Game 8 and a great finish to be seen, Chris had a slight stagger bowling a 161, but those behind hime could not bridge the gap. Giao shot a 223 with the only femal Alicia rolling a 219.Ros stewart fired a 214 but could only manage 3rd place just behind leo-205 and Chris.
1.Chris Mesagno - 1737 - High Game 290
2.Leo Torres - 1708 - High Game 279
3.Rod Stewart - 1665 - H/G 256
4.Andrew Tonkin - 1623 - H/G 227
5.Dillan DeMather - 1604 - H/G 278
6.Andrew Thorpe - 1599 - H/G 217
7.Michael Macnamara - 1576 - H/G 248
8.Paul Bast - 1562 - H/G - 221
9.David Cardona - 1559 - H/G 257
10.Roger Coridal - 1559 - H/G 215
11.Lance Dyer - 1548 - H/G 233
12.David Porto - 1545 - H/G 222
13.Ivan Aranda - 1541 - H/G 231
14.Giao Nguyen - 1489 - H/G 223
15.Adrian Lee - 1474 - H/G 224
16.Alicia Garioch - 1439 - H/G 219
17.Luke Adkins - 1351 - H/G 186
Congrats to both Chris and Leo on winning their spots into the 2006 MTC. I would also like to thank all the bowlers for supporting this roll off and appreciate the effort to make the trip to EFL. Special thanks must go to Luke Adkins who arrived at the centre without his bowling shoes

and still bowled event.He never really controlled those house shoes.
The next roll - off will be at Greensborough Lanes on the 28th May. Anyone interested should give Rob Zikman, Luke or Andrew Tonkin a call to book their spot.
See you all in 4 weeks time at the 2006 Melbourne Tenpin Cup, entries have now climbed to 118.