It has been reported that the ever churning tenpin bowling rumour mill implicates me in colluding with a bowler to set the Melbourne Tenpin Cup oil pattern to suit a particular bowler so that he/she has an advantage into the event.
Not only is this rumour totally untrue but it is quite distributing to me that someone can dream these rumours up from thin air to discredit innocent parties.
Apparently it is true that the Melbourne Tenpin Cup pattern is undergoing some changes and fine tuning in the lead up to the event, this was to be expected. However, apart from requesting the pattern from Kegel earlier this year, I have had no further involvement with this pattern. Additionally, my understanding is that above mentioned bowler has no sway with the design of this pattern.
On the 13th May 2006 I resigned from the TBA Board and have handed over this duty to one of my successors.