Mental Toughness Study involving Tenpin Bowling


New Member
Hi Everyone,

I am conducting a study as part of a Masters program at Victoria University.

This study aims to develop an understanding of what “mental toughness” is for tenpin bowlers and what are important aspects of mental toughness in tenpin bowling. Although it has longed been used by athletes and coaches, mental toughness is the latest new area of research in sport psychology. It is widely used in sport arenas, and yet mental toughness is one of the least understood terms in the field of sport psychology. Results of this study will lead to clearer understanding of the construct of mental toughness.

In this project, the Mental Toughness Inventory will be used to measure tenpin bowlers’ mental toughness levels. We will also measure bowlers’ performance from looking at their bowling results over 10 weeks. The inventory and weekly results are done and recorded online.

If you are interested in this study, and wishes to participate or have any questions about it, please send me an email at

Carlin Lee
Hi Jason,

So sorry mate. There is no rewards with regards to doing the study.

However this will add knowledge to the mental toughness area with regards to tenpin bowling and other sports, which will be a great contribution to the sports arena.


P.S. Check out the email I sent you.
Reply: to KnuckleHead

Hi KnuckleHead,

Thanks for the reply.

Could you send me an your email and I can give you an individualised Password to enter? This is just to reinforce the confidentiality and security for the survey.

Hi Everyone,

I can't emphasise enough how important sport science research is to the SPORT of tenpin bowling. The more research conducted on the sport, the more credibility tenpin bowling will have in the future.

I'm not directly involved in this study, but to my knowledge, your involvement in this study will only take about 30 total minutes (15 minutes to complete the questionnaire and about 15 minutes to input your 3 games per week for 10 weeks). Not very much time committment for more credibility for the sport.

This study is unique from a research perspective because no researchers have investigated mental toughness within tenpin bowling.

So please bowlers, get behind this initiative! I'm sure that Carlin will provide general results to bowlers after the study has been conducted and you may even learn about mental toughness characteristics that you may have (or need) along the way for a more competitive advantage.

Thanks to those who are currently participating in this research; however, I still need more participants. Current count is only 15. I need an approximate of 80 to 120 participants for this study.
It doesn't take long. Just about 15 min for the questionnaire, and providing your weekly league/practice results for 10 weeks, which is really fast too (it is just 3 numbers to input).

Thanks in advance for everyone else who wishes to help out!!

If you still need participants i would be more than happy too as even if i only get a little bit out of it, its better than nothing........
Hi Everyone,

There are have several changes to the study, thanks to this forum. One of which is a reduction from 10 weeks to 5 weeks, so it should be much easier now to manage for those who may be considering over this.

So if anyone is interested, please send me a PM or email me at

Hi Everyone,

I really do need more participants taking part in the study to have a better understanding of mental toughness in tenpin bowling. So anyone who has some time to spare and is bowling on a weekly basis, please contact me via PM or email me at

Many Thanks
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