The Vital Mental Part Of The Game.



Hello All,

We know that the mental part of the game is a vital thing.Consistency is directly dependent on the 'level' of our concentration.To attain this required state of concentration we usually srrk the help of some 'pre shot routines' plus 'meditation' things.Of course these things might SEEM to help us in in our efforts to maintain our concentration level.Yet we do face LAPSES...SLUMP etc.,

BTW,these problems are not peculiar to only Bowling...the players of billiards,golf,archery,rifle shooting etc.,too suffer from the same kind of 'conc.' or 'focus' problems.

To over come them I have done years of research on the subjet of AIMING and the mental processes involved in it.It has been found that on allowing our mind to complete a simple 'routine' the desired 'concentration level' is attained.Also the SAME routine(when aplied in a slightly different way) has been found to be the very SECRET of our desired "TOP SPIN" motion of the ball.And thus,this 'ROUTINE' has been found to be the actual KEY to our concentration.

I would like to let every one here know that I have(my discovery...a fruit of my years of research) a unique "AMING ROUTINE" that could give you a perfect top spin stroke.I say it would be a "PANACEA" for all your bowling pschycological problems.

By "aiming routine", I meant the very "mental set up" at the very moment of your release.A perfect release needs :1.'Holdng(mentally) the desired target line' and 2. Sending the ball with a perfect top spin.If a player is successful with these two things,his/her "mental set up' at the time of release is understood to be PERFECT.This STATE OF MIND is,as you know, something that is to be achieved through great amounts of serious practice.

But my 'discovery' enables a player to know what exactly this "Mental Pre Shot Routine" is (it's unique and different from usual routines) and helps the subject to attain the desired 'state of mind' (concentration level) without fail at each and every stroke he/she makes.In fact the subject comes to know the the REAL KNOWLEDGE of a perfect spin stroke-in other words the very meaning of 'concentration' in concrete terms and he/she DOESN'T NEED to depend on just "FEEL METHOD"(which ihas been,despite practice,a thing of chance happeninig) any more !!!

Finally,regarding the working of the system,It would be just like this..."COMPLETE THE AIMING ROUTINE MENTALLY AND BE SURE OF YOUR THROW" !!!!

If interested,you can contact me at :

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