i heard that Shannon is the only true aussie left! So people who are voting vote for the aussie so we can have an australian australian idol!!

Later Da Cowman!
I would love to see ASIAN IDOL, or NEW ZEALAND IDOL, that would be classic!!!

Big news is the favourite PAULINI has been eliminated... So that means the new favourite is Cosima.... I gotta stop watching it, i'm becoming an Australian Idol geek...
Wayne, is case you hadn't noticed my last post in this subject was a complete and utter joke. I tell you Wayne, I am not a racist, never have been, never will be. Australian Idol to me is a gimmick from Channel Ten to have millions of people ring up, vote for some person singing and dancing on stage to get money. They wouldn't have done the show unless something was in it for them.
It's like barracking for your home team, Wallabies vs All Blacks, Socceroos vs Uruguay, Boomers vs USA Dream Team. Who do we always go for? The Aussies. I havent actually heard any of these people sing. The other two contestants left on the show might well be better then Shannon, and if they are then they will win just like the All Blacks will probably win against the Wallabies.
Like I said, my post was a joke, sorry if you took it the wrong way, but hey can't please you all. HOWEVER, next time you wish to make a comment regarding me, and in anyway, demoting me. Contact ME, I have an email address, you can P.M. me through this website, but do not post outrageous comments like that on this website. I am not a racist Wayne. I would like you to apologize for even implying that I was. While on that note- To ANYONE who found ANYTHING in my last post racist, and was unable to see the obviousness that the whole post was a joke, I apologize to you all.

Later Da Cowman!
Hey all

Here is a thought...

With paulini gone, does that make guy the winner??? considering that so many people are supporting him. My theory to monday nite is the same as Andrew G and James... People thought that those two were safe and so didnt vote. Paulini is by far the best singer there and now she is gone. (although i am a Cosima fan).

If anyone watched Rove last nite, Millsy said that there is an International Idol between the States, UK, Australia, Germany and any other idol countries. If they take the 1st idol from the other countries, hands down winner already is Kelly Clarkson!!!

Anyways, only 2 weeks to go now, should be great

C yas later

well of course i watched rove (hello millsy fan! lol) and i reckon it'd be pretty good to see some of the other countries winners.... and guy better be there!!

top 2 shoulda been guy and paulini.. but ey shit happens...
btw.. i hate cosima.. she's annoying! but her dad is funny........

go guy

jess xoxox
Noo I want Shannon to win!!! I really wanted Millsy to win but I hate all those people that didn't vote for him .. and remember Karma will get you!!!!! :twisted:

i know you dont hate me kara!
but i have never voted lol!
well good on ya for "speaking" to him on the net.. i saw him in real life.. and will again 2moro!!! mwahahhahahah!!!

jess xoxox
i'm not talkin bout the singin silly!!! lol
u want all the attention he's got! hahahah
all those chicks goin afta ya..... hahah!!!
yeh you just keep tellin urself that! LOL!! i'm just joking!!
but ey.. who wouldnt be jealous of that!!

but um yeh.. i'm sure you get attention a huh
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